waq to display students and course where he scored highest?

by Duane Ondricka IV 8 min read

How to write a query that displays students with highest marks?

Here is data Now I want to write a query that displays student with subjects and marks who secured highest marks in each subject. I would suggest using a CTE or derived table with two pieces; first, get a list of (1) class and (1) high marks and then select the students that match that criteria.

How to find all students whose marks are greater than average?

Query in SQL is like a statement that performs a task. Here, we need to write a query to find all the students whose marks are greater than the average marks of students. We will first create a database named “ geeks ” then we will create a table “ Students ” in that database. Attention reader!

How to get the name of a student with highest mark?

So, mark may be joined separately with subject while determining the student_ids with highest mark. We can then obtain the name of the student using those student_ids So, In Oracle 12c and above, you could do

What is the length of the student name and score?

The student name and id are all strings of no more than 10 characters. The score is an integer between 0 and 100. There was a problem connecting to the server. Please check your connection and try running the trinket again.

Which function is used to display the maximum marks of students?

The SQL MAX function is used to return the maximum value of an expression in a SELECT statement.

How do you find your highest grade?

How to calculate your final grade in a points-based systemDetermine the point values. The point values are the maximum points possible for each course task. ... Record your points earned and the points possible. ... Add your points and the points possible. ... Divide your total points by the total points possible.

How can I get name and marks of top three students using SQL?

SELECT statement is used to get name and marks of top three students.SQL query is. SELECT Name, Marks FROM Student s1 where 3 <= (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Students s2 WHERE s1.marks = s2.marks)SQL (Structured Query Language) ... Functions of SQL (Structured Query Language)

Which query will find all students with marks greater than 80?

Following T-SQL query, returns the student details who have got higher than 80 marks and sorts the result based on the last three character of names in ascending order, and if two or more student have same last three characters in name then sort the records by StudId in ascending order.

What is the highest grade in school?

2. The US letter grading systemA - is the highest grade you can receive on an assignment, and it's between 90% and 100%B - is still a pretty good grade! ... C - this is a grade that rests right in the middle. ... D - this is still a passing grade, and it's between 59% and 69%F - this is a failing grade.

What is the highest degree?

doctorate degreeA doctorate degree is the highest traditional academic degree. Earning a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) or a Doctor of Education (Ed.

How do you get the name of a the student who got Max marks in each subject?

Select subjectid,max(marks) from students group by subjectid;chandinikiran. Answered On : Mar 2nd, 2010.SELECT s1.studentid, s1.subjectid, s2.mks FROM student s1, (SELECT s.subjectid, max(s.marks) as mks from student s group by s.subjectid ) s2WHERE s1.subjectid =s2.subjectid and s1.marks= s2.mksORDER BY s1.studentid.

How do you SELECT the highest 3 values in SQL?

In sql server you could do select top 3 * from Test order by f1 desc . Other DBMS's have similar posibilities such as MySql's limit , Oracle's rownum etc.

How do I get the last record from the student table?

To get the last record, the following is the query. mysql> select *from getLastRecord ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1; The following is the output. The above output shows that we have fetched the last record, with Id 4 and Name Carol.

How do you display data in uppercase in SQL?

The UPPER() function converts a string to upper-case. Note: Also look at the LOWER() function.

How will you show the maximum marks and Min marks together from the student table?

5. How to Show the Max marks and min marks together from student table? Select min (marks) from Student; Tip : Use the concept of union to show the max and min marks together.

Which query gives count of records of student table?

SQL SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT column_name) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT column_name) counts the total number of distinct values of column in the table.

The Challenge

Given the database tables below, use your SQL skills to answer as many of the questions that follow.


There are multiple ways to write the SQL queries that answer this challenge’s questions, so they may not exactly match your own. Here are my answers to the questions. Check out the solutions Gist, if you prefer to view them there.