sql select query to select students from student table who have taken all courses in course table

by Albert Marks MD 3 min read

2/ Implement a query to get a list of all students and how many courses each student is enrolled in. SELECT s.student_id, s.student_name, COUNT (sc.course_id) AS course_count FROM students s LEFT JOIN student_courses sc ON s.student_id = sc.student_id

Full Answer

How to query the student number and name of basic course?

Query the student number and name of students who have taken the basic course of database select sno Student number,sname full name from student where sno in (select sno from sc,course where sc.cno=course.cno and cname='Database foundation course')

How do you select data from a table in SQL?

Introduction to SQL SELECT statement To query data from a table, you use the SQL SELECT statement. The SELECT statement contains the syntax for selecting columns, selecting rows, grouping data, joining tables, and performing simple calculations.

How to query for information about students who have taken VB?

Query the students who have taken VB courses in the 'information department', and list the students' names, course names and grades Only the data in one table must meet the connection conditions, while the data in another table can not meet the conditions The information of tuples that do not meet the connection conditions can be output

How to separate two SQL queries using the SELECT clause?

Then, specify the table name in the FROM clause. When evaluating the SELECT statement, the database system evaluates the FROM clause first and then the SELECT clause. The semicolon (;) is not part of a query. It is used to separate two SQL queries.

How will you retrieve all the data from the students table SELECT one?

A special character asterisk * is used to address all the data(belonging to all columns) in a query. SELECT statement uses * character to retrieve all records from a table, for all the columns. The above query will show all the records of student table, that means it will show complete dataset of the table.

What will be the query to display the courses in which number of students enrolled is more than 5?

To get the number of students who are registered for more than 5 courses you do this... SELECT COUNT(*) FROM REGISTRATION WHERE SEMESTER = 'GIVEN SEMESTER' GROUP BY CAMPUS, STUDENT_ID HAVING COUNT(*) > 5; You need to group by campus AND student id since student id is repeated for different campuses.

Which of the following query will find all the unique students who have taken more than one course *?

Q6) Which of the following query will find all the unique students who have taken more than one course? Option D would be a right option. This query will first apply self join on enrolled table and then it evaluate the condition e1. sid = e2.

Which statement is used to get all data from the student table?

It is mostly used with the SELECT statement.

How do I create a SQL database for students?

SolutionCreating student table. ... Describe the structure of the table. ... Insert few records into student table. ... Add column to the student table (that is phone_no). ... Modify the column name of phone_no to student_no. ... Rename the table name to student_info. ... Delete any records from the table.

How do I count the number of students in SQL?

SELECT COUNT(column_name) counts the non-null values of column in the table. The total number of STU_DEPT values in above table are 7 but one of them is null. Since count(column_name) counts non-null values of the given column, thus the output is 6.

How do you SELECT unique records from a table using SQL query?

The SQL SELECT DISTINCT Statement The SELECT DISTINCT statement is used to return only distinct (different) values. Inside a table, a column often contains many duplicate values; and sometimes you only want to list the different (distinct) values.

How do I SELECT unique records from a table in SQL?

The unique values are fetched when we use the distinct keyword.SELECT DISTINCT returns only distinct (different) values.DISTINCT eliminates duplicate records from the table.DISTINCT can be used with aggregates: COUNT, AVG, MAX, etc.DISTINCT operates on a single column.More items...

How can I get unique records without using distinct in SQL?

Below are alternate solutions :Remove Duplicates Using Row_Number. WITH CTE (Col1, Col2, Col3, DuplicateCount) AS ( SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY Col1, Col2, Col3 ORDER BY Col1) AS DuplicateCount FROM MyTable ) SELECT * from CTE Where DuplicateCount = 1.Remove Duplicates using group By.

How do you SELECT all data from student information table WHERE name starts from the letter R?

How to select all data from student table starting the name from letter 'r'?A. SELECT * FROM student WHERE name LIKE 'r%';SELECT * FROM student WHERE name LIKE '%r%';SELECT * FROM student WHERE name LIKE '%r';SELECT * FROM student WHERE name LIKE '_r%';

Which statement is used to get all data from the student table whose name start with K?

1 Answer. Query: SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Student_Name like 'K%'; Here 'like' operator is used to perform pattern matching.

How do you SELECT all the columns from a table named persons?

With SQL, how do you select all the columns from a table named "Persons"?Click the icon SQL Worksheet. The SQL Worksheet pane appears.In the field under "Enter SQL Statement:", enter this query: SELECT * FROM SLIGHTBOOK;Click the Execute Statement. The query runs.Click the tab Results.

What does "select" mean in SQL?

It means that the SELECT and select keywords are the same. To make the SQL statements more readable, we will use the uppercase letters for the SQL keywords such as SELECT and FROM and the lowercase letters for the identifiers such as table and column names. Besides the SELECT and FROM clauses, the SELECT statement can contain many other clauses ...

How to query data from a table?

To query data from a table, you use the SQL SELECT statement. The SELECT statement contains the syntax for selecting columns, selecting rows, grouping data, joining tables, and performing simple calculations.

What is semicolon in SQL?

The semicolon (;) is not the part of a query. It is used to separate two SQL queries. Check out the SQL syntax for more information. In case you want to query data from all columns of a table, you can use the asterisk (*) operator, like this: SELECT * FROM table_name; Notice that SQL is case-insensitive.

What is select statement in SQL?

The SELECT statement allows you to specify exactly which columns you want to retrieve data in any order. It doesn’t have to be in the order defined in the table.

Why is the asterisk in a table so slow?

The application often doesn’t need all data from all the columns of a table. If you use the asterisk (*), the database server has to read the unnecessary data and this unnecessary data has to transfer between the server and application. It causes slowness in the application.
