students who blame the teacher if they do poorly in a course have an _________ locus of control.

by Prof. Ulises Stokes 4 min read

Which of the following would be an example of an external locus of control?

For example, students with an internal locus of control might blame poor grades on their failure to study, whereas students with an external locus of control may blame an unfair teacher or test for their poor performance.

When people believe they have control over events in their lives they have an external locus of control?

People with an external locus of control tend to believe that the things which happen in their lives are out of their control, and even that their own actions are a result of external factors, such as fate, luck, the influence of powerful others (such as doctors, the police, or government officials) and/or a belief ...

How does self efficacy develop quizlet?

How does SE develop? According to Bandura, "Seeing people similar to oneself succeed by sustained effort raises observers' beliefs that they too possess the capabilities master comparable activities to succeed" (1994).

What would behaviorists expect to happen to an individual's response tendencies over time?

What would behaviorists expect to happen to an individual's response tendencies over time? They would change to reflect the individual's new experiences and interactions with the environment.

What is the difference between internal and external control?

I differentiate two categories of control: internal and external control. In external control, one starts from outside, and tries to determine the environment completely. While with internal control, one's own aspirations are taken as a starting point, and useful synergies with the environment are sought.

What is the difference between internal and external locus of control?

People who develop an internal locus of control believe that they are responsible for their own success. Those with an external locus of control believe that external forces, like luck, determine their outcomes.

What is locus of control quizlet?

Locus of Control refers to a person's perception of personal control over their own behaviour. Its measured along the dimensions of high internal or high external.

Which of the following is believed about the concept of locus of control?

Locus of control refers to the way people perceive the events that happen to them. People who have an internal locus of control believe that what happens to them is a result of their own decisions, they are also more likely to resist social conformity and obedience.

What is the self-efficacy theory quizlet?

Self Efficacy Theory. Proposes that behavior change occurs because of the expectations or expected result of the new behavior and one's belief about his or her ability to perform specific situation.

What are the 4 personality theories?

Psychoanalytic, humanistic, trait perspective and behaviorist theory are the four main personality theories.

Which of the following is a characteristic of people who have an internal locus of control?

People with an internal locus of control assume a personal responsibility and influence over what happens to them. When they face a new and unpredictable situation they trust their ability to influence it, and so the unknown appears less threatening (ibid.).

What is stability in personality?

Personality stability is the result of the interplay between the individual and her/his environment. Psychologists use the term person–environment transactions (e.g., Roberts et al., 2008) to capture the mutually transforming interplay between individuals and their contextual circumstances.