setup time is changed when course hero

by Sally Heathcote DDS 6 min read

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Where is the time on my camera?

The time comes from your phone’s time. You can find it under: Settings > Setup > Set Date and Time. It’s at the bottom of the Setup section , just before the deleting and formatting options. There are no options below that–once you hit that menu item it will synchronize the camera’s clock to your phone’s clock.

Why do I have to set my camera to UTC?

Doing it manually has advantages in some situations. For instance, because I tend to travel with several cameras and hop across timezones, I like to have all my cameras set to UTC. That makes it easier when I get back to properly sequence the photos and is also easier when geocoding. If you use the automatic option for setting the time, it’ll use local time, and you don’t have the option of adding an offset.

How long does it take for a GoPro to slip?

Time Slip. As with most cameras, the time on GoPros gradually slips. Over the course of a few weeks, you might find that your camera’s clock has slipped off by a few seconds or more. It’s only a minor annoyance and easily fixed, but you might find yourself resetting the clock from time to time.

Can you change the time on a camera?

You change the time with the regular buttons on the camera, much the same way you’d set an alarm clock. Setting the time manually is a little tedious, but it’s also probably not something you’ll have to do all that often. Doing it manually has advantages in some situations.

Can you shoot without setting the time on a GoPro?

And while there’s no real magic to it, it’s not immediately self-evident that there are two methods to setting the time on a GoPro–at least on some of the cameras. Each has its own advantages. You can, of course, shoot without setting the GoPro’s time and date. It’ll work just fine.

Can you put a time stamp on a GoPro camera?

No, there’s no way to apply a visual timestamp in the camera. GoPros don’t have that feature. You can do it after the fact by processing the images in software that can take the time/date metadata and add it as a text layer on top of the image.

2 Answers

Here's an example model that might work for you: processorsetuptime.fsm

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