the course does not attempt to teach what love is

by Constance Schmidt 3 min read

What lessons does real love teach us?

So here are the lessons that real love teaches us: 1. Love means letting go of expectations. Sure, we all want people to behave the way we want them to. We want them to be more affectionate.

Who created this TEDed lesson on love?

Here is the book that was created. A health teacher in Wisconsin named Brad Troeger (@healthteacher101) created this really cool TedEd lesson on Love . Have you taught any lessons about love?

How do you teach students about love?

In class we do an activity called “What is Love?” where we get students to think about what it means to be in a loving romantic relationship.  Of course you should probably get students in the proper mindset first by starting class with a little Tina Turner’s What’s Love Got to do with It?or Haddaway’s What is Love?

What do we learn without being taught?

However, most of what we learn before, during, and after attending schools is learned without its being taught to us. A child learns such fundamental things as how to walk, talk, eat, dress, and so on without being taught these things. Adults learn most of what they use at work or at leisure while at work or leisure.

Is love natural or learned?

Love is a learned, emotional reaction. It is a response to a learned group of stimuli and behaviors.

What is the pedagogy of love?

The pedagogy of love humanizes learning by engaging students in an ongoing process of self-exploration. When love is embedded in our pedagogical practices, we enable students to recognize that their needs, their desires, their wants, or whatever it is that motivates them, matter.

How do you define love in teaching?

Love sees teaching as an art where we explore different ways of connecting to subject matter and to students. Love brings patience and understanding, which are so important in teaching.

Who said teachers who love teaching teach children to love learning?

Robert John Meehan“Teachers who love teaching, teach children to love learning" (Robert John Meehan). Learning is a lifelong activity, one that is often misunderstand from an early age.

Why is learning about love important?

Taking the time to understand your romantic partner is going to improve your life. It can lead to having a more open relationship, and your communication is going to improve as a result and being able to know that your partner is going to try to understand you no matter what is a great feeling.

What is the importance of love?

Love remains critically important throughout human existence but it changes from those early, heady days of passion and almost drug-induced intensity to something more enduring and long-lasting. Love is powerful because it transforms and evolves throughout the course of relationships and the journey of human life.

What is love true meaning?

True love is a strong and lasting affection between spouses or lovers who are in a happy, passionate and fulfilling relationship. An example of true love is the emotion shared between a couple who has been married for 40 years and who are still passionate about each other and care deeply for each other. noun.

What are some quotes for teachers?

"Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher." "Your heart is slightly larger than the average human heart, but that's because you're a teacher." "Teachers can change lives with the right mix of chalk and challenges." "Teaching is the greatest act of optimism."

What does love teach us?

Love means letting go of expectations. Sure, we all want people to behave the way we want them to. We want them to be more affectionate. Or more outgoing. Or smarter. Or more ambitious.

How does love work?

Love works together. It takes responsibility. It forgives and allows other people’s actions to be their journey. Love doesn’t take things personally. 3. Love includes letting go. Love doesn’t equal possession. Just as the saying goes, “If you love something, set it free.

What does it mean to love unconditionally?

The word ‘unconditional’ means that there are no expectations or limitations set. To love unconditionally is a difficult thing, and most humans aren’t good at that. But true love really does love without trying to change the other person.

What is the opposite end of the continuum of love?

On one end, you have love. Then appreciation. After that, it’s joy, happiness, contentment, and satisfaction. On the opposite end of the continuum of love is fear. Other fear-based emotions include, hatred, insecurity, jealousy, or greed. 7.

What are expectations in love?

All of these things are expectations. Expectations are just your requirements for “acceptability” of loving someone. But true love has no expectations. It simply loves “as is.”. 2. Love doesn’t play the victim role or blame others. Love doesn’t think others are “out to get them.”.

Is love good or bad?

Love makes you feel good, not bad. Many people confuse being in a relationship with love. Just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean there is true love present. If there is jealousy, possessiveness, constant fighting, abuse (verbal, emotional, or physical), that is not love. Refer back to #6.

Do identical twins have different experiences?

Let’s face it. We’re all different. Even identical twins aren’t exactly the same. They have different experiences and outlooks about the world. Real love doesn’t make other people wrong for being different. When people truly love another person, they accept their differences.

What is the aspect of learning through explanation?

And that is a shame, because both aspects of learning are what makes the age mixing that takes place in the world at large such a valuable educational tool.

What do children learn?

A child learns such fundamental things as how to walk, talk, eat, dress, and so on without being taught these things. Adults learn most of what they use at work or at leisure while at work or leisure. Most of what is taught in classroom settings is forgotten, and much or what is remembered is irrelevant.

What is the objective of education?

The objective of education is learning, not teaching . There are two ways that teaching is a powerful tool of learning.

Is memorization forgotten?

Most of what is taught in classroom settings is forgotten, and much or what is remembered is irrelevant. In most schools, memorization is mistaken for learning. Most of what is remembered is remembered only for a short time, but then is quickly forgotten.

Who sent the students in his strategic management class an email?

Irwin Horwitz had had enough. His students, he thought, weren't performing well academically and they were being disruptive, rude and dishonest. So he sent the students in his strategic management class an email:

When did Syracuse University abandon the policy of leaving class?

The professors abandoned the policy amid much debate. In 2008, a philosophy professor at Syracuse University sparked a controversy with his policy of leaving class immediately, without covering material that would have been discussed, if he caught a student texting or reading the newspaper.

Is collective punishment an issue?

In some of the most talked-about cases, collective punishment was an issue. In 2010, two professors who taught an introductory engineering course in chemistry at Ryerson University in Canada jointly adopted a policy in which they vowed to make tests more difficult, to encourage students to pay attention.

What are the attributes of love?

Verses 4-7. - The attributes of love. Verse 4. Suffereth long, and is kind. Passively it endures; actively it does good. It endures evils; it confers blessings. Envieth not. Its negative characteristics are part of its positive perfection. Envy - "one shape of many names" - includes malice, grudge, jealousy, pique, an evil eye, etc., with all their base and numerous manifestations. Vaunteth not itself. The meaning would probably be most nearly expressed by the colloquialism, does not show off. It does not, for instance, "do its alms before men to be seen of them" ( Matthew 6:1 ). The Latin perperus, which is from the same root as this word, means "a braggart," or "swaggerer." Cicero, speaking of a grand oratorical display of his own before Pompey, says to Atticus, "Good heavens! how I showed myself off ( ἐνεπερπερευσάμην) before my new hearer, Pompeius!" ('Ad. Art.,' 1:14). Is not puffed up. Has no purse proud or inflated arrogance." Love, therefore, is free from the characteristic vice of the Corinthian Church ( 1 Corinthians 4:6, 18, 19; 1 Corinthians 5:2; 1 Corinthians 8:1 ).

Is love jealous or proud?

Love is not jealous or boastful or proud. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. Love is patient, love is kind, love is not envious, it is not boastful, it is not puffed up. Love is patient, love is kind, it is not jealous ; love does not brag, it is not arrogant.


Love is a feeling that can be tamed. A person can learn how to manage emotions. For what a person speaks, comes out from the heart.


"For what a person speaks, comes out from the heart" comes from the Book of Matthews 15:18. This poem is very similar to what Jesus is teaching - that (Pure)Love should always be the guide of our lives because it will do us good rather than harm.

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