ucf what does the c mean beside the course number

by Geovanny Swift 7 min read

How does UCF determine if a course is transferable?

Apr 22, 2015 · I am going to community college and want to transfer to UCF after. However, one of the required courses I have to take to transfer into their engineering program is PHY 2048C Physics for Engineers &Scientists I. My community college offers the course, but on their page, it says PHY 2048 Physics for Engineers &Scientists I. Same as the one on the UCF website but …

Why choose UCF for your online degree?

There are several types of courses offered at UCF, referred to as course “instructional modes” or “course modality.” The course description includes a modality field which will identify the type of course. In addition, “course attributes” indicate whether or not students will be expected to participate in regularly scheduled online meetings.

How do I register for online classes at UCF?

Students must complete the following pending courses with a “C” (2.0) or better and be in good academic standing before the College of Engineering and Computer Science will approve a major change request to move from the “pending” category into a specific engineering discipline.

What do college course numbers mean?

Check out UCF Online for a full comprehensive listing of online programs and certifications. With 25 years of experience providing top online degrees, UCF is a trusted source for innovative education technology. UCF offers more than 100 online degrees and certificates taught by the same expert faculty as our on-campus classes. Search Criteria.

What does the C mean after course?

The class is taught at the same time, in the same room, by the same instructor. What does the C mean before a course number? A “C” in front of a course number stands for 'concurrent'. This is when an undergraduate and graduate level course is taught at the same time.

What does C mean in college classes?

closed classC = closed class - means the class is full.

What do the numbers next to college courses mean?

Courses are designated by two numbers, separated by a colon. The first number refers to the department or area of the course; the second number refers to the specific course. For example, in the course designated 600:111 the "600" refers to the Department of Art and the "111" refers to the course.

What does ASC mean for UCF classes?

At Student's ConvenienceASC: At Student's Convenience. TBA: To Be Announced. This is often used for courses that are video streamed. Video streamed classes are video recorded, and students have the option to go to class, watch the class online, or both.

What does C mean grade?

C - this is a grade that rests right in the middle. C is anywhere between 70% and 79% D - this is still a passing grade, and it's between 59% and 69% F - this is a failing grade.Jan 10, 2022

What average is a C?

Search for Colleges Using Your GPALetter GradePercent Grade4.0 ScaleC+77-792.3C73-762.0C-70-721.7D+67-691.38 more rows

What are 400 level courses?

400-level course designation Advanced upper-division courses, seminars, practicums, or internships for majors and upper- division students.

How do colleges decide course numbers?

Most college courses are identified by three to four numbers. For example, the first digit may indicate the class year, the middle two digits may identify the subject and the last digit may indicate the number of credit hours.

What does 1000 level courses mean?

1000 level. non–degree applicable. 1100 level. introductory course, open to all qualified students.

What does ASC mean for online class?

Academic Support Center | The ASC provides services to promote student success.

What does ASC mean for days and times?

Yes that's Asynchronous so all online. Share.

Does TBA mean online classes?

to be announcedIt means "to be announced." Check Blackboard for that course and read the syllabus. That will tell you if the course meets face-to-face in a room or if it is online.Aug 13, 2018

What is campus based student?

A campus-based student is a student who has complete access to UCF campus-based services (including regional campuses) and pays full tuition and fees. Campus-based students may enroll in all modalities.

Do you need a computer for a course?

Students may encounter online, video, or adaptive elements as part of the instruction, thus requiring a computer .

How many points are required for UCF?

A UCF grade point deficiency of fewer than 30 points. A Major grade point deficiency of less than or equal to 9 points for non-technical majors (Economics, Integrated Business and Real Estate) and 6 points for all technical majors (Accounting, Finance, Management and Marketing). A College of Business grade point deficiency ...

What is the minimum GPA for UCF?

The minimum UCF GPA required to be considered a student “in good standing” is 2.0. If a student’s UCF grade point average falls below a 2.0, the student is placed on Academic Probation. Being on academic probation can potentially impact financial aid loans & scholarships, student organization membership, and internship opportunities.

How many attempts are there in a primary core course?

If a student elects to repeat a Primary Core course, all six attempts will be used in the Primary Core GPA calculation. Admission into any College of Business BSBA program requires meeting the above admission standards.

How many repeat attempts are allowed in a college?

Students are allowed a maximum of one repeat attempt in efforts to meet the 2.0 Primary Core GPA and a minimum grade of C in the first course in the major. It is the student’s responsibility to thoughtfully consider the admission standards prior to electing to repeat a Primary Core course.

How to get into the College of Business?

Step 1: Complete the appropriate application found on the Registrar’s Office website. Step 2: Complete the College of Business Readmission Application and provide your transcripts and personal statement to BA2, room 101. Meeting minimum criteria does not guarantee readmission.

How many credit hours can I take at University of Maryland?

University policy allows students to enroll in a maximum of 17 credit hours per fall and spring term, and a maximum of 14 credit hours per summer term (14 credit hours for summer A, B, C, and D combined). The College of Business fully supports this policy. Exceptions to this University policy are rare.

