Download the Wake Tech App today to access your class schedule, grades, calendars, maps, pay your tuition, and so much more. Self-Service is your all-in-one registration tool! Visit From there you can search for classes, plan them for current and future terms, and then register for those classes right from your planner.
All Wake Technical Community College policies (academic; student services; administrative) apply to all students, regardless of campus and center locations or mode of instructional delivery, unless expressly defined by the college.
All rates are subject to change by action of the North Carolina Legislature (tuition) and the Wake Technical Community College Board of Trustees (fees). Note: Tuition may be increased.
You can request your Wake Tech transcript to be sent electronically through the National Student Clearinghouse.
Dropping a course Courses dropped after the last day to drop for the term and on or before the 60% date of the semester or term are considered withdrawals. Courses dropped during this period will result in a grade of "W." Student who drop a class are advised that doing so may affect their financial aid.
Go in person to the registrar's office to get a class withdrawal sheet. Some institutions also accept withdrawals through email. Look on your school's website for an email address for the registrar's office or the academic advisor's office. When in doubt, contact an academic advisor.
Important Definitions Course Drop: Removal of a course from your schedule prior to the end of the first week of class. Course Withdrawal: Any removal of a course from your schedule after the end of week one using the online form provided.
Students can see withdrawn courses in their Course List. False.
“A withdrawal will be on the transcripts but does not affect GPA.” Croskey also noted that there aren't any limits to how many classes one can drop because they don't go on the transcript. Withdrawals though are limited and can look bad if there are too many on a student's transcript.
Dropping a class is much better for your GPA than failing a class or getting a C or D in it is because a dropped class does not affect your grade point average. Dropping a class may also raise your GPA because it can allow you to spend more time on other classes and raise your grades in them.
There are two monetary issues to consider when thinking about withdrawing from a class, including the impact on: Your financial aid: Receiving financial aid often requires that you earn a certain number of credits each quarter or semester. If you withdraw from a class, you may face an extra charge or fee.
Withdrawal is the combination of physical and mental effects that a person experiences after they stop using or reduce their intake of a substance such as alcohol and prescription or recreational drugs.
If your school determines that your withdrawal from a class changes your student status, or impedes your Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), they may reduce your financial aid for the current session or disqualify you from aid in the future.
You are allowed to miss 10% of total class time for emergencies. As soon as you know that you will miss a class, contact your instructor to get assignments. Consult Blackboard and the course syllabus for specific rules. If you are going to miss a scheduled exam, you must take the exam before the scheduled date.
three timesWAKE TECH RETAKE POLICY A student may enroll in the same course up to three times during his or her academic career. Each attempt will be recorded on the student's official academic record.
2.0Wake Tech requires students in all degree, diploma or certificate programs to make satisfactory academic progress, defined as a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0, based on credit hours attempted, throughout their enrollment.
Students who withdraw or who are withdrawn after the 60% point with no legitimate, extenuating circumstances will be assigned a grade of WF. If a student stops attending class before the last test, final project, or final exam and has violated the attendance policy, that student will receive the grade of WF.
A class absence is defined as missing one-third or more of any regularly-scheduled class meeting. Students who know of upcoming absences should notify their instructors in advance; if advance notice is not possible, students should contact instructors immediately upon their return to class.
After three years, grade report records may be destroyed provided no litigation, claim, audit, or other official action involving the records has been initiated. If any official action has been initiated, the records should be destroyed in office after the official action is complete and attendant issues resolved.
Grade of W: Students who withdraw or who are withdrawn for any reason, including attendance policy violations, on or before the 60% point are assigned a grade of W.
All Wake Technical Community College policies (academic; student services; administrative) apply to all students, regardless of campus and center locations or mode of instructional delivery, unless expressly defined by the college. Absences. Wake Tech encourages regular class attendance; absences can hurt academic performance and are not a part ...
Wake Tech encourages regular class attendance; absences can hurt academic performance and are not a part of good scholarship. Students are expected to take personal responsibility for their attendance and use discretion when making schedule choices to meet the demands of work, family, and other responsibilities.
Absences for Religious Observances. Wake Tech recognizes its legal and ethical responsibilities to accommodate students who must miss classes to participate in religious observances. North Carolina law requires that students be permitted at least two excused absences per year for these purposes.
Any credit balances related to Title IV federal aid funds will be refunded no later than 14 days after the date the credit balance has posted on the student's account, per federal regulations. Credit Balance and Refunds Due to Non-Federal Student Aid ...
Student Refunds & Credit Balances. Definitions and General Information: A credit balance occurs when the total credits posted to a student's account (e.g., payments, loan disbursements, scholarships, etc.) exceed the total charges to the account for a specific term. A credit balance eligible for a refund is one where all ...
New students: there’s still time to apply for fall. A credit balance occurs when the total credits posted to a student's account (e.g., payments, loan disbursements, scholarships, etc.) exceed the total charges to the account for a specific term. A credit balance eligible for a refund is one where all the applicable charges ...
If a credit balance on a student's account is related to payments by a third party sponsor for whom Wake Tech has billed, the credit balance may be sent to the sponsoring organization, depending on the conditions of sponsorship. Refunds are disbursed via BankMobile for both Federal and Non-Federal student refunds.