teaching english in south korea does it matter where take tefl course

by Sallie Waters 9 min read

Even though it is possible to find an English teaching job in South Korea without a TEFL or teaching certificate, it is highly recommended to take the course and get the licence. Especially if you are looking for a better quality job.

Full Answer

Can I teach in Korea with a BA and TEFL?

Hi Rhia! As long as you have both a TEFL and a BA by the time you apply for your visa to teach in Korea, that’s all that matters in the eyes of your employer. I do agree that you may want to wait to do your TEFL so that it is more fresh in your mind, but this is up to you!

How can I teach English in South Korea as a foreigner?

Most foreigners working at public or private schools qualify for the school-sponsored E-2 visa. The E-2 visa will permit you to teach in South Korea for a year with a single entry. For a fee, you can get your single entry status changed to multiple entries, allowing you the option to travel in and out of the country.

What is a typical day like for a TEFL teacher in Korea?

Morning: A typical morning as a TEFL teacher in Korea begins rather late compared to life in the United States. Coffee shops usually do not open until 10 or 11 a.m. I take yoga classes or go running on the paths along the river.

What is the job market for teaching English in South Korea?

The job market for teaching English in South Korea is currently one of the largest and strongest in the world. Those looking to teach English in Korea can find teaching opportunities year-round, and interviews are conducted in advance over the phone and via Skype.

What TEFL course should I do to teach in Korea?

Unless you have a Bachelor's or Master's in Education OR a teaching license you will need to become TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certified to qualify for the Teach in Korea program.

Is TEFL Recognised in South Korea?

A TEFL certification is required to teach English in South Korea. You do not need professional teaching experience but earning your TEFL certification will provide you with the training and qualification you do need to get hired.

Can I teach in Korea with just a TEFL?

To teach English in Korea with i-to-i TEFL, you will need a degree and their minimum TEFL certificate (120 hours). An average teaching English in Korea salary with this program provider (after completing TEFL certification) is $2500 per month.

Can you teach in Korea without TEFL?

Do You Need a TEFL Certification? You don't technically need a TEFL certification to teach in South Korea, and I do know of one person who taught at an academy without one. However, if your degree isn't in Education or a related field, a TEFL certificate is mandatory for most jobs.

Is teaching English in Korea worth it?

It's valuable so basically to get a job there you need to have some special skill that most Koreans don't. The next problem will be a language one. If you don't speak the language then you are going to have some problems and even if you are fluent you have the first problem - no Korean passport.

Where should I teach English in South Korea?

The most popular places for English teaching jobs in South Korea are the country's two biggest cities – Seoul and Busan. However, there are TEFL opportunities in all cities and many rural locations for those looking for a more laidback South Korea experience.

How do I become an ESL teacher in Korea?

Requirements for Teaching English in Korean Public Schools Proof of full-time teaching experience. Copy of TEFL certificate (at least 100 hours of class time, either Online TEFL Class or In-Person TEFL Classes) Copy of teaching license or certificate.

Can you teach English in Korea without being a native speaker?

Indian citizens are also eligible to teach English in Korea with proof of high English ability and a teaching license. Some private academies may hire teachers who have a high TOEFL score if you're a non-native English speaker. But you will not be eligible for the standard E2 teaching visa.

Can I teach English in South Korea without a bachelor's degree?

You can teach English in Korea with just two years of college or university . There is a program called Teach and Learn in Korea AKA TaLK. They accept applicants without bachelor's degrees if they are willing to live in rural areas.

Is TEFL enough to teach abroad?

Yes. With an associate's degree and a TEFL certification, you can teach English abroad in more than 50 countries, from Costa Rica to Taiwan. Some countries like South Korea & Japan require a 4-year degree, but you still have many options.

What jobs can foreigners get in Korea?

Job Opportunities in South Korea for Foreigners In addition to teaching English, other sectors where expats will find a lot of opportunities are in IT, general office administration jobs, manufacturing, and careers related to health, science, research, and technology.

How much do Korean English teachers make?

