the initial bearing of line pq on the three course open traverse what is the azimuth of rs

by Carlo Armstrong Jr. 8 min read

How do you find the azimuth of a traverse line?

Jul 08, 2018 · Line PQ is 92°48' right of Azimuth PO. Az PO is the back azimuth of Az OP. Az PQ = (Az OP + 180°00') + Angle PAz PQ = (68°00' + 180°00') + 92°48' = 340°48' At point Q: Figure C-30. Line QR is 112°26' to the right from Az QP. Az QP is the back azimuth of Az PQ. Az QR = (Az PQ + 180°00') + Angle QAz QR = (340°48'+180°00') + 112°26' = 633°14'

What is bearing of a line?

6.7 Closed Traverse. A closed traverse is a series of connected lines whose lengths and bearings are measured off these lines (or sides), which enclose an area. A closed traverse can be used to show the shape of the perimeter of a fire or burn area. If you were to pace continuously along the sides of a closed traverse, the finishing point would ...

What is the azimuth of line BC at line AB?

An open traverse (Figure 1) is particularly useful as a control for preliminary and construction surveys for highways, roads, pipelines, electricity transmission lines, and the like. These surveys may be from a few hundred feet (meters) to many miles (kilometers) in length. The distances are normally measured by using EDM (sometimes steel tapes).

What is the azimuth reading of the bearing?

6.2 Azimuths. An azimuth is the direction measured in degrees clockwise from north on an azimuth circle. An azimuth circle consists of 360 degrees. Ninety degrees corresponds to east, 180 degrees is south, 270 degrees is west, and 360 degrees and 0 degrees mark north. The word "bearing" is sometimes used interchangeably with azimuth to mean the ...

What is an open traverse?

An open traverse (Figure 1) is particularly useful as a control for preliminary and construction surveys for highways, roads, pipelines, electricity transmission lines, and the like. These surveys may be from a few hundred feet (meters) to many miles (kilometers) in length.

What is traverse survey?

A traverse is a form of control survey used in a wide variety of engineering and property surveys. Essentially, traverses are a series of established stations tied together by angle and distance.

Is traverse open or closed?

Traverses can be open, as in route surveys, or closed, as in closed geometric figures (Figures 1 and 2). Traverse surveying has been one of the most basic survey types being used for ages by surveyors. Closed traverse survey using total station has particularly become popular in recent times.

What is the direction of an azimuth?

An azimuth is the direction measured in degrees clockwise from north on an azimuth circle. An azimuth circle consists of 360 degrees. Ninety degrees corresponds to east, 180 degrees is south, 270 degrees is west, and 360 degrees and 0 degrees mark north. The word "bearing" is sometimes used interchangeably with azimuth to mean the direction ...

What is azimuth in wind?

Azimuth is often used to denote wind direction. Traditionally, wind direction is reported as one of eight compass point (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW). However, plots of wind and speed direction often give an azimuth value using 0° and 360° for north, as described above. Winds are named according to the direction from which they are blowing. For instance, a westerly wind blows from the west (or 270°), while a southeasterly wind blows from the southeast (135°).

What direction do winds blow?

Winds are named according to the direction from which they are blowing. For instance, a westerly wind blows from the west (or 27 ), while a southeasterly wind blows from the southeast (135°).

What is the bearing of a line in the direction in which a survey is progressing called?

The bearing of a line in the direction in which a survey is progressing is called the forward bearing. The bearing of the line in the direction contrary to that of progress is called back bearing. In plane surveying, forward bearings can be calculated to back bearings and in return.

What is the azimuth of a line?

The azimuth of a line is defined as the horizontal angle, measured clockwise, from a base direction to the given line. They are usually measured from the north and vary from 0° to 360° and so they do not require letters to categorize their quadrant. They are also called as whole circle bearing.

What are the basic measurements of surveying?

Horizontal angles are the elementary observations required for determining bearings & azimuths. Determining the positions of points and orientations of lines often depends on the observation of angles and directions. In surveying, directions are recorded using bearings and azimuths.