What is the minimum grade required for a primary core course?

If any course in the Primary Core is repeated, either to earn the minimum required grade of “B” for a first course in the desired major, or to earn the minimum required grade of “C” for any other Primary Core course, both attempts will be counted in the calculation of the Primary Core GPA.

What is AAO in UCF?

For advising, students can choose to speak with the CECS Academic Affairs Office (AAO), the department advisors, and faculty advisors. AAO handles general academic advising as well as advising on UCF policies and procedures. Departments and faculty offer advising on career and research fields that are particular to their areas of study.

What is engineering pending at Central Florida?

Transfer and freshman students entering the University of Central Florida who select engineering as a major are classified as engineering pending based on their chosen discipline. For example, aerospace engineering pending, computer engineering pending, and so on. Once admitted to the University and upon evaluation of the engineering pending requirements, students will either be asked to declare their specific engineering discipline, or remain in the Engineering pending category until the semester in which they are completing their final engineering pending courses.

What is an academic alert?

Academic Alert is an intervention advising program for students who have experienced a significant slide in their grade point average. Students identified as having a continued slide or low term grade point average are required to complete an online workshop or schedule an appointment with an AAO advisor.

What is an undecided engineer?

Students declared as Undecide d Engineering are required to meet with an AAO advisor for schedule planning to ensure they are taking the appropriate prerequisite math and science courses and are working toward making a decision regarding which engineering discipline they want to study.

What is a concurrent course?

Concurrent courses (identified by a capital C before the course number) are pairs of courses, usually within a single department or program, for which credit is given at two levels—undergraduate and graduate. Concurrent courses are offered at the same time and place with the same instructor, but work levels and performance standards are evaluated differently for students at each level.

What is a 300-399 degree?

Graduate courses numbered 300–399 are highly specialized teacher-training courses that are not applicable toward University minimum requirements for graduate degrees. They are acceptable toward the bachelor’s degree only at the discretion of the individual College or school.

What is a lower division class?

Undergraduate courses are classified as lower division and upper division. Lower-division courses (numbered 1–99) are often surveys of and preliminary introductions to the subject field. They are designed primarily for freshmen and sophomores, though upper-division students may enroll for unit and grade credit.

What is 89/189?

Honors seminars and tutorials (numbered 89/189 and 89HC/189HC) are primarily designed for students in the College Honors Program. They are adjunct to lecture courses and explore lecture topics in more depth through supplemental readings, papers, or other activities.

How many courses are required for a masters degree?

With approval of the major department, graduate students may take 100–series courses toward satisfaction of master’s degree requirements.

What is upper division seminar?

Upper-division seminars (numbered 190–194) are small seminars, with between 15 and 20 students, that focus on research practice or issues. Many are designed to be taken along with a tutorial course in the 195–199 series.

Do you need identical course numbers for language in culture?

They do not need to have identical course numbers, but all other aspects of the course must be the same, including title, units, requisites, format, and level. For example, Language in Culture is offered by the Anthropology department as course M140 and the Linguistics department as course M146.

How many repetitions of a course can you get financial aid for?

The regulation states that students may only receive federal financial aid for ONE repetition of a previously passed course. These regulations prohibit the University from paying for a course that has been passed more than one time.

Can you repeat a course in college?

There is no limit on the number of attempts allowed for the student to repeat a course, as long as he/she does not receive a passing grade in any of the previously repeated courses.

Does repeated course count toward financial aid?

The repeated course (s), including the original attempt, must be counted toward the maximum time frame and hours completion ratio requirements, which can impact your financial aid eligibility. Get detailed information regarding the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.

Can repeating courses affect your financial aid eligibility?

Repeated courses can impact a student’s renewal eligibility for programs with specific grade and hour requirements such as institutional and state grants and scholarships. To review the minimum hours required for each financial aid program, please refer to the Program Eligibility Chart.

What is an unofficial withdrawal from UCF?

Unofficial Withdrawals (Stop Attending All Classes) Federal law requires that UCF evaluate federal aid recipients who fail to earn any credit during a semester, in order to determine if the student stopped attending classes on or before the 60% point in the semester.

What happens if you withdraw from all classes?

If you withdraw from all your classes on or before the 60% point in time of the semester, which is calculated using calendar days, a portion of the total federal aid funds awarded must be returned, according to the provisions of the Higher Education Amendments of 1998. The return of these funds will result in the student owing a balance to the University and/or the Federal Government. Please review the Treatment of Federal Aid When a Student Withdraws for details of this policy.

What do college course numbers mean?

College course numbers may mean different things depending on the individual institution. There are standard formats that many colleges use to signify dates, levels and titles. Most college courses are identified by three to four numbers. For example, the first digit may indicate the class year, the middle two digits may identify ...

What is the difference between 100 and 200 level courses?

