this image depicts the relation of sir of the cervix which of the following is true course hero

by Prof. Wilbert Wiegand PhD 8 min read

What is the cervix?

Located at the lowermost portion of the uterus, the cervix is composed primarily of fibromuscular tissue. There are two main portions of the cervix: The part of the cervix that can be seen from ...

What is the role of the cervix in the menstrual cycle?

list in order the series of events that contribute to increasingly forceful uterine contraction during labor. start with stretching of the cervix due to the position of the conceptus. • increased strength of uterine contractions • oxytocin released from posterior pituitary • increased cervical stretching, etc.

What are the three parts of the cervix?

Majority of risk factors for CIN/cervical ca are related to risk of HPV infection There are 130 HPV types, of which 40 infect genital tract Certain types have greater malignant potential = high-risk HPV types those include 16 & 18 (most common), 31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59,68

What happens to the cervix during conception?

for the most part preterm labor occurs at how many weeks? 32. At how many week can a fetal be viable? 24. What is the survival percentage for a baby born at 24, 26 and 28 weeks? 10 - 15%, 80% and 90%. The theory of placenta migration is know as ______. trophotropism.

What is the cervix?

The cervix is the lower portion (or the "neck") of the uterus. It is approximately 1 inch long and 1 inch wide and opens into the vagina. The cervix functions as the entrance for sperm to enter the uterus. During menstruation, the cervix opens slightly to allow menstrual blood to flow out of the uterus. Rawpixel / Getty Images.

What is the function of the cervix?

Your cervix has several important functions, including: Producing cervical mucus during the most fertile phase of the menstrual cycle, which helps sperm travel from the vagina into the uterus. Opening during labor to allow the baby to pass through the birth canal.

How to see your cervix?

In order to actually see your cervix, you will need to use a mirror and a bright light, but it may still be difficult to see based on the length of your vagina. The narrow opening of the cervix is called the os. The cervical os allows menstrual blood to flow out from the vagina during menstruation.

Who is Tracee Cornforth?

Tracee Cornforth is a freelance writer who covers menstruation, menstrual disorders, and other women's health issues. Monique Rainford, MD, is board-certified in obstetrics-gynecology. She is the chief of obstetrics and gynecology at Yale Health.

What is the process of sperm entering the uterus?

Conception occurs when sperm travel through the cervix to enter the uterus and ultimately fertilize an egg. Around ovulation, the most fertile part of the menstrual cycle, your cervix produces clear mucus, which helps the sperm reach the uterus.

What happens to the cervical mucus during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, cervical mucus thickens to create a cervical "plug" that shields the growing embryo from infection. When a woman gets closer to going into labor, the cervical plug thins and is expelled. The cervix softens and shortens (this is called effacement) and then dilates in preparation for birth.

What is the lowest part of the vagina?

The lowest part, which can be seen from inside the vagina during a gynecological exam, is called the ectocervix. The center of the ectocervix can open, creating a passage between the uterus and vagina. The highest part is the endocervix, also called the endocervical canal.