what a nice man of course he's jewish

by Mrs. Bert Homenick DDS 6 min read

“What a nice man! Of course he's Jewish!” You know, in case you didn't get that Zack Snyder's DCEU is a three-movie riff on “Superman II.”

Who is a Jew?

Sep 11, 2020 · " What a nice man!" " of course he's Jewish! " Superman II clip niagra falls New and existing members - please take the time to familiarise yourself with the Forum Rules and Guidelines, thanks! ... Amongst much wrong doing he saw the Poppy and Weed fields. Was told not to photograph them or talk about them. He left the Army when he got home ...

What are the different ideas about Jewish personhood?

A brief glossary of important and commonly used Yiddish words and phrases. Bissel (bisl)— A little bit, as in “I just want to eat a bissel right now.”. Bubbe (bubby) — Grandmother. Chutzpah —Nerve, extreme arrogance, brazen presumption, confidence, as in “It took real chutzpah for him to ask for a raise when he kept showing up late for every appointment.”

How do you become a Jew in the modern world?

"Who is a Jew?" (Hebrew: מיהו יהודי pronounced [ˈmi(h)u je(h)uˈdi]) is a basic question about Jewish identity and considerations of Jewish self-identification.The question pertains to ideas about Jewish personhood, which have cultural, ethnic, religious, political, genealogical, and personal dimensions. Orthodox Judaism and Conservative Judaism follow Jewish law (), …

What makes a man a good man?

Feb 25, 2022 · Over the course of a few years, Zelensky — who is the first-ever Jewish president of Ukraine, a country with a long and complicated Jewish history — has quickly become one of …

Basket Case

This version is not the offical one, but I doubt if Matt Johnson disagrees with it.

Smokestack Lightnin'

LOL basket. No offence but you need to do some serious reading for God's sakes. Maybe you are young. A book I would start off with regarding the Israeli / Palestine conflict is a book by John Mearlshelmer and Stephen Walt... 'The Israel Lobby And US Foreign Policy'.

Basket Case

LOL basket. No offence but you need to do some serious reading for God's sakes. Maybe you are young. A book I would start off with regarding the Israeli / Palestine conflict is a book by John Mearlshelmer and Stephen Walt... 'The Israel Lobby And US Foreign Policy'.

What is a bissel in Yiddish?

A brief glossary of important and commonly used Yiddish words and phrases. Bissel (bisl)— A little bit, as in “I just want to eat a bissel right now.”. Pronounced: KHOOTZ-pah, Origin: Yiddish, nerve, brazenness, presumption, extreme confidence.

What does "meshuggeneh" mean?

Meshuggeneh — Crazy, ridiculous, insane, as in, “He must be meshuggeneh to think he can wear that getup to a funeral.” (A related word is mishegoss, or craziness.) Mishpocheh (mishpokhe, mishpucha)— Family, or someone who is “like family”. Nosh — To eat or nibble, as in “I’d like something to nosh on before dinner.”.

What does "nosh" mean?

Nosh — To eat or nibble, as in “I’d like something to nosh on before dinner.”. Can also be used as a noun to mean any kind of food. Oy vey —An expression of woe, as in “Oy vey, we left the gefilte fish at the grocery store!”. Putz —A jerk, or a self-made fool, but this word literally means penis.

How to determine if a person is Jewish?

According to halakha, to determine a person's Jewish status (Hebrew: yuhasin) one needs to consider the status of both parents. If both parents are Jewish, their child will also be considered Jewish, and the child takes the status of the father (e.g., as a kohen ). If either parent is subject to a genealogical disability (e.g., is a mamzer) then the child is also subject to that disability. If one of the parents is not Jewish, the rule is that the child takes the status of the mother ( Kiddushin 68b, Shulchan Aruch, EH 4:19). The ruling is derived from various sources including Deuteronomy 7:1–5, Leviticus 24:10, Ezra 10:2–3. Accordingly, if the mother is Jewish, so is her child, and if she is not Jewish, neither is her child considered Jewish. In Orthodox Judaism the child of a non-Jewish mother can be considered Jewish only by a process of conversion to Judaism. The child is also freed from any disabilities and special status to which the father may have been subject (e.g., being a mamzer or kohen) under Jewish law.

Who can define who is not a Jew?

According to the traditional Rabbinic view, which is maintained by all branches of Orthodox Judaism and Conservative Judaism, and some branches of Reform Judaism, only halakha can define who is or is not a Jew when a question of Jewish identity, lineage, or parentage arises about any person seeking to define themselves or claim that they are Jewish.

What does it mean to be a Jew?

The definition of who is a Jew varies according to whether it is being considered by Jews on the basis of religious law and tradition or self-identification, or by non-Jews for other reasons, sometimes for prejudicial purposes . Because Jewish identity can include characteristics of an ethnicity, a religion, or peoplehood, the definition depends on either traditional or newer interpretations of Jewish law and custom.

What is the Bnei Menashe?

The Bnei Menashe is a group in India claiming to be descendants of the half-tribe of Menashe. Members who have studied Hebrew and who observe the Sabbath and other Jewish laws in 2005 received the support of the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel to arrange formal conversion to Judaism. Some have converted and immigrated to Israel under the Law of Return.

Can a Jewish person be a Jew?

All Jewish religious movements agree that a person may be a Jew either by birth or through conversion. According to halakha, a Jew by birth must be born to a Jewish mother. Halakha states that the acceptance of the principles and practices of Judaism does not make a person a Jew. However, those born Jewish do not lose that status because they cease to be observant Jews, even if they adopt the practices of another religion.

Is Judaism open to converts?

All mainstream forms of Judaism today are open to sincere converts, with most subgroups having a specific process for accepting converts. Not all conversions are recognised by all varieties of Judaism.

