typical course of chemi and radiation is how long

by Katherine O'Connell 8 min read

How long are chemo and radiation sessions?

Each session is quick, lasting about 15 minutes. Radiation does not hurt, sting, or burn when it enters the body. You will hear clicking or buzzing throughout the treatment and there may be a smell from the machine. Typically, people have treatment sessions 5 times per week, Monday through Friday.

How long does a course of chemo last?

A course of chemotherapy usually takes between 3 to 6 months, although it can be more or less than that. The treatment will include one or more chemotherapy drugs. You may have the chemotherapy into a vein (intravenous drugs), or as tablets or capsules.

Is 5 weeks of chemo and radiation a lot?

During your five weeks of treatment, you will get a total of 25 to 30 radiation treatments. The radiation will treat your chest or abdomen, depending on the location of your tumor. The radiation only affects the area of your body being treated.

Is 6 rounds of chemo a lot?

A series of cycles of treatment is called a course. A treatment course often takes between 3 to 6 months but it can be more or less than that. During that time, you would probably have between 4 to 8 cycles of treatment.

How many courses of chemo is normal?

You may need four to eight cycles to treat your cancer. A series of cycles is called a course. Your course can take 3 to 6 months to complete. And you may need more than one course of chemo to beat the cancer.Feb 13, 2022

Which is harder on the body chemo or radiation?

A systemic treatment like chemotherapy or liquid radiation may have more off-target side effects than a local treatment. But local treatments that are administered only to the cancer site, like external beam radiation or solid internal radiation treatment, may have more extreme side effects in that area of the body.Sep 25, 2021

How many sessions of radiotherapy is normal?

Most people have 5 treatments each week (1 treatment a day from Monday to Friday, with a break at the weekend). But sometimes treatment may be given more than once a day or over the weekend.

Is 6 weeks of radiation a lot?

Treatments are usually given five days a week for six to seven weeks. If the goal of treatment is palliative (to control symptoms) treatment will last 2-3 weeks in length. Using many small doses (fractions) for daily radiation, rather than a few large doses, helps to protect the healthy cells in the treatment area.

How long does chemo last?

Chemotherapy infusions can last several hours or days. Your healthcare provider can let you know how long each session will likely take. Here’s what you can do to feel more comfortable during each session: Bring reading material. If you enjoy reading, pack a book or magazine to stay occupied.

How long does it take for chemo to work?

In general, chemotherapy can take about 3 to 6 months to complete. It may take more or less time, depending on the type of chemo and the stage of your condition. It’s also broken down into cycles, which last 2 to 6 weeks each.

How does chemo work?

Chemotherapy, or chemo, is a type of drug that’s used to treat cancer. It works by stopping the division and growth of cancer cells. Chemo is given in specific intervals, also known as cycles or schedules. The duration of one cycle depends on several factors, including the: type of cancer. stage of cancer.

How long does it take for a syringe to deliver chemo?

A syringe is used to deliver the drug in a few minutes. IV infusion. The drug flows into your body over a period lasting several minutes to several hours. Continuous infusion. A continuous infusion takes a day to several days. Oral and topical chemotherapy are less time-consuming.

Is oral chemo more time consuming than topical chemo?

Oral and topical chemotherapy are less time-consuming. That’s because they can be done at home on your own. In oral chemo, you take the drug by mouth. The drug might be in the form of a: liquid. pill. capsule. Topical chemo is an ointment or gel that you rub on your skin.

Does chemo cause cancer?

As chemotherapy destroys cancer cells, it also harms healthy cells. This includes cells in your digestive system and hair, along with cells that produce blood. In turn, chemo can cause various side effects. Some side effects go away quickly, while other side effects can last longer than the actual treatment.

How long does radiation therapy last?

It is the most common radiation therapy treatment for cancer. Each session is quick, lasting about 15 minutes. Radiation does not hurt, sting, or burn when it enters the body.

How long does it take for radiation to go away?

The 2-day break in treatment each week allows your body some time to repair this damage. Some of the effects may not go away until the treatment period is completed. Let the health care professionals if you are experiencing side effects. Read more about the side effects of radiation therapy.

What type of doctor is responsible for radiation therapy?

Radiation oncologist. This type of doctor specializes in giving radiation therapy to treat cancer. A radiation oncologist oversees radiation therapy treatments. They work closely with other team members to develop the treatment plan. Radiation oncology nurse.

