test scores, student ids, course listings, and table names are all examples of what

by Heath Wiegand 3 min read

What information is included in the test results?

Jan 06, 2022 · Test score is a reflection of your daily study. A good examination results indicates that you study hard, know how to go ahead and be different with those who lives without any aims. Scores themselves aren't what count, it's the fact that you are a person of ability or not. For example, the college entrance examination score of Jiang Fangzhou ...

Which exams are completely according to the examination scores for admission?

Classroom Test Analysis. This program analyzes data consisting of one or more test scores. It can weight items differentially (e.g., 2 points for Item #1, 3 points for Item #2, etc.) and accepts positive, negative and decimal fraction scores. The TOTAL output consists of three parts: A summary of statistics, a test frequency distribution, and a ...

What are the different types of test items?

The student will be able to categorize and name the parts of the human skeletal system. Objective Test Item (M-C, T-F, Matching) The student will be able to critique and appraise another student's English composition on the basis of its organization. Essay Test Item (Extended-Response) The student will demonstrate safe laboratory skills.

How do I select a student's name for a subject?

Nov 14, 2019 · Sample of using a View to combine data from more than one table. A Student demographics table was added to the database to demonstrate this usage. This view will combine these tables. Notes: To “join” tables, the tables must have fields in common (usually primary keys) that uniquely identity each row. In this case it’s the student ID.

Which of the following file types stored tabular data and uses fields separated by commas?

A CSV is a comma-separated values file, which allows data to be saved in a tabular format.

Which best defines metadata?

Metadata is defined as the data providing information about one or more aspects of the data; it is used to summarize basic information about data which can make tracking and working with specific data easier.

Which option allows a user to select all the data in an Excel document?

Press CTRL+A. Note If the worksheet contains data, and the active cell is above or to the right of the data, pressing CTRL+A selects the current region. Pressing CTRL+A a second time selects the entire worksheet.

Which of the following accurately describes the Microsoft Word Track Changes feature?

Which of the following accurately describes the Microsoft Word Track Changes feature? The Track Changes feature keeps a record of changes, edits, and comments you make while reviewing a document.

Which of the following are examples of metadata?

Metadata includes:file name,type,size,creation date and time,last modification date and time.

Which of the following is an example of technical metadata?

Some examples of technical metadata include physical database tables, access permissions, data models, backup rules, mapping documentation, data lineage, and many more.Sep 11, 2017

How do I select all data in a pivot table?

Select Entire Pivot TableSelect a cell in the pivot table, and on the Ribbon, click the Options tab.In the Actions group, click Select.Click Entire PivotTable.Jul 12, 2021

How do you select a range of data in Excel?

Select one or more cells Or use the keyboard to navigate to it and select it. To select a range, select a cell, then with the left mouse button pressed, drag over the other cells. Or use the Shift + arrow keys to select the range. To select non-adjacent cells and cell ranges, hold Ctrl and select the cells.

What are sheet tabs Class 9?

Answer: In Microsoft Excel, a sheet, sheet tab, or worksheet tab is used to display the worksheet that a user is currently editing. By clicking a worksheet tab (located at the bottom of the window), users may move between the various worksheets.Jan 1, 2021

How do you change the name on track changes?

How to Change Your User Name for Track Changes in WordSelect the Review tab in the ribbon. ... Select the dialog box launcher in the Tracking group. ... Select the Change User Name button in the Track Changes Options dialog box. ... Change the user name and/or the initials in the Word Options dialog box.More items...

What are track changes?

Track Changes is a built in feature in Microsoft Word which allows you to see the changes that were made to the document. To view changes, or to edit a document with them, follow the instructions below.

How do I change edit name in track changes?

Method 1: Edit User NameFirst and foremost, click “Review” tab.Then click “Track Change” in “Tracking” group.Next, click “Change User Name”.Now the “Word Options” dialog box will pop up. Make sure the “General” tab is displayed. Then change the user name and initials.Finally, click “OK”.Apr 24, 2020

What are the two categories of test items?

