this course is a service learning capstone. what is service learning?

by Ola Stoltenberg 5 min read

The Service-Learning/Capstone Experience is a 6-credit-hour integrated culminating experience that consists of two parts: (1) three credit hours (150 practical hours) of service learning in an approved organization under the direction of a practitioner (preceptor) and a faculty committee, and (2) three credit hours (150 practical hours) of research or program evaluation that includes a final paper and presentation to committee members, faculty, staff, and students.

Service-learning is a high-impact practice that combines community service with structured academic learning, including preparation, and reflection.Jan 29, 2019

Full Answer

What is service learning and why is it important?

Service learning is all about using your skills and drive to learn how to best help the community. But it’s not just the community that benefits — students do too, as well as the university that assigns the service learning.

What is co-curricular service learning?

Co-curricular service learning is when students engage in planned service activities that meet a community need. Students reflect on personal values and community needs as a result. An example would be if a business school decided to create a program for high-risk youth to explore their entrepreneurial side.

What is the difference between service learning and internship?

Service learning also incorporates the educational needs of the individual completing the service learning. Internships are focused on fostering education, but may not take into account the needs of a community. Service learning helps both students and the community.

How would you describe your attitude towards service learning?

A) Ready to go - This is a great opportunity to learn about service learning with the help of my teacher. B) Hesitant but willing- I'm not so sure I will like service learning but I am willing to give it a try. C) Not too excited - Service learning really isn't my thing and I wish we didn't have to do it. A

What is service-learning capstone?

Capstone: Service Learning utilizes a flexible method of teaching and learning that applies academic and real world skills to create meaningful youth led experiences with community partnerships. The goal of service learning is to empower youth to become engaged in their personal, social, and working lives.

What is a service-learning course?

Service-learning is an experiential learning pedagogy that moves students beyond the classroom to become active participants in their learning and develop civic knowledge and skills.

What do you learn from service-learning?

Develops critical thinking skills: Through service-learning, students learn to reflect on their experiences and develop critical-thinking skills, such as the ability to bring disparate elements of experience together in meaningful ways, to analyze information for patterns and deeper meaning, and to make evaluations and ...

What is service-learning why service-learning is important?

Service-learning provides students with opportunities to develop civic engagement skills. By working with community members, students can enhance their group, organizational and interpersonal skills. They also can gain important experience working with diverse members of their communities.

What is service-learning NSTP?

The National Service Training Program (NSTP) is a civic education and defense preparedness program for students instituted by the Philippine government by virtue of Republic Act 9163, otherwise known as the NSTP Act of 2001.

What is service-learning PDF?

Service-learning (SL) is widely defined as a form. of experiential education that integrates mean- ingful community service into the curriculum. SL contains two main elements: engagement. within the community (service) and reflection.

What are examples of service-learning?

Types of Service-LearningTutoring other students and adults.Conducting art/music/dance lessons for youth.Giving presentations on violence and drug prevention.Helping in a homeless shelter.Creating life reviews for Hospice patients.

What are the benefits of service-learning for teachers?

Service learning can also be considered in promotion and tenure decisions. 80% of faculty who have taught a service learning course say the experience gave them new teaching ideas. Service learning can generate ideas and partnerships for community-based research and scholarly projects.

What is service learning?

Service learning provides an opportunity for students to understand their civic responsibility and acquire other transferrable business skills while applying knowledge they have learned in their business curriculum. The capstone course discussed in this paper provides the student with these opportunities and provides the university with a method to assess student learning. This study explored an application of an adapted version of the SELEB scale in measuring a service learning experience during three semesters in a business program at a private university in the northeast.

What are the three categories of capstone projects?

The three categories are a national not-for-profit organization, a local business entity, and a university project. The Best Buddies project is based on a program where college students are paired with individuals with special needs. Best Buddies has a club on campus with officers who run meetings and plan events for the students and their “Best Buddies.” In addition, the students will also plan an individual event during the month. The group also planned a Christmas party and the Buddy Ball. The students research the organization and create a literature review analyzing the organization and similar groups. The marketing students develop a plan to increase participation in the fundraising activity. Some of these activities include a biking event and a five-kilometer run. The accounting students analyze the 990 tax return to determine the financial status of the organization.


Service Learning Differs from Traditional Education

  • Service learning is not your typical education, or your typical internship, and it’s not work-study either. Service learning differs from other traditional types of experiential learning because it is service-based, but also fits the learning needs of the student. In this way, it works to further bot…
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Service Learning in Action: What Does It Look like?

  • Types Of Service Learning
    Speaking broadly, there are two major types of service learning — co-curricular and academic. Co-curricular service learningis when students engage in planned service activities that meet a community need. Students reflect on personal values and community needs as a result. An exa…
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Assessing Service Learning

  • Community Assessment
    The community partners involved should be given the opportunity to evaluate both the student and the program as a whole.
  • Teacher Assessment
    Teachers may assess the students’ participation, but also their ability to link their experiences to class.
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Effective Qualities and Elements of Service Learning

  • 1. Integrative
    Service learning should holistically integrate class objectives into the service, and vice versa, the service should be worked into the course content as well.
  • 2. Reflective
    One of the most effective parts of service learning is the structured reflection provided by teachers. Students should be given time to think critically about their experience and build opinions, values, and goals based on these reflections.
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Volunteering, Internships, Community Service Or Service Learning?

  • Service learning is not to be confused with volunteering, and it is also distinct from an internship. Where community service and volunteering are valuable, they are service-based and community needs based. Service learning also incorporates the educational needs of the individual completing the service learning. Internshipsare focused on fostering education, but may not tak…
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Service Learning Benefits

  • Student Benefits
    1. Learning Outcomes:Students are better able to understand the course content with a real-world understanding. 2. Personal Outcomes:Students learn commendable values such as using your strengths to help your community. 3. Social Outcomes:Students are less likely to stereotype, an…
  • University Benefits
    Universities benefit from allowing and encouraging teachers and programs to implement service learning. They may have a better relationship with the community as a result, and also have better student relations as well.
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