the usual recreational dose of ghb when taken alone is about: course hero

by Nyasia Armstrong 8 min read

How much GHB should I take for best results?

Start with a single dose of only 1 or 2mls. It might sound like pittance, but remember that it’s possible for this tiny amount of liquid to contain more than a standard GHB dosage. If your original dose did not have the desired effects, wait an hour or two (more than one at least) and see what happens.

Is the GHB dosage labeled on the bottle?

The GHB dosage is labeled on this bottle. This is rarely the case. Before we begin, I’d like to preface this article by saying, I (and my interviewee) do not, in any way, condone or support anyone dosing someone without their knowledge or consent.

Are You naturally tolerant to GHB?

Some individuals are naturally tolerant to GHB, while others are naturally sensitive to it. Some make assumptions based on body weight (heavier = more tolerant), but it’s impossible to determine how tolerant you are without trying it, and downright unwise to act on an assumption (i.e. body weight).

Can You overdose on GHB on an empty stomach?

It’d be a silly mistake to eat a large meal, ingest 5ml and have it do nothing… Then decide you need 10ml, swallow that on an empty stomach and overdose. More GHB dosage advice via bluelight: ‘c ommon dosage measurements for GHB, taken from Erowid.’

What does GHB taste like?

The taste is distinctly chemical. GHB = tastes more like seawater or licorice. Good resource for all your drug questions (seriously, any and everything you can think of about just about any drug): Here is a handy tip from bluelight:

What does "pro tip" mean?

Pro-tip = don’t take a drug and then check out its effects on the internet after it’s too late. Obsessing on the internet over whatever drug you just ingested, then going on WebMD to see how many minutes you have left to live, will probably ruin your high and not to mention put you at risk of overdosing.

Can you die from GHB?

GHB proponents and sellers may claim that it is unlikely to die or OD on GHB without another substance in the body. Although deaths have occurred from GHB used in combination with other drugs, it is false to say that GHB alone cannot kill you. ANY ABUSED SUBSTANCE CAN KILL ALONE, accept of course for Marijuana.

Is GHB more tolerant of body weight?

Some individuals are naturally tolerant to GHB, while others are naturally sensitive to it. Some make assumptions based on body weight (heavier = more tolerant), but it’s impossible to determine how tolerant you are without trying it, and downright unwise to act on an assumption (i.e. body weight).