There are two general categories of test items: (1) objective items which require students to select the correct response from several alternatives or to supply a word or short phrase to answer a question or complete a statement; and (2) subjective or essay items which permit the student to organize and present an original answer. ...

Where is the matching item on the exam?

In general, matching items consist of a column of stimuli presented on the left side of the exam page and a column of responses placed on the right side of the page . Students are required to match the response associated with a given stimulus. For example,

What can an essay test measure?

Either essay or objective tests can be used to: measure almost any important educational achievement a written test can measure. test understanding and ability to apply principles. test ability to think critically. test ability to solve problems.

What is a multiple choice item?

The multiple-choice item consists of two parts: (a) the stem, which identifies the question or problem and (b) the response alternatives. Students are asked to select the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. For example,

What are the three forms of true false?

A true-false item can be written in one of three forms: simple, complex, or compound . Answers can consist of only two choices (simple), more than two choices (complex), or two choices plus a conditional completion response (compound). An example of each type of true-false item follows:

What is an essay test?

The essay test is probably the most popular of all types of teacher-made tests. In general, a classroom essay test consists of a small number of questions to which the student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to (a) recall factual knowledge, (b) organize this knowledge and (c) present the knowledge in a logical, integrated answer to the question. An essay test item can be classified as either an extended-response essay item or a short-answer essay item. The latter calls for a more restricted or limited answer in terms of form or scope. An example of each type of essay item follows.

What is subjective test?

Another form of a subjective test item is the problem solving or computational exam question. Such items present the student with a problem situation or task and require a demonstration of work procedures and a correct solution, or just a correct solution. This kind of test item is classified as a subjective type of item due to the procedures used to score item responses. Instructors can assign full or partial credit to either correct or incorrect solutions depending on the quality and kind of work procedures presented. An example of a problem solving test item follows.

What is the ID column in SQL?

The Id column is the key that identifies one person in the table. You use the keyword PRIMARY KEY to configure one or more columns as a primary key. A column can be not null or null indicating whether it is mandatory or not. A guide to the SQL Insert Query. Insert queries are a way to insert data into a table.

When to use "and" in SQL?

AND is used in a WHERE clause or a GROUP BY HAVING clause to limit the rows returned from the executed statement. Use AND when it’s required to have more than one condition met.

Why is the between operator useful?

The BETWEEN Operator is useful because of the SQL Query Optimizer. Although BETWEEN is functionally the same as: x <= element <= y, the SQL Query Optimizer will recognize this command faster, and has optimized code for running it.

What is a right join in SQL?

A right join returns all rows from the right table, and the matched rows from the left table. Opposite of a left join, this will return all rows from the right table even where there is no match in the left table. Rows in the right table that have no match in the left table will have null values for left table columns.

What does left join do?

A left join returns all rows from the left table, and the matched rows from the right table. Rows in the left table will be returned even if there was no match in the right table. The rows from the left table with no match in the right table will have null for right table values.

What is a pseudocolumn in Oracle?

A pseudocolumn is a function which returns a system generated value. The reason it is known as so because a pseudocolumn is an Oracle assigned value used in the same context as an Oracle database column but not stored on disk. ROWNUM, ROWID, USER, CURRVAL, NEXTVAL etc. Create a user my723acct with password kmd26pt.

Is SQL an ISO?

SQL is an international standard (ISO), but you will find many differences between implementations. This guide uses MySQL as an example. If you use one of the many other Relational Database Managers (DBMS) you’ll need to check the manual for that DBMS if needed.

The Challenge

Given the database tables below, use your SQL skills to answer as many of the questions that follow.


There are multiple ways to write the SQL queries that answer this challenge’s questions, so they may not exactly match your own. Here are my answers to the questions. Check out the solutions Gist, if you prefer to view them there.