What is simulation in radiation therapy?

Simulating and planning treatment. Your first radiation therapy session is a simulation. This means it is a practice run without giving radiation therapy. Your team will use imaging scans to identify the tumor location.

Why is it important to be in the same position for radiation?

It is important for your body to be in the same position for each treatment. Your radiation oncology team cares about your comfort. Talk with the team to find a comfortable position that you can be in every time you come in for radiation therapy.

How often should you check for radiation?

During your treatment, your radiation oncologist will check how well it is working. Typically, this will happen at least once a week. If needed, they may adjust your treatment plan.

What is informed consent for radiation?

Giving permission for radiation therapy. If you choose to receive radiation therapy, your health care team will ask you to sign an "informed consent" form. Signing the document means: Your team gave you information about your treatment options. You choose to have radiation therapy.

How often is radiation therapy given for cancer?

The treatment is usually administered once in a day, five days of a week, with each session only taking a few minutes. But then again, this may vary depending on the intensity of the spread, the type and stage of the cancer, as well as the type of radiation therapy being administered.

Why is it important to use a large number of small doses of radiation?

The good thing about using a large number of small doses, as opposed to lumping them up to a few doses is that it helps to protect healthy cells surrounding the affected ones from being affected by the radiation. That way, the patient gets to use weekend rests to give health cells enough time to breathe and get better.

How long does LDR stay in the body?

The difference is that, while LDR are planted inside the body, in and around the affected cells and may remain effective for almost an entire day, High dose implants are usually placed around the prostrate for only a couple of minutes.

Can an oncologist determine radiation therapy?

Though it’s upon the therapy oncologist to determine the most befitting radiation therapy for a patient or how long should one be in for the treatment, understanding the treatment and how it works can be a good way to allay the fear associated with it.

How does radiation affect the bladder?

Just like radiation harms cells in your bones, it also affects the cells in your bowel and bladder. You might experience blood in your urine, reduced bladder control, sexual dysfunction, and interruptions to your daily routine.

What is R3 wound care?

As a patient of radiation therapy, you need ongoing and personalized wound care to help you overcome radiation injuries and side effects. You deserve to get that help in the comfortable, refreshing, and attractive environment offered by R3 Wound Care and Hyperbarics.

Does radiation weaken bones?

Radiation is so potent that it can weaken the bones and cause osteoporosis and osteonecrosis. Since bones are living and growing organisms, radiation harms their active cells and stunts their strength. The ribs in your chest or bones in your leg may become far more vulnerable to fractures and breaks.

Can radiation cause burns?

The concentrated exposure of X-rays during radiation therapy often causes painful burns across the skin. As X-rays pass through the skin, they produce dangerous free radicals that damage DNA, injure skin tissue, and trigger inflammation. This side effect is so common that about 85% of radiation patients experience moderate to severe burns during and after treatment

How long does it take to get radiation?

A few minutes: Standard daily radiation the machine is on 30 seconds to one minute for each field. The whole set up and treatment may take 10 minutes. With intensity modulation however it may take 7 to 10 minutes to treat but 10 minutes in additional to set up. So a patient might be on the table for 20 minutes. Not average radiation like cyberknife may take an 1 and 1/2 hours.

How long does it take to get a doctor's answer on HealthTap?

Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours. Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). For potential or actual medical emergencies, immediately call 911 or your local emergency service.

What is the most common type of radiation after a lumpectomy?

One of the most common types of radiation therapy after a lumpectomy is external beam radiation of the whole breast (whole-breast irradiation). Radiation to part of the breast. Radiation therapy to part of the breast (partial-breast irradiation) may be an option for some early-stage breast cancers.

What is radiation after a lumpectomy?

Adding radiation after a lumpectomy reduces the risk that cancer will return in the affected breast. Lumpectomy combined with radiation therapy is often referred to as breast conservation therapy. This type of treatment is as effective as having all the breast tissue removed (mastectomy).

What is the procedure to remove breast cancer?

Internal radiation (brachytherapy). After you have surgery to remove the cancer, your doctor temporarily places a radiation-delivery device in your breast in the area where the cancer once was. A radioactive source is placed into the device for short periods of time over the course of your treatment.

What is radiation therapy for breast cancer?