Where did the Kaifeng Jews come from?

The Kaifeng Jews, a Mandarin-speaking group from Henan Province, China, experienced first contact with Europeans in 1605 via the religious scholar Matteo Ricci. Modern researchers believe these Jews were descended from Persian merchants who settled in China during the early Song Dynasty. They prospered during the Ming Dynasty as Confucian civil servants, soldiers, and merchants, but they quickly assimilated and lost much of their Jewish heritage. By the beginning of the 19th century, the last rabbi with knowledge of Hebrew died, leaving no successor. The community had become extinct religiously by the late Qing Dynasty due to anti-foreign persecutions brought on by the Taiping Rebellion and Boxer Rebellion. There are a small number of Chinese people today who consider themselves to be descendants of these Jews.

Who was the Messiah in 1665?

In 1665­1666, large segments of world Jewry believed that Shabbetai Zvi, a Turkish Jew, was the Messiah, and confidently waited for Turkey’s sultan to deliver Palestine to him. Instead, the sultan threatened Shabbetai with execution and the “Messiah” saved his life by converting to Islam.

When the belief in the Messiah’s coming starts to shape political decisions, the messianic idea ceases to

It is precisely when the belief in the Messiah’s coming starts to shape political decisions that the messianic idea ceases to be inspiring and becomes dangerous. Source: Joseph Telushkin. Jewish Literacy. NY: William Morrow and Co., 1991. Reprinted by permission of the author.

Did Jesus help the Jews?

In addition, Jesus did not help bring about Jewish political sovereignty for the Jews or protection from their enemies. A century after Jesus, large numbers of Palestinian Jews followed the would-be Messiah, Simon Aroha, in a revolt against the Romans.

Is there a messiah in Reform Judaism?

In the modern world, Reform Judaism has long denied that there will be an individual messiah who will carry out the task of perfecting the world. Instead, the movement speaks of a future world in which human efforts, not a divinely sent messenger, will bring about a utopian age.

What did Jewish scriptwriters introduce into popular culture?

Jewish scriptwriters introduced many Yiddish words into popular culture, which often changed the original meanings drastically. You might be surprised to learn how much Yiddish you already speak, but also, how many familiar words actually mean something different in real Yiddish.

When was Yiddish spoken?

In the 1930s, Yiddish was spoken by more than 10 million people, but by 1945, 75% of them were gone. Today, Yiddish is the language of over 100 newspapers, magazines, radio broadcasts, and websites. A good homemaker, a woman who’s in charge of her home and will make sure you remember it. Or bisl – a little bit.

What does "goy" mean in Hebrew?

goy. A non-Jew, a Gentile. As in Hebrew, one Gentile is a goy, many Gentiles are goyim, the non-Jewish world in general is “the goyim.”. Goyish is the adjective form.

What does "bubbe" mean in Yiddish?

A good homemaker, a woman who’s in charge of her home and will make sure you remember it. bissel. Or bisl – a little bit. bubbe. Or bobe. It means Grandmother , and bobeshi is the more affectionate form. Bubele is a similarly affectionate word, though it isn’t in Yiddish dictionaries. bupkes.

Is "goyish" an adjective?

Goyish is the adjective form. Putting mayonnaise on a pastrami sandwich is goyish. Putting mayonnaise on a pastrami sandwich on white bread is even more goyish. kibbitz. In Yiddish, it’s spelled kibets, and it’s related to the Hebrew “kibbutz” or “collective.”.

Is there a universal transliteration of Yiddish?

There is no universally accepted transliteration or spelling; the standard YIVO version is based on the Eastern European Klal Yiddish dialect, while many Yiddish words found in English came from Southern Yiddish dialects. In the 1930s, Yiddish was spoken by more than 10 million people, but by 1945, 75% of them were gone.

Is Yiddish a rich language?

The Yiddish language is a wonderful source of rich expressions, especially terms of endearment (and of course, complaints and insults). This article is a follow up on Ten Yiddish Expressions You Should Know. Jewish scriptwriters introduced many Yiddish words into popular culture, which often changed the original meanings drastically. You might be surprised to learn how much Yiddish you already speak, but also, how many familiar words actually mean something different in real Yiddish.

What does a good man do?

Regardless of whether you want to go back to school after 20 years to get your Master’s degree, start a singing career or stay at home to raise a family, a good man will always support you and what you want out of your life. He will never discourage you or make you feel as though you can’t do what you set out to do.

How can a good man inspire you?

This goes one step beyond supporting you, which can be more passive. To inspire someone takes effort both in how one lives their own life and how they encourage others to live theirs. A good man’s drive and ambition will rub off on you as he pursues his own passions. 4.

What happens when a man commits his love and time to someone?

When a man commits his love and his time to someone, there are no stipulations or circumstances required. There will be good times and there will be not-so-good times. There will be challenges and unexpected situations that arise. But he will stay by your side and be your teammate through it all.

Can a good man be abusive?

If this happens to you, please have the courage and respect for yourself in order to talk to someone or walk away immediately. No good person would ever act like this, and it will not get better on its own.

Can a man be by your side on sunny days?

Any man can be by your side on the sunny days. The real test of character is whether or not he will hold the umbrella over you during the stormy days. Remember, if the person you are with puts in the effort to be this person for you, please let him know how much you appreciate him.

What is the character of Griffith in Face?

In "Face," Griffith's character evolves from dissolute jailbird to the heights of show business idolatry and politics until he's ultimately revealed for what he is. It's a very over-the-top performance by a motivated, if very green, actor.

Where did Kazan meet Griffith?

Andy says it took place at the restaurant Gallagher's in New York .