Teaching salaries in Korea are among the highest in the world, where teachers can earn between $20,400 and $52,800 per year ($1,350 - 4,400 per month). With these relatively high salaries, South Korea is a great destination for those who want to teach English, gain an immersive experience abroad, and build savings.

What are the requirements to teach English in Korea?

To teach English in South Korea you must meet the following criteria: TEFL Certification Citizenship from a recognized English-speaking nation: U.S...

How do I obtain a work visa to teach English in South Korea?

To obtain a work visa to teach English in South Korea, you must obtain the following documents: Bachelor's degree (or a copy) - it must notarized a...

Will my school provide free housing when I teach English in Korea?

YES! It is standard for schools to provide free housing to foreign English teachers for the duration of their contract. Read More: Will My School P...

Will my school provide a free airfare when I teach English in Korea?

YES - It is standard for schools to provide airfare to foreigners hired to teach English in Korea. Your airfare stipulations should be outlined in...

How much money do you make teaching English in Korea?

First-time English teachers in South Korea working in public schools through programs like EPIK typically earn monthly salaries between 1.5 to 3 mi...

What is a Hagwon for teaching English in South Korea?

The bulk of teaching jobs in South Korea will be found at hagwons. “Hagwon” is the Korean language word for a for-profit private educational instit...

What is the EPIK Program for teaching English in South Korea?

EPIK, which stands for English Programs in Korea, is a teaching program sponsored through the Korean Ministry of Education. Accepted participants a...

Are there different government teaching programs in South Korea other than EPIK?

YES! There are several government teaching programs available in South Korea other than EPIK. They include: GEPIK: Gyeonggi English Program in Kore...

Are English teachers in demand in Korea?

Yes, there is a high demand for English teachers in Korea. Expect a competitive but highly rewarding jobs market. Many TEFL jobs in South Korea com...

Is teaching English in South Korea worth it?

Teaching English in South Korea offers a life-changing experience for those who take the plunge. In addition to embracing a new culture and making...

What is International TEFL Academy?

International TEFL Academy. Founded in 2010, International TEFL Academy is a world leader in TEFL certification for teaching English abroad & teaching English online. ITA offers accredited TEFL certification courses online & in 21 locations worldwide and has received multiple awards & widespread recognition as one of the best TEFL schools in ...

What is the capital of Korea?

Its capital city, Seoul, is one of the largest metropolises in the world, and the country boasts a vibrant culture, food scene, and reasonable visa requirements. Let’s take a look at those requirements in more detail, starting with the mandatory E-2 teaching visa that’s needed to be able to teach English in Korea.

What Is TEFL?

TEFL is an acronym for Teaching English as a Foreign Language and it is a fast growing educational field in the world. If you are looking to be teaching English abroad you’ll find lots of professional opportunities and especially for those with a teaching certificate or a TEFL certificate.

TEFL South Korea: Requirements

Even though it is possible to find an English teaching job in South Korea without a TEFL or teaching certificate, it is highly recommended to take the course and get the licence. Especially if you are looking for a better quality job.

Why Should You Get TEFL Certified?

There are many reasons to get certified, some to get a better job and others are to become a better teacher. Listed below are the main reasons.

Tefl.org Review

There are many companies out there that offer a TEFL course, which can be quite confusing when looking to get your certification. Pick a course that suits your needs and that comes from an accredited company.

1.1 120-Hour Premier Online TEFL Course Review

Of all the courses, both of use did the 120-Hour Permier Online TEFL Course, which was perfect for us. We have already been teaching English for quite a few years in South Korea, but still learned from this course and improved as teachers.

Which TEFL Course To Get For Teaching In South Korea

Let’s assume you are applying for the most competitive program for teaching in South Korea: EPIK. Every teacher applying for this program needs a TEFL certificate.

Country specifics

My fiance and I chose to teach English in South Korea. When we were deciding where to teach, we relied completely on the internet as we had never met anyone who had ever taught English abroad. The more research we did, the more we decided South Korea would be the best country to teach in.