Radiation therapy for breast cancer uses high-energy X-rays, protons or other particles to kill cancer cells. Rapidly growing cells, such as cancer cells, are more susceptible to the effects of radiation therapy than are normal cells. The X-rays or particles are painless and invisible.

Why do we need radiation therapy?

Why it's done. Radiation therapy kills cancer cells. It's often used after surgery to reduce the risk that the cancer will come back. It can also be used to provide relief from pain and other symptoms of advanced breast cancer.

How big is a breast tumor?

Large tumor size. A breast cancer larger than about 2 inches (5 centimeters) generally carries a higher risk of recurrence than do smaller cancers. Tissue margins with signs of breast cancer. After breast tissue is removed, the margins of the tissue are examined for signs of cancer cells.

Does radiation help with metastatic breast cancer?

Radiation for managing metastatic breast cancer. If your breast cancer has spread (metastasized) to other parts of your body, radiation therapy may be recommended to shrink the cancer and help control symptoms such as pain. There is a problem with information submitted for this request.

Rower Michelle

For me the decision was a no brainer. I actually filed for full short term disability when I had pneumonia before the cancer diagnosis came into play.

Robert Macaulay

Radiation is once daily five times week for six weeks, Chemo is usually once week for six weeks. So once week you will have chemo and radiation on the same day no big deal, And how you handle both side effects is unknown at this time.Also the scheduled blood work once week and the doc meeting once week.

Tom Galli

With daily radiation — 30 treatments — and weekly chemo you should have no effects for the first 2 weeks. By week 3, radiation will start to sap your energy. My last week of radiation I could hardly walk from the car to the clinic. My chemo was a reduced strength given once a week. I had no side effects from the chemo. I didn’t even lose hair.


Thanks for the input. I’m leaning towards the disability. Being single, I’m always worried about my job, think I’m going to put me first.


I didn't have to take that much time off for recovery from my surgery. Still, it used up my sick time and I needed the short-term disability to tide me over. I was thinking I could work half days or something and collect disability to cover the rest, but it didn't work out that way because any money you EARN gets deducted from your benefits.


The Garden State has its charms, but dealing with the bureaucracy isn't one of them. I'm a retired county employee, so my healthcare benefits are administered by the county, which isn't a lot better, but in my experience the lower-level bureaucracies are a bit less frustrating to deal with.


Barb, I was just about to post this same question. I'm in the same boat as you. I have my first meeting with radiation/oncology next Wednesday, so I had little details about what I'm facing. I have learned a lot from the replies here on your post. I'll probably take STD so that I can focus on the healing.

What is the life after chemo?

Life After Chemo. Life after chemo may be filled with challenges along the way – you may find yourself having to adjust to a new normal. Whatever the case may be, it’s important to try and maintain a sense of positivity. Your biggest battle has been fought and won – now you get to look forward to life after treatment.

How long does it take for cancer to return to normal?

In most cases though, your energy levels should return to normal within six months of completing treatment .

How to know if you have neuropathy after chemo?

Up to 70 percent of cancer survivors may experience some form of peripheral neuropathy after chemotherapy is finished. We’ve written extensively about this topic on another blog post because many people desire to know how to reverse neuropathy from chemo. Typically developing in the feet, hands, and legs, neuropathy is a common condition that comes with some very identifiable symptoms, including: 1 Numbness 2 Shooting or stabbing pain 3 Burning 4 Tingling 5 Muscle weakness 6 Inability to keep your balance 7 Sensitivity to cold or heat

How does chemo affect your life?

First and foremost, you may be noticing some physical changes in your life after chemo. Chemotherapy works by destroying cancer cells that grow and divide quickly – unfortunately, this sometimes results in fast-growing, healthy cells also being affected.

How many cancer survivors will be there in 2026?

As cancer treatments are further refined and innovated throughout the course of time, more and more people find themselves cancer-free. As of 2016, there were an estimated 15.5 million cancer survivors in the United States – this number is expected to grow to 20.3 million by 2026. Of course, many survivors may be asking themselves ...

How long does skin change after chemo?

Your skin changes may last for a few months, but could last longer depending on your treatment. Fortunately, many can be easily detected and, eventually, mitigated.

Can you improve your life after chemo?

Luckily, there is plenty you as a survivor can do to improve your conditions in your life after chemo. The important thing to remember is that YOU are in control.