the energy to heat the sun comes from the core, where course hero

by Chelsie Greenholt 6 min read

How hot is the Sun in the photosphere?

See Page 1. All thermal energy ultimately comes from the Sun in our solar system. It travels through 150 million km of mostly empty space. At the Earth’s atmosphere the radiant energy is mainly relected back into space. However, some is transmitted and …

How does the sun maintain its gravitational equilibrium?

The main source of internal energy is the sun. B. The moon gives energy to earth and convert it to thermal energy. C. The pressure of the materials in the crust causes materials to be molten. D. The main source of heat comes from the produced decay of some naturally occurring isotopes from its interior.

How does the Sun manage to maintain an environment conducive to fusion?

_____2. Geothermal energy is from the heat within the earth. It uses heat to generate electricity. It is considered as non-renewable sources. _____3. Minerals contain carbon are belong to carbonates. _____4. Physical Properties of Minerals break along smooth flat surfaces is …

How does the sun's heat affect the environment around it?

The main source of heat comes from the produced decay of some naturally occurring isotopes from its interior . Upload your study docs or become …

What is the source of the Sun's energy?

nuclear fusion
Solar energy is created by nuclear fusion that takes place in the sun. Fusion occurs when protons of hydrogen atoms violently collide in the sun's core and fuse to create a helium atom. This process, known as a PP (proton-proton) chain reaction, emits an enormous amount of energy.Nov 19, 2012

What type of energy is the Sun?

electromagnetic energy
Also known as light energy or electromagnetic energy, radiant energy is a type of kinetic energy that travels in waves. Examples include the energy from the sun, x-rays, and radio waves.

What two forms of energy does the Sun supply?

Remember that the Sun provides two types of energy: Heat and Light.

What happens in the convection zone of the Sun?

In the convection zone, photons are transferred to the photosphere through convection currents. The gases are heated near the radiative zone and are lighter than the gases near the cooler photosphere. The heated gas rises and the cooler gases sink, creating convection currents.Mar 5, 2022

Why is the sun called the main source of heat energy?

Answer: The energy of the sun is the original source of most of the energy found on earth. We get solar heat energy from the sun, and sunlight can also be used to produce electricity from solar (photovoltaic) cells. The sun heats the earth's surface and the Earth heats the air above it, causing wind.Feb 8, 2021

How does energy move through the core of the sun?

The core is plasma, but moves similarly to a gas. Its temperature is around 27 million degrees Celsius. In the core, nuclear reactions combine hydrogen atoms to form helium, releasing vast amounts of energy in the process. The energy released then begins to move outward, towards the outer layers of the Sun.

How is energy transported in the convection zone?

In this region, energy is transported by radiation (you have radiation around the core of a nuclear central, around a nuclear explosion,...). With respect to the surface of the Sun, the radiative zone extends from a depth of 515,000 km to 200,000 km.

How is energy transported in the convective zone?

A convection zone, convective zone or convective region of a star is a layer which is unstable due to convection. Energy is primarily or partially transported by convection in such a region. In a radiation zone, energy is transported by radiation and conduction.

What happens when the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth?

A solar eclipse happens when the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth, and it blocks the light, so the Sun appears black. There are two types of solar eclipses: a full eclipse (the Moon completely blocks the Sun), and a partial or annular eclipse (the Moon partially blocks the Sun).

How many regions are there in the Sun?

There are six regions of the Sun. The inner regions include the core, radiative zone, and convective zone. The outer regions include the visible surface (photosphere), chromosphere, and corona.

What is the process of fusion?

Nuclear fusion is when two atomic nuclei combine and form one nucleus. Nuclear fusion generates all of the Sun's energy. Inward pulling by the Sun's gravity is counteracted by outward pushing by the Sun's nuclear fusion; this balance keeps the sun from collapsing or exploding.

How long do sunspots last?

Sunspots are small, cool, dark spots that can be seen in the Sun's photosphere; they can last for a few weeks. Solar flares are extremely hot explosions into the Sun's atmosphere; the human eye can not see them. Solar flares have three stages, which can last a few seconds to a few hours.

Why are sunspots dark?

Sunspots are dark in color because their temperatures are cooler than the surface. I might also see solar flares, which are explosions that occur in magnetically active areas around sunspots. At the convective zone, I would notice the Sun's energy transfer outward through convection.

How does nuclear fusion work?

Then nuclear fusion creates energy that pushes outward, balancing the gravity pulling inward. Even if more or less energy were released in the Sun's core, gravitational equilibrium would eventually balance the forces and allow nuclear fusion to presume at its normal rate.

How long do solar flares last?

Solar flares have three stages, which can last a few seconds to a few hours. Both sunspots and solar flares occur in the areas above and below the Sun's equator; they are caused by active regions in the Sun's magnetic fields.
