ucsd how to know if community college course go towards major

by Dr. Natalia Beer MD 9 min read

A minimum grade point average of 2.0 is required in the major. Students must receive a grade of C– or better in any course counted toward fulfillment of the major requirements. All courses taken to satisfy the program’s lower- and upper-division requirements must be taken for a letter grade.

Full Answer

How do I find courses to take at UCSD?

Feb 28, 2022 · Make sure you are eligible. The Cross Enrollment Program is open to undergraduates only. To be eligible, you must: Have completed at least one term at your home campus as an admitted student. Be enrolled for at least 6 units at your home campus for the current term. Have a grade point average of 2.0 (grade of C) or higher for work completed.

How do I make sure my courses transfer to UC San Diego?

Look for: At least 3rd semester in a sequence or at least 4th quarter in a sequence with "Intermediate" in course title. Example: "Intermediate Spanish, "SPAN 3" (after 1 and 2 on semester). Fine Arts. Any 3-semester or 4-quarter unit fine art course. Look for: Courses in Theatre (Drama), Art, Music, Film.

What grades do I need to transfer to UCSD?

Jan 06, 2022 · See the General Catalog for that specific major for more information. Anthropology. Anthropology (Archaeology) (B.A.) Anthropology (Biological Anthropology) (B.A.) Anthropology (Sociocultural Anthropology) (B.A.) Anthropology with a Concentration in Climate Change and Human Solutions (B.A.) Biological Anthropology (B.S.)

What do I need to know about UCSD approval?

Jul 07, 2021 · Your department advisor can tell you if a P/NP will meet your major requirements. Select the P/NP grade option on WebReg when you enroll in the class. Note: If you're already enrolled for a letter grade and want to change to P/NP, you must do so on WebReg within the first four weeks of the quarter.

Do UC schools accept community college credits?

UC has transferable course agreements (TCA) with all California community colleges. These agreements specify the courses that will receive baccalaureate degree credit from us.

Is it easier to get into a UC from community college?

Community college students who complete existing sequences of courses — known as pathways — that make it easier to transfer into particular majors at UC's nine undergraduate campuses will be guaranteed a spot somewhere in UC if their grades are high enough, under the plan announced Wednesday.Apr 11, 2018

Do transfer courses count towards GPA UCSD?

All units earned for UC-transferable courses will be counted towards graduation. Students may transfer a maximum of 105 lower-division quarter units to UC San Diego from other institutions. 1 semester credits = 1.5 quarter units. Courses from other UC campuses will be factored into your UCSD GPA.

Does UCSD admit by major?

Undergraduate Admissions

The campus does not admit students on the basis of academic major or choice of UC San Diego undergraduate college.

Is it hard to transfer from a community college to a university?

Easy to transfer

For students who plan to earn a bachelor's degree the transition from community college to a university for the final two years can be quite easy. Students will attend a community college to complete lower division general education requirements and then transfer to a university.

How do you get into UC after community college?

Meet Admission Requirements

The following are the minimum requirements for junior-level transfers: 60 semester (90 quarter) units completed, all of which are transferable college credits with a GPA of at least 2.4 (2.8 for non-residents). No more than 14 semester (21 quarter) units taken as Pass/Not Pass.
Dec 6, 2021

Does UCSD consider alternate major?

If you are applying to a capped major, we strongly suggest that you submit an alternate major on your application and that your alternate major not be capped. If you are not admitted into a capped major, you may be admitted to your alternate major.

How hard is it to get into UCSD as a transfer?

UCSD accepts 54.32% transfer applicants, which is competitive. To have a shot at transferring into UCSD, you should have a current GPA of at least 4.08 - ideally you're GPA will be around 4.24. In addition, you will need to submit standardized test scores.

How do I know if my courses transfer to UC?

To learn if your college courses are transferable to UC, visit ASSIST and select your community college. The lists are updated throughout the year, so check ASSIST periodically to ensure you have the most current information.

What majors is UC San Diego known for?

The most popular majors at University of California--San Diego include: Biology/Biological Sciences, General; Computer Science; International/Globalization Studies; Econometrics and Quantitative Economics; Biochemistry; Mathematics and Computer Science; Communication, General; Neurobiology and Anatomy; Electrical and ...

Can I switch majors at UCSD?

Students who have completed 150 or more units must submit a quarter-by-quarter plan within the major change tool, and obtain both department and college permission to change their major.

What is the easiest major to get into UCSD?

10 Easiest Majors to Transfer into UC San Diego
1.Interdisciplinary: Computers & the Arts75%
2.Linguistics: Cognition and Language70%
4.Management Science54%
6 more rows
Jan 19, 2017

Obtain approval and verification from your home campus

Complete the student portion of the Application for Cross Enrollment (PDF). Be sure to review of the Policies and Procedures for Cross Enrollment (page two of the Application for Cross Enrollment [PDF]).

Get UCSD approval for the course

Take your completed application to the UCSD class when it first meets.

Pay all applicable fees

After the Registrar's Office approves your enrollment, view and pay your bill online.

Check into financial aid

Financial aid is available only through your home campus. Check with your financial aid office.

Incoming 1st year students (freshmen)

I’m starting with Math 3C or Math 4C, how does that impact my SE academic plan?

Incoming transfer students

I took a class that I think is similar to a UCSD SE major requirement, what should I do?

Talk with Others

Talk about your academic interests with department faculty, college and department advisors, as well as friends and family. This will help you define your interests and goals.

Take Some Classes

Take some classes from these departments. The more courses you sample, the more informed your decision.

Pick Your Major

Now that you have taken some classes in these areas, narrow your choice to one major.

Enrolling in Classes Outside UC San Diego

Revelle students may enroll in classes outside UCSD to fulfill general education requirements. For questions regarding courses used to fulfill major requirements, please consult your major advisor.

Units, Grades, and GPA Credit

All units earned for UC-transferable courses will be counted towards graduation. Students may transfer a maximum of 105 lower-division quarter units to UC San Diego from other institutions.

How to find approved GE courses at a community college

Assist.org provides lists of course equivalencies between community colleges and UCSD. To select courses appropriate for GE credit, carefully review the Revelle College GE requirements to determine which courses may be used for each requirement. Then, use Assist.org to search for community college equivalents:

How to petition transfer courses for GE credit

If you intend to enroll in a course that is not offered by a California community college and/or not listed on Assist.org, the course must be approved by petition prior to enrollment. Print and submit an Undergraduate Student Petition Form to the Revelle Advising office for consideration. Be sure to include the following information:


Please allow 10-12 weeks for UCSD Admissions to evaluate your transcripts and post the credits to your Academic History on MyTritonlink.