These classes will acquaint students with the basic terms, methods, ideas and language of the subject. 200-level courses are actually 100-level courses that focus on particular areas within a discipline. Students must have finished a 100-level writing or English class, so they can recognize concepts, read detailed texts, use quantitative skills and articulate themselves with peers. These classes will require students to progress through academic explorations towards conclusions and experiments. Students who take 200-level classes must be able to keep up at a reasonable pace without encountering comprehension difficulties.

What are the requirements for 300 level classes?

Students should have acquired a sufficient knowledge in the major to pursue independent study and research with methodological tools and models. These students must be able to obtain relevant information the proper use of resources and libraries. They must be able to assimilate valid information, combine findings into cohesive statements and ultimately produce term-papers. 400-level courses will likely include tutorials, seminars, guest lectures and honors courses reserved only for upper-division students finishing their major. These students must have completed enough 300-level classes to work independently under the supervision of faculty. Many of these 400-level classes include capstone projects that require students to synthesize all relative information into a final presentation.

What are the 100 level classes?

These basic or survey classes will have titles like general biology, world history or writing fundamentals. These 100-level courses are usually taken by freshman, although some will be sophomores meeting general education requirements. 200-level classes will be more strenuous and focused on specific topics like Asian history, Western literature and computer programming. Some of these classes may require students to have taken the prerequisite 100-level class. 300- and 400-level classes involve in-depth coursework and require greater knowledge of a certain field. These classes are usually taken during the final two years of college. Some 400-level classes include first-year graduate students who are preparing to take 500- and 600-level classes offered through graduate schools.

What do you need to know to take 100 level writing class?

Students must have finished a 100-level writing or English class, so they can recognize concepts, read detailed texts, use quantitative skills and articulate themselves with peers. These classes will require students to progress through academic explorations towards conclusions and experiments.


Admission Standards

The College of Business Admission Standards have been established by the faculty in efforts to increase the likelihood of a timely program completion and post-graduation success. A student’s academic catalog year guarantees their graduation requirements, but not their admission requirements. Admission stand…
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Course Equivalency Evaluation

  • Students entering UCF with business coursework previously taken at another institution may use the College of Business Course Evaluation system to request that a business course that was taken at another institution be reviewed for equivalency with a College of Business course. Submissions to the system are reviewed by faculty within the appropriate academic department …
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Academic Policies

  • The Degree Audit
    All business students are expected to know how to find their degree audit (accessed through the MyUCF portal) and understand how to read the degree audit. It is the responsibility of each student to know the graduation requirements for their specific major and catalog year. If you ha…
  • College of Business Student Code of Conduct
    As a member of the UCF College of Business community, I commit myself to act honestly, responsibly, and above all, with honor and integrity in all areas of campus life. I am a guest of the College of Business and my continued enrollment in the College is a privilege, not a right. I under…
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Academic Appeal Policy

  • Academic policies have been approved by university and College of Business faculty. These policies will be strictly enforced. It is rare that an exception would be made; however, if a student has true extenuating circumstances (death of an immediate family member, medical or health issues, etc.) that are clearly linked to the specific situation, the College will consider an appeal. A…
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Undergraduate Course Numbers

  • Undergraduate courses are classified as lower division and upper division. Lower-division courses (numbered 1–99) are often surveys of and preliminary introductions to the subject field. They are designed primarily for freshmen and sophomores, though upper-division students may enroll for unit and grade credit. Lower-division courses may not be applied toward graduate degrees. Upp…
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Undergraduate Seminars and Tutorials

  • Fiat Lux Freshman Seminars
    Fiat Lux freshman seminars (numbered 19) are taught by faculty in areas of their expertise. They introduce freshmen to topics of intellectual importance, and enable them to participate in critical discussion of these topics with a small group of peers. The seminar series takes its name from t…
  • Sophomore Seminars
    Sophomore seminars (numbered 88) are department-sponsored courses designed to give sophomores the opportunity to participate in small seminars that enhance writing, verbal, and analytical skills.
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Graduate Course Numbers

  • Graduate courses numbered 200–299 are generally open only to graduate students who have completed basic undergraduate courses in the subject. Courses and seminars in the 200 series can fulfill the minimum graduate course requirement for any advanced degree. With department and instructor consent, and subject to requirements in the appropriate College or school, underg…
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Other Course Numbering Conventions

  • Variable Topics
    Variable topics courses do not have a specifically assigned course number. The course title usually indicates that it is a variable topics course (e.g., Spanish 130: Topics in Medieval Studies). Variable topics courses cover material within a defined topic area. They have a general catalog …
  • Concurrent Courses
    Concurrent courses (identified by a capital C before the course number) are pairs of courses, usually within a single department or program, for which credit is given at two levels—undergraduate and graduate. Concurrent courses are offered at the same time and plac…
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UCLA Extension Xl/Xlc

  • UCLA Extension classes are listed in the Extension catalog available in print and on the Extension website. In general, students may not attend UCLA Extension for degree credit if they are enrolled in UCLA regular session (fall, winter, spring) at the same time. Certain Extension courses (numbered 1–199), prefixed by XL or XLC in Extension class listings, yield credit toward the bac…
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