use what you know about odysseus and how he has changed over the course of his journey

by Mortimer Cronin 8 min read

According to this excerpt, how has Odysseus changed over the course of his adventure? He has become more humble and patient in battle. under Poseidon's blows, gale winds and tons of sea. He values home and family more than personal glory.

How has Odysseus changed in the Odyssey?

Odysseus has overcome many obstacles in his long journey. He has changed for the better. The changing point for Odysseus was Calypso's Island. By the end of the story, he was more humble, patient and thought things through before rushing in head on.

What was Odysseus'changing point in the Odyssey?

The changing point for Odysseus was Calypso's Island. By the end of the story, he was more humble, patient and thought things through before rushing in head on.

Does Odysseus grow in wisdom and judgment throughout his journeys?

Certainly Odysseus does grow in wisdom and judgment throughout his ventures. His self-control while dealing with the suitors' insults is exemplary and contrasts, for example, with his earlier irresistible urge to announce his name to the Cyclops in Book 9. In other ways, however, he seems slow to learn.

How did Odysseus help the Greeks win the war?

During the war, Odysseus was known as a particularly cunning strategist who helped the Greek forces achieve victory. After the death of the Greek hero Achilles, Odysseus came up with a plan to allow the Greeks to sack the city of Troy. At Odysseus' instruction, the Greeks built a large, hollow wooden horse.

What is the major element that Odysseus learns in the course of his adventures that helps him when?

Expert Answers info I would say that the major element Odysseus learns in the course of his adventures that helps him when he returns to Ithaca is patience. Odysseus gets himself into trouble in Odyssey 9, when he reveals his true identity to the Cyclops after blinding him.

How does Odysseus grow?

Secondly, how does Odysseus grow? Certainly Odysseus does grow in wisdom and judgment throughout his ventures. His self-control while dealing with the suitors' insults is exemplary and contrasts, for example, with his earlier irresistible urge to announce his name to the Cyclops in Book 9. In other ways, however, he seems slow to learn.

How does Odysseus change in the Odyssey?

Hereof, how does Odysseus character change in the Odyssey? Through the story he does evolve and develop as a character; by the end of the story, he is more patient and is able to put his pride to the side, and becomes more cunning and even reduces his stature of King of Ithaca, and disguises himself as a beggar, and allowing abuse from the suitors. ...

What is the change in Odysseus?

He has changed for the better. The changing point for Odysseus was Calypso's Island. By the end of the story, he was more humble, patient and thought things through before rushing in head on. Hereof, how does Odysseus character change in the Odyssey? Through the story he does evolve and develop as a character; by the end of the story, ...

How does Odysseus learn to control himself?

Later, he learns to control himself by waiting for the perfect moment to seek revenge on the suitors. Sometimes it is harder and takes more strength to wait than to act.

What does the cyclops pretend to be?

first he's proud and quick to act, like when he tells the cyclops his name (resulting in his being cursed by Poseidon) then at the end he pretends to be an old man and he becomes patient and waits for the right opportunity to act.

What did Odysseus do during the Trojan War?

The Iliad is an epic poem about the mythical Trojan War, but what did Odysseus do during the Trojan War? Odysseus joined the Greek war effort to bring Helen of Sparta back to her husband Menelaus because, prior to Menelaus and Helen's marriage, Odysseus was one of Helen's many suitors. During the war, Odysseus was known as a particularly cunning strategist who helped the Greek forces achieve victory.

What is Odysseus known for?

Odysseus is known for being a warrior in the Trojan War and for suggesting the Trojan Horse plan. He is also known for spending ten years trying to return home to Ithaca after the end of the war.

Why did Poseidon destroy Odysseus' raft?

Odysseus sails away from Calypso's island on his raft, but Poseidon destroys the raft to get revenge on Odysseus for blinding Polyphemus. He washes up on yet another island, where he is tended to by a young woman named Nausicaa. He recounts his adventures and finally makes his way back to Ithaca. Later, Nausicaa and Odysseus' son Telemachus get married.

How long has Odysseus been without his king?

Ithaca, Odysseus' kingdom, has been without its king for twenty years. When King Odysseus finally returns, he does not immediately make his presence known. In disguise, he visits his wife, Penelope. She has remained faithful to him for twenty years, though she has 108 suitors hoping to marry her. To avoid marrying anyone, Penelope creates an archery contest that she knows that only Odysseus could win: she challenges her suitors to shoot an arrow through the holes in twelve axes. Odysseus, still in disguise, wins the contest. He then kills all of her suitors and he, Penelope, and Telemachus are finally properly reunited.

Why did the gods punish Odysseus?

The gods punish Odysseus at different times for different reasons. Some are angry with him and his men for desecrating the Trojan temples. Poseidon in particular is angry because he blinded Polyphemus, and Helios is angry because Odysseus' men ate his cattle.

Why does Odysseus have favorable winds?

Aeolus, the keeper of the winds and the king of Aeolia, gives Odysseus favorable winds to help guide him home to Ithaca. He also gives him a bag that contains unfavorable winds with instructions to keep it closed. When Odysseus and his men are within sight of Ithaca, the bag is accidentally opened and all of the ships are swept far away from their destination. From that point on, their luck goes from bad to worse.

What does Odysseus do after leaving the Underworld?

After leaving the Underworld, Odysseus leads his men on further adventures. His ship sails past the Sirens, female spirits whose songs enchant those who come near them so that they will drown. Odysseus, tied to the mast of the ship, hears their song, but his men block their ears with wax. They make it out of the realm of the Sirens unharmed and continue their journey. Next, Odysseus and his men have to navigate the dual threats of Scylla, a sea monster, and Charybdis, a whirlpool. This, too, they manage with only six casualties.