state which method should be applied as the first step for factoring the polynomial. course hero

by Nash Tillman 9 min read

The first method for factoring polynomials will be factoring out the greatest common factor. When factoring in general this will also be the first thing that we should try as it will often simplify the problem. To use this method all that we do is look at all the terms and determine if there is a factor that is in common to all the terms.

Full Answer

What is the first method for factoring polynomials?

20. State which method should be applied as the first step for factoring the polynomial. 6x3 + 9x. 21. State which method should be applied as the first step for factoring the polynomial. 2a2 + 9a + 10. 22. Solve the quadratic equation. 5x2 + 17x = …

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State which method should be applied as the first step for factoring the from MATH 110 at Fortis Institute, Forty Fort

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Factoring: State which method should be applied as the first step for factoring the polynomial 6x^3+9x.. a. find the gcf Becasue 6x^3+9x GCF = 3x So, 3x(6x^3/3x + 9x/3x) = 3x(2x^2 + 3). Use the ac test to determine if the following trinomial can be factored x^2+2x+3

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State which method should be applied as the first step for factoring the polynomial. 6x3 + 9x should I find GCF first, group the terms or use the a Algebra -> Polynomials-and-rational-expressions -> SOLUTION: Please help me to solve.

What is the first method of factoring polynomials?

The first method for factoring polynomials will be factoring out the greatest common factor. When factoring in general this will also be the first thing that we should try as it will often simplify the problem.

What is a prime number?

A prime number is a number whose only positive factors are 1 and itself. For example, 2, 3, 5, and 7 are all examples of prime numbers. Examples of numbers that aren’t prime are 4, 6, and 12 to pick a few.

How to factor polynomials?

There are six different methods to factorising polynomials. The six methods are as follows: 1 Greatest Common Factor (GCF) 2 Grouping Method 3 Sum or difference in two cubes 4 Difference in two squares method 5 General trinomials 6 Trinomial method

What is the process of finding factors of a given value or mathematical expression?

The process of finding factors of a given value or mathematical expression is called factorisation. Factors are the integers that are multiplied to produce an original number. For example, the factors of 18 are 2, 3, 6, 9 and 18, such as;

What is a polynomial expression?

Thus, a polynomial is an expression in which a combination of a constant and a variable is separated by an addition or a subtraction sign. Zeroes of polynomials, when represented in the form of another linear polynomial are known as factors of polynomials.