st augustine which offers delegation course

by Dr. Gerardo Nienow 10 min read

What is USAHS counseling?

USAHS focuses on providing the best and more appropriate academic and financial aid counseling throughout the admissions process. Whether applying to a first-professional, campus based program or a post-professional distance program, an assigned Enrollment Advisor is available to assist you from application to acceptance.

What is HSC 6031?

HSC 6031 – Cultural Competence Hours: 1#N#This course will explore concepts and practices of cultural competency in the current health care environment. Students will self-assess their cultural competence as a health care providers and examine ways to implement strategies learned into their future practice.

Taking courses at University of St. Augustine for professional credits

I was advised by the FCCPT to take online courses from St. Augustine to make up credit deficiencies in professional practice courses. Has anyone else taken courses from them, how were they and was the process simple? Thank you

Re: Taking courses at University of St. Augustine for professional credits

I have taken metabolic disorders course at University of St.Augustine. Can anyone please forward me sample assignments if you have?
