the following excerpt most likely comes from what type of health record? ed course:

by Flavie Howell 5 min read

Which syllable is the emphasis?

Why is a patient in the hospital?

Which way does a scan of the body divide the body?

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What are the roots in the medical term Sclerokeratitis?

Study 4 to 5AnswerIdentify and define the roots in the medical term sclerokeratitis.kerat - cornea; sclero - scleraIdentify the correct pronunciation of the medical term otoscope.OH-toh-skohpIdentify the correct pronunciation of the medical term phakitis.fah-KAI-tis17 more rows

Which of the following is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term Cephalalgia?

Chapters 1-6 quiz questionsQuestionAnswerTranslate the medical term cephalalgia as literally as possible.Head painWhich is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term polyneuritis?poly (many) + neur (nerve) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation of multiple nerves138 more rows

Which of the following medical terms translates as a procedure to look inside the main respiratory branches that are off the trachea?

Bronchoscopy is a surgical technique for viewing the interior of the airways. Using sophisticated flexible fiber optic instruments, surgeons are able to explore the trachea, main stem bronchi, and some of the small bronchi.

Which of the following is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term hyperacusis?

abnormal acuteness of the sense of hearing.

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term anesthetic quizlet?

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term anesthetic? Anesthetic breaks into an (not) + esthestic (feeling, sensation) = a drug that causes loss of sensation.

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term endocrine?

Medical Terminology Chapters 1 - 13 Final ExamQuestionAnswerWhich is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term endocrine?Endocrine breaks into endo (inside) + crine (secretion) = to secrete internally (i.e., into the bloodstream).219 more rows

Which is the correct translation and definition of the abbreviation v q quizlet?

Which is the correct translation and definition of the abbreviation V/Q? Ventilation-perfusion scan - a scan that tests whether a problem in the lungs is caused by airflow or blood flow.

Which of the following is the correct breakdown and translation of the term pulmonary edema?

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the term pulmonary edema? Pulmon(lung) + ary(pertaining to) + edema(swelling) = swelling in the lungs.

Which medical term means the surgical reconstruction of a vessel?

Chapters 7-13 quiz questionsQuestionAnswerWhich medical term means "the surgical reconstruction of a vessel"?angioplastyWhich medical term means "an incision into the heart muscle"?CardiomyotomyIdentify and define the root in the medical term venospasm.veno - vein172 more rows

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term hemolysis?

Hemolysis: The destruction of red blood cells which leads to the release of hemoglobin from within the red blood cells into the blood plasma. Etymology: The word "hemolysis" is made up of "hemo-", blood + "lysis", the disintegration of cells.

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term Rhinosalpingitis?

rhi·no·sal·pin·gi·tis (rī'nō-sal-pin-jī'tis), Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and eustachian tube.

Which of the following is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term Cerebrotomy?

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term cerebrotomy? It refers to the underdevelopment of the muscles on the spinal column that leads to nerve softening and weakness.

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term Thyroparathyroidectomy?

Thyroparathyroidectomy breaks into thyro (thyroid) + para (beside) + thyroid (thyroid) + ectomy (removal) = removal of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. The correct definition for C&S is: growing microorganisms in isolation in order to determine which drugs it might respond to.

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term thrombophlebitis?

thromb/o (clot, lump) thrombophlebitis, inflammation of a vein.

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term Cerebrotomy?

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term cerebrotomy? It refers to the underdevelopment of the muscles on the spinal column that leads to nerve softening and weakness.

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term Rhinosalpingitis?

rhi·no·sal·pin·gi·tis (rī'nō-sal-pin-jī'tis), Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and eustachian tube.

Which syllable is the emphasis?

in most words, the emphasis usually falls on the third-to-last syllable.

Why is a patient in the hospital?

the patient will be in the hospital so that medical professionals can watch, or keep an eye on, her.

Which way does a scan of the body divide the body?

A scan of the body divides the body in slices from left to right.

Which composer best understood the intrinsic nature and potential of the piano as an expressive instrument?

From the following composers, select the one that best understood the intrinsic nature and potential of the piano as an expressive instrument: Chopin.

How many tones are there in the Romantic period?

According to the text, composers of the Romantic period were reluctant to stray from the seven tones of the traditional scale (i.e., A, B, C, D, E, F, G).

What did romantic composers do?

Romantic composers worked with traditional forms but expanded them in innovative ways to meet their expressive needs. Correct

What is the style of opera that uses emotionally charged melodies and harmonies to depict everyday people in mel?

Verismo is a style of opera that used emotionally charged melodies and harmonies to depict everyday people in melodramatic situations.

What is the name of the piece that features piano sections alternating with orchestral sections?

The following piece, nicknamed "Emperor," features piano sections alternating with orchestral sections. What type of work is it?

Why is the melody wide dynamic range and repetition?

Wide dynamic range and repetition in the melody to express deep feelings

Is sacred text part of a/an?

The sacred text and overall musical style of this example suggests that it is part of a/an:

Which syllable is the emphasis?

in most words, the emphasis usually falls on the third-to-last syllable.

Why is a patient in the hospital?

the patient will be in the hospital so that medical professionals can watch, or keep an eye on, her.

Which way does a scan of the body divide the body?

A scan of the body divides the body in slices from left to right.
