the theological foundation on which the psalms are built is that the lord god course hero obst 520

by Alexys Yost 8 min read

Is there a theology of the Psalms?

May 21, 2020 · View Exam 1.docx from OBST 520 at Liberty University Online Academy. Exam 1 1. The theological foundation on which the Psalms are built is that the Lord God of Israel is the universal sovereign who

Why study the Psalms?

Sep 04, 2020 · View OBST 520 Exam 1.docx from OBST 520 at Liberty University. Question 1 2 out of 2 points The theological foundation on which the Psalms are built is that the Lord God of Israel is the universal

Who composed material in the Psalms?

Nov 03, 2019 · Theresa Rea Palmer Course 201940 Fall 2019 OBST 520-D01 LUO Test Exam 1 Question 1 2 out of 2 points The theological foundation on which the Psalms are built is that the Lord God of Israel is the universal sovereign who rules justly over the earth. Selected Answer: Tru e

What is the theme of the Book of Psalms?

Sep 02, 2019 · Learn more about New Testament with Course Hero's FREE study guides and ... Incorrectly Answered Questions Question 1 2 out of 2 points The theological foundation on which the Psalms are built is that the Lord God of Israel is the universal sovereign who ... Liberty University • OBST 520. OBST520_hero.docx. 9. OBST 520 exam 1.docx.

What are the Psalms about?

Theology of the Psalms. As human words to and about God, the psalms instruct us in myriad ways about how to worship God. They teach us how to sing, dance, rejoice, give thanks, confess sin, grieve, express anger, make requests of God, proclaim God’s name far and wide, and much more.

What is God's sovereignty?

GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY. As the sovereign King, God asserts his control over the most powerful forces in nature. He proclaims his authority over all the false gods of the nations. These gods were such a temptation for his own people time and time again.

What is God's plan for the nations?

God’s plan for the nations is that his people Israel be a testimony to them, causing them to turn to God; it is an inclusive vision that shows God’s desire for all peoples to know him. So, God chose Jerusalem (i.e., Mount Zion) to be the earthly “capital” of God’s kingdom; this was the site of the temple, which was God’s dwelling place on the earth. He anointed David and his descendants to be his royal representatives on earth — his vice­regents — and so the Davidic kings had great responsibility for leading the nation in following the Lord and defending the cause of justice in society. In all of this, God himself is the source of ultimate refuge for those who are troubled.