walk two moons messages in the course of a lifetime what is the matter

by Prof. Mabel Cremin Jr. 4 min read

Don't judge a man until you've walked two moons in his moccasins. Everyone has his own agenda. In the course of a lifetime, what does it matter? You can't keep the birds of sadness from flying over your head, but you can keep them from nesting in your hair. We never know the worth of water until the well is dry.

Full Answer

What is the message of Walk Two Moons?

Jun 02, 2020 · “Don't judge a man until you've walked two moons in his moccasins.” “Everyone has his own agenda.” “In the course of a lifetime, what does it matter?” “You can't keep the birds of sadness from flying over your head, but you can keep them from nesting in your hair.” Click to see full answer Besides, what is the lesson in Walk Two Moons?

When you've walked two moons in his moccasins?

Dec 02, 2021 · The narrator of Walk Two Moons. Sal is a high-spirited country girl deeply troubled by the loss of her mother. She gains strength from spending time in natural settings and from her Native American heritage, and many of her memories and experiences center on trees, rivers, wild berries, and mountains.

What message does Phoebe get on her porch in Walk Two Moons?

Walk Two Moons. As I walked home, I thought about the message. In the course of a lifetime, what does it matter? I said it over and over. I wondered about the mysterious messenger, and I thought about all the things in the course of a lifetime that would not matter. I did not think cheerleading tryouts would matter, but I was not so sure about ...

What does Sal say about sadness in Walk Two Moons?

Jan 27, 2015 · In the course of a lifetime, what does it matter? This refers to Mrs.Winterbottom. Mrs.WinterBottom even though she has done bad in the world like not telling your family about your son is one thing but as long as you feel bad for what you have done and truly feel bad then it doesn’t matter any more.

What do you think the message in the course of a lifetime What does it matter means?

In a course of a lifetime, what does it matter? Some things in life that you make a big deal out of won't necessarily be important later in life. You can't keep the birds of sadness from flying over your head, but you can keep them from nesting in your hair.

What is the message in Walk Two Moons?

The major themes of Walk Two Moons include the feelings of grief as a response to death and loss, the discovery of self-identity, and hope. Creech uses Sal's physical journey to Idaho with her grandparents and the story she tells about Phoebe Winterbottom to portray her thematic messages.

What does Sal think would matter in the whole long course of a lifetime?

I did not think cheerleading tryouts would matter, but I was not so sure about yelling at your mother. I was certain, however, that if your mother left, it would be something that mattered in the whole long course of your lifetime. This quote is also from Chapter 17.

What is the second message left on Phoebe's Porch Walk Two Moons?

The travelers reach Minnesota, and Sal continues Phoebe's story. Soon, another message appears on Phoebe's doorstep, reading, "Everyone has his own agenda." The girls, uncertain of the meaning of "agenda," try to decipher the message at Mary Lou's. Later, they go with Mary Lou's brothers and Ben to the store.

What are the 5 messages in Walk Two Moons in order?

“Don't judge a man until you've walked two moons in his moccasins.” “Everyone has his own agenda.” “In the course of a lifetime, what does it matter?” “You can't keep the birds of sadness from flying over your head, but you can keep them from nesting in your hair.”

What was the first message in Walk Two Moons?

In her reflection on the Winterbottom household, Sal also displays her understanding of the first mysterious message: "don't judge a man until you've walked two moons in his moccasins." This moment in another person's family helps her sympathize with her mother's emotions at that moment long past.

What was Sal jealous of in Walk Two Moons?

While Sal is jealous of Margaret Cadaver and wants to believe bad things about her, she knows Phoebe is just imagining things. And Sal has more to worry about at school, including the journal project for English class that everyone did but her.

Why did Phoebe think Sal was so brave?

Chapter 3: Why does Phoebe think Sal is brave? Sal picked up a spider. Sal is not afraid of the dark. Sal stood up to the school bully.

What is the most important lesson that Sal learns at the end of Walk Two Moons?

One of the biggest lessons she learns is to walk in someone else's shoes, er, moccasins. By the end of the novel, Sal has learned to walk in the moccasins of her greatest enemy – Mrs. Cadaver.

Why is Chapter 12 called the marriage bed?

It turns out, Gramps' father and brothers sneaked the bed in during the wedding party as a surprise present. This bed has been in Gramps' family for a long time, and it is now their "marriage bed."

What message appears on the doorstep after Phoebe's mother disappears?

Another message, explaining that "you can't keep the birds of happiness from flying overhead, but you can keep them from nesting in your hair," appears on Phoebe's doorstep.

What does Gramps call gram in Walk Two Moons?

ChickabiddyGram and Gramps Hiddle are Sal's grandparents. (Her father's mother and father.) They call Sal their 'Chickabiddy'. Both Gram and Gramps are kind and loving grandparents.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

We've now seen all of the messages we discussed a few weeks ago appear in the novel. Choose one to write about concerning the following question: To whom in the story does this message most apply?

Walk Two Moons - Messages

We've now seen all of the messages we discussed a few weeks ago appear in the novel. Choose one to write about concerning the following question: To whom in the story does this message most apply?


Five mysterious quotes are left on the front doorstep of the Winterbottoms' home. The quotes are proverbs, which are wise sayings that are popular and are frequently repeated by people. Sal uses these proverbs to try to better understand the people and events going on in her life. She's a deep thinker!

Quotes From Sal

We get a glimpse into Sal's mind while reading this story. She is very reflective and wants to understand the people and the world around her. Her quotes throughout the story express her many thoughts and feelings.

What does Sal lie to Phoebe?

Sal resumes her story. She lies to Phoebe, saying she'd live with her mother if Mrs. Cadaver killed her father. When Phoebe rudely rejects her tearful mother's loving attention, Sal regretfully recalls how she rudely rejected her own mother's repeated requests to go for a walk with her on the day before she left. She realizes that, just like the Winterbottom girls, she had "her own agenda" and "couldn't see [her] own mother's sadness."

Who is Sal's father?

Sal describes her father, John, the only living son of Gram and Gramps. Sugar felt "rotten in comparison" to her husband, who never got angry and always did kind, thoughtful things for others. Sugar said she needed to leave "to learn about what she was," and insisted her "name isn't Sugar. It's Chanhassen." Sugar departed without warning, leaving only a letter promising to "be back before the tulips bloomed." After her death, John wrote "Chanhassen" in the cement that repaired the brick fireplace he uncovered beneath the plaster wall in their Kentucky home.