Moving abroad to TEFL in South Korea

We used different forum websites such as TeachAway.com and ESLcafe.com to find our teaching job. We connected with several different recruiters who sent our resumes to different schools throughout South Korea. Once you connect with a recruiter, they will send you jobs that they think would be a good fit for you.

In the classroom

We taught all grades but high school! We had students as young as 3 years old and we even taught some adult classes. For the most part, though, we taught elementary school grades as well as middle school classes.

A TEFL in South Korea work week

Since we taught at an after-school academy, our work hours were a bit different than most. We started work at 1:30 pm and we left at 9:30 pm. We worked Monday-Friday and we were never asked to work any weekends. Some of our friends were expected to work one Saturday a month, so make sure you ask about this when looking for a job.

Personal experiences of TEFL in South Korea

I would say first and foremost, we prepared for anything and make sure that you can have an easy-going attitude! Teaching in South Korea is amazing but can be difficult at times due to the cultural differences you might not be used to. Second, I would say to take a really close look at the contract you are signing.

How many hours do you need to take a TEFL class?

EPIK requires that you take a course of at least 100 hours total, but they HIGHLY prefer that you have some “in-class” hours to list on the application.

What is the difference between a TeFL and a CELTA?

The biggest difference between a CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) and a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) or TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) is that CELTA is specifically for teaching adults, where TEFL/TESOL will have units on teaching adults as well as children.

Can you take a TEFL class online?

If you can take a course in-person and not online, this is considered the best kind of TEFL certification by EPIK (and around the world), for many reasons. You will be learning in an actual classroom, instead of behind a computer and you will have actual teaching experience as part of your course.

How to teach English in South Korea?

In order to teach English in South Korea you'll need to be a native English speaker, hold a Bachelor's degree, and have a clear criminal record. You may also need a TEFL or TESOL certification depending on the school. Related Content.

How much do English teachers make in South Korea?

Salaries in South Korea vary by the type of teaching institution. In general, hagwons offer the most money for first-time English teachers at about $2,000 USD. On the other hand, public schools offer a lower starting salary at about $1,350-$2,000. In public schools, the pay tends to be more when you factor in the low amount of actual working hours. Public and private schools will provide your housing. Typically it’s a self-contained studio ranging from medium-sized to small. The apartments in Seoul tend to be the smallest, but there is also much more to do in Seoul, limiting the actual time spent in the apartment.

How many hours do you need to be an EPIK teacher?

If you are an EPIK teacher, it is required to hold a TEFL/TESOL certification and 100 hours of previous teaching experience. If you have an associate's degree or are in the process of getting your university degree (third year or higher), you may be eligible for some programs.

What makes a public school job better?

Qualities like higher job security, lower teaching hours, and plentiful paid vacation makes working in a public school a bit more ideal. While these positions tend to be more competitive with slightly lower pay, your application will be made stronger by having a teaching certificate like a TESOL or TEFL.

How much is the settling allowance in South Korea?

Most will provide a $250 USD settling allowance that is usually deposited into your account before your first paycheck. Before you leave, they will deposit another $1,000 USD into your account for your outbound plane ticket, no matter the destination. Overall, the cost of living in South Korea is affordable.

How many hours do you have to work to teach in Korea?

Work hours: 22 hours of actual teaching, 40 hours a week. Required to have TEFL/TESOL certification in order to teach, and minimum of 100 hours of prior teaching experience. Minimum qualifications for pay starting at 2 million Korean Won/month.

How does Korea show respect?

In every situation, act with the utmost respect for others around you. In Korea, it's common to nod your head in a slight bow to your superiors to show respect.

Paid Teaching Internship in South Korea

Ideal for first time English teachers looking to gain valuable teaching experience in a safe and secure environment. 12 months teaching placement – 20 spaces remaining


Looking to spend a year teaching in a beautiful nation with a rich culture? Then you’ve come to the right place! While enjoying the cultural delights of unique and lively South Korea, you’ll earn a lifelong TEFL qualification and improve your teaching skills with this TEFL internship.

