the ______ refers to the gap that can exist between what a nation's ______ course hero

by Janet Greenholt 7 min read

What is the meaning of "a country's trade in manufactured goods diminished substantially"?

A. A country's trade in manufactured goods diminished substantially, causing it to lose tax revenue and become a . net borrower of foreign funds. For the next two decades, its government used the borrowed funds to upgrade the .

Is there economic merit in a policy of running trade deficits?

A. never as there is no economic merit in a policy of running trade deficits

What is developed country?

Developed country Refers to a higher level of economic development, the technology is more advanced countries with higher living standards, also known as the industrialized countries, countries with high economic development. America As a culture and nation mixed country, huge influence of America in the economic, political, technological, ...

What are some examples of poor countries?

Examples of the poorest countries are; Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Haiti just to name a few. They are poor, because they have either been in civil wars or do not have the stability to develop a high standard of living. Relevance: Rich countries consume much more resources then their fair share.

Is Zimbabwe a developed country?

These are classified as developed countries. Zimbabwe is a developing economy because according to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) its GDP per capita is $500 whereas that of a developed economy such as the US is $48 100. Their economic structures also differ.

What is the gap between school age and internet?

Virtual schools are widening the Digital Divide as you need both technology and Internet to enroll. One result is what is called a “ homework gap ”. This is the gap between school-age children who have access to high-speed internet at home and those who don’t. Pew Research Data from 2018 shows that almost 1 in 5 school age children face this issue.

Is the digital divide a global issue?

So, it is both a local issue and one that underdeveloped countries around the globe face. There is also a global digital divide between genders and users. In all regions of the world, more men ( 58%) than women are using the Internet.

What is achievement gap?

The achievement gap refers to the observed, persistent disparity of educational measures between the performance of groups of students, especially groups defined by socioeconomic status (SES), race / ethnicity and gender . The achievement gap can be observed on a variety of measures, including standardized test scores, grade point average , dropout rates, and college enrollment and completion rates. While this article focuses on the achievement gap in the United States, the gap in achievement between lower income students and higher income students exists in all nations [1] and it has been studied extensively in the U.S. and other countries, including the U.K. [2] Various other gaps between groups exist around the globe as well.

Which gender is disadvantaged by the gap in math and science achievement?

Which gender is disadvantaged by the gap in math and science achievement largely depends on how academic achievement is being measured. Female students generally have better grades in their math classes, and this gap starts off very minimal but increases with age. [84] However, males score higher on standardized math tests, and these score gaps also increase with age. Male students also score higher on measures of college readiness, such as the AP Calculus exams and the math section of the SAT. [85]

Why do schools put minority students in tracking groups?

However, as a result of schools placing emphasis on socioeconomic status and cultural capital , minority students are vastly over-represented in lower educational tracks. [30] Similarly, Hispanic and African American students are often wrongly placed into lower tracks based on teachers’ and administrators’ expectations for minority students. Such expectations of a race within school systems are a form of institutional racism. Some researchers compare the tracking system to a modern form of racial segregation within the schools. [31]

What is the Coleman report?

In the U.S., research studies into the causes of gaps in student achievement between low-income minority students and middle-income white students have been ongoing since the 1966 publication of the report, “Equality of Educational Opportunity” (more widely known as the Coleman Report), commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education.

Why is academic achievement so low?

[6] Other researchers suggest that academic achievement is more closely tied to race and socioeconomic status and have tried to pinpoint why. [7] For example, being raised in a low-income family often means having fewer educational resources in addition to poor nutrition and limited access to health care, all of which could contribute to lower academic performance.

Do African Americans have to pass algebra?

Although African Americans generally lag behind Asian Americans in test scores, so do Whites to a lesser degree. However, compared with children in areas of China and India where some children, especially girls, end their education after the elementary level, education in the United States is compulsory to age 16 regardless of race or class. It is expected that over half of public education students will be required to pass standards-based assessments which expect that all students to be at least exposed to algebra by high school and exit prepared for college. In many other nations, such as Germany and Japan, those with lower test scores may be tracked as skilled tradespersons or unskilled laborers.

Is tracking in schools bad for minority students?

Studies on tracking groups within schools have also proven to be detrimental for minority students. [32] Once students are in these lower tracks, they tend to have less-qualified teachers, a less challenging curriculum, and few opportunities to advance into higher tracks. [33] There is also some research that suggests students in lower tracks suffer from social psychological consequences of being labeled as a slower learner, which often leads children to stop trying in school. [7] In fact, many sociologists argue that tracking in schools does not provide any lasting benefits to any group of students. [34]

What is the quality of use gap?

It refers to the different ways that people use the Internet and the fact that some people are far more able to get the information they need from it than others.

Why is technological discrimination a form of social exclusion?

However, there is now widespread consensus that technological discrimination is a form of social exclusion because it deprives certain citizens of essential resources for wealth development.

What does a high MAS score mean?

High MAS score indicates that people are motivated by specific targets, and there is a norm for differentiated gender roles. Important characteristics include

What is the meaning of MAS in Hofstede's theory?

Masculinity versus Femininity (MAS) The next dimension of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension theory is Masculinity versus Femininity (MAS). It refers to role distribution between males and females in society. Masculinity in this dimension is described as a penchant for assertiveness, heroism, achievement and material rewards in society.

What is masculinity in society?

Masculinity in this dimension is described as a penchant for assertiveness, heroism, achievement and material rewards in society. Femininity in this dimension is the counterpart of masculinity and is described as a penchant for modesty, cooperation and caring for the weak in the community.

What is the meaning of collectivism?

Collectivism relates to integrated relationships existing in a society that extends to families and others into in-groups. In such a society, people are loyal to their group and take responsibility for the well-being of one another. They are loyal to their group, which in turn defends the interest of all its members.

Does the vast generalization of the theory have proved its weakness?

The vast generalization of the theory has proved its weakness. It does not compare individuals instead puts the onus on central tendencies of a country or society.
