the extent to which people believe their actions affect the course of their government

by Ms. Malinda Wilderman 10 min read

Which term refers to the extent to which people believe their actions affect the course of the government?

Which term refers to the extent to which people believe their actions affect the course of government? efficacy. Which of the following best defines political trust? the extent to which people believe the government acts in their best interests.

Who said our government rests on public opinion?

'Our government rests in public opinion,' Lincoln explained. 'Whoever can change public opinion, can chance the government, practically just so much.

Is the aggregate of individual attitudes or beliefs about certain issues or officials and it is the foundation of any democracy?

public opinion, an aggregate of the individual views, attitudes, and beliefs about a particular topic, expressed by a significant proportion of a community.

How did the framers feel about the public's capacity to be politically informed and make good choices?

How did the Framers feel abut the public's capacity to be politically informed and make good choices? They were concerned about the public's ability to make good political decisions. a generational effect. What have preliminary studies of twins suggested about the formation of political attitudes?

What was wrong with the 1936 Literary Digest poll quizlet?

Literary Digest predicted Republican Alfred Landon would beat President Franklin D. Roosevelt, however Roosevelt won in a landslide. The poll had three errors; their sample was not representative, their poll was sent out too early, and only passionate individuals responded back to the poll. You just studied 25 terms!

How has party polarization in Congress changed from the 1970s to present quizlet?

They were concerned about the public's ability to make good political decisions. How has party polarization in Congress changed from the 1970s to present? a. It increased until the 1990s and has declined since.

What is the aggregate of individual attitudes or beliefs about issues?

Public opinion is the aggregate of individual attitudes or beliefs held by the adult population.

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about individual formation of public opinion?

which of the following is the most accurate statements about individual formation of public opinion? many individuals are politically informed but lack memory of some of the facts used to form their opinions.

Which of the following is most accurate in terms of how well informed people are about politics quizlet?

Which of the following is most accurate in terms of how well informed people are about politics? Individuals are not well informed, but collectively, they make reasonable choices.

Why did the framers choose a federal system?

The Framers chose federalism as a way of government because they believed that governmental power inevitably poses a threat to individual liberty, the exercise of governmental power must be restrained, and that to divide governmental power is to prevent its abuse.Dec 18, 2021

What do you think the framers of the Constitution actually did intend?

The Founding Fathers, the framers of the Constitution, wanted to form a government that did not allow one person to have too much authority or control. While under the rule of the British king they learned that this could be a bad system.

Why did the framers decide not to give the presidency to the winner of the popular vote quizlet?

Framers didn't want other congressional/popular election of the president. They expected electors to be respectable, well-informed citizens. How did the rise of political parties affect the electoral college?

What is the aggregate of individual attitudes or beliefs about certain issues or officials called quizlet?

Hard to measure and predict, efficacy is the aggregate of individual attitudes or beliefs about certain issues or officials, and it is the foundation of any democracy.

What is the aggregate of individual attitudes or beliefs about issues?

Public opinion is the aggregate of individual attitudes or beliefs held by the adult population.

What is the process through which individuals acquire political values?

Political socialization is the process by which people acquire their political attitudes, beliefs, opinions, and behaviors.Jul 30, 2014

What is meant by the argument that the media acts as a black box?

What is meant by the argument that the media acts as a black box? The media tells the government about the public, but the public only learns about the government through the media. How do the media serve as a watchdog? By impacting how the government responds to the public. You just studied 8 terms!

Which of the following is most accurate in terms of how well informed people are about politics quizlet?

Which of the following is most accurate in terms of how well informed people are about politics? Individuals are not well informed, but collectively, they make reasonable choices.

What was the FCC attempting to achieve when it created the Fairness Doctrine quizlet?

Created by the FCC in 1949, the Fairness Doctrine was intended to manage balanced coverage of controversial issues.

Is the aggregate of individual beliefs shared by some portion of adults?

Public opinion is the aggregate of individual attitudes or beliefs shared by some portion of the adult population. A consensus exists when a large proportion of the public appears to express the same view on an issue.

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about individual formation of public opinion?

which of the following is the most accurate statements about individual formation of public opinion? many individuals are politically informed but lack memory of some of the facts used to form their opinions.

Which of the following statements about the effect of public opinion on the political process is correct?

Which of the following statements about the effect of public opinion on the political process is correct? ... Public opinion is most important in preventing totally objectionable policies.

Which one of the following is a learning process by which people acquire their political opinions beliefs and values?

The process by which individuals acquire their political opinions is called political socialization. This process begins during childhood, when, through family and school, people acquire many of their basic political values and beliefs.

Which of the following factors do political scientists believe generally has the strongest influence on an individual's political socialization?

Family, school, peers and mass media are the most important. other factors are religion, race and ethnicity, gender, age, the region where you live and political events.

Which of the following political socialization agents has the overall greatest impact on forming political beliefs?

The formation of political values occurs through political socialization. The most important agents of this socialization include family, school, peers, church, and the media.

How does the media act as a watchdog quizlet?

In its role as watchdog, the media decides which issues need public action. Thanks to the media's influence, people don't need to pay attention to what's going on. Newspapers, TV, Radio, Internet.

Which of the following is a function of the media?

four functions of media are: to inform. to persuade. to entertain. to transfer culture.Nov 29, 2021

How does the media function as a watchdog?

Role. In the course of their work, watchdog journalists gather information about wrongdoings of people in power and deliver it to the public so the public can understand what happens in society and stop wrongdoings.

Why did Mariella become a Republican?

Mariella was a Democrat when she was young, but as she got older and began making more money, she became a Republican because she believed Republicans have pursued tax policies that protect individual wealth. In this case, Mariella is choosing a political ideology based upon.

Where does Antonia live?

Antonia lives in a predominately Polish suburb of Toledo, Ohio. She and her two brothers attend public school, and her parents work at GM's car manufacturing plant. Antonia's cousin Dominik, who is also Polish, lives in a diverse neighborhood in downtown Boston. He and his sister attend a private school, and his same-sex parents are renowned ...