Your Trip Itinerary

Travel to Incheon airport (ICN) where you will take a short taxi ride to your orientation hotel (unless you need to complete quarantine at an ASQ hotel for 7 – 10 nights).

What our teachers say

We both felt that teaching would be a magnificent way to enable us to travel and experience new cultures, and for me personally I would get an insight into how schools and education systems work in other countries.


Schools are located nationwide, from big cities to small towns. The South Korean HQ is in Seoul. Preferences can be given during the application process, but not guaranteed.

How it works

Before you go, you’ll have an application form to fill out and documents to submit, a video chat an then you’ll be on your way.

Cultural excursions

Unsure of what to do with your valuable spare time? Look no further! We realise that your adventure bucket list is long, so put these suggestions from our previous TEFL teachers in South Korea close to the top!

What degree do I need to teach English in South Korea?

A 4-year university degree, a clean FBI background check, and a TEFL certificate are required. A job teaching English abroad in South Korea is a fantastic way to live overseas, build your resume, ...

How to contact International TeFL Academy?

Contact International TEFL Academy for your starter brochure or call us directly at 773-634-9900 & start working with your personal Admission Advisors. Your advisor will work with you one-on-one to answer your all of your questions, go over your options & set up your game plan to see the world.

Where is Megan Fuehrer?

Megan Fuehrer. Megan is originally from a small Nebraska town and always dreamed of traveling the world. After studying abroad a semester in Kenya she still wasn't satisfied, and has since been to South Korea teaching elementary students English. She enjoys cafes, travel writing, running, and desserts of all kinds.

Is applicability limited to the four walls of the classroom?

If applicability is limited to the four walls of the classroom, then it is only good for special occasions. Whenever all the pillars of teaching are present, there will be no barriers on the way of teaching and learning. There exist T (s), ELL (s), objective, and the most important of all application.

Country Specifics

Moving Abroad to TEFL in South Korea

  • How did you find your teaching job?
    We used different forum websites such as TeachAway.com and ESLcafe.com to find our teaching job. We connected with several different recruiters who sent our resumes to different schools throughout South Korea. Once you connect with a recruiter, they will send you jobs that they thin…
  • How did you find your accommodation?
    We were given our accommodation through the school we ended up working with. You usually will not have any say in this, and you will just get what you get. You can, of course, ask how far it is from the school you are teaching at, and what furnishings it will have.
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in The Classroom

  • Which grade(s) do you teach?
    We taught all grades but high school! We had students as young as 3 years old and we even taught some adult classes. For the most part, though, we taught elementary school grades as well as middle school classes.
  • On average how many students are in the class?
    In some of our classes, we only had 1 or 2 students and other classes had 10. We never had any more than 10-12 students as we each only had 10 desks in our classrooms! Although sometimes for some reason there would be more students than desks and we would have to pull in a desk f…
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A TEFL in South Korea Work Week

  • What is your work week like?
    Since we taught at an after-school academy, our work hours were a bit different than most. We started work at 1:30 pm and we left at 9:30 pm. We worked Monday-Friday and we were never asked to work any weekends. Some of our friends were expected to work one Saturday a month…
  • What do you like to do when you are not teaching?
    We loved to go hiking, explore other cities in Korea, try all the delicious food, hang out with friends, go camping, go to festivals, explore the temples, go to the beach, shop, or just relax! There are endless things to do in Korea and since it is such a small country it is so easy to get around!
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Personal Experiences of TEFL in South Korea

  • What advice would you give to someone thinking about going to TEFL in South Korea?
    I would say first and foremost, we prepared for anything and make sure that you can have an easy-going attitude! Teaching in South Korea is amazing but can be difficult at times due to the cultural differences you might not be used to. Second, I would say to take a really close look at t…
  • What is the most rewarding part of your job?
    Teaching in Korea is an incredibly unique situation where you are surrounded by other ex-pats from all over the world all together in one place where no one knows anyone. This doesn’t happen in lots of places in the world, so it makes it easier than ever to make friends and connect with lik…
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