sdsu when to use course forgiveness

by Carlie White PhD 8 min read

Beginning fall 2018, course forgiveness will be applied automatically to the first attempt of a repeated course up to the course forgiveness unit limits. If you wish to apply a late course forgiveness for a course repeated prior to fall 2018, you can apply by completing the online Course Forgiveness Request form available in the SDSU WebPortal.

Beginning fall 2018, course forgiveness will be applied automatically if enrollment is identified as a repeated course attempt. Requests for course forgiveness applied to prior repeats will be accepted via the SDSU WebPortal.

Full Answer

How do I use course forgiveness to forgive a deficient grade?

In order to use course forgiveness to forgive a deficient grade, you must repeat the course with a letter grade. If you have questions about repeating classes and how grade forgiveness will impact your GPA, contact your assistant dean or academic advisor . Can I choose which courses I want to take CR/NC?

What is the maximum number of units for course forgiveness?

A maximum of 16 units is allowed for course forgiveness as part of the 28-unit course repeat limit. The same course can be repeated only one time for course forgiveness. Only one upper division course can be used for course forgiveness.

When do I have to repeat the course at SDSU?

If a deficient grade is earned in a course that is enforced by the registration system, you are required to repeat the course during the semester immediately following. Do I have to repeat the course at SDSU to allow course forgiveness to apply?

Can I return to SDSU after a year of probation?

To return to SDSU after a year, you must reapply to the University and be subject to the policy and admission standards in effect at the time of your application. If you are in an approved Second Baccalaureate program, you will be placed on probation once your GPA falls below a 2.00.

How many times can you use the forgiveness policy?

Undergraduate students may use the forgiveness policy a maximum of three times for the purpose of improving their GPA. The same course may be repeated up to three times or the student may use the three opportunities to apply to three different courses.

Does grade forgiveness affect GPA?

When Grade Forgiveness is applied to a student's record, the grade earned during the first attempt of the course is no longer factored in to the student's GPA but it will still appear on the student's transcript. In other words, the new grade replaces the old grade in the calculation of a student's GPA.

Is D passing in SDSU?

Grades and grade points per unit used in reporting are as follows: Grade of A (outstanding achievement; available for the highest accomplishment), 4 points; B (average; awarded for satisfactory performance), 3 points; C (minimally passing), 2 points; D (unacceptable for graduate credit; course must be repeated), 1 ...

What is a C+ at SDSU?

Grade Converter (San Diego State University)Letter GradePointsC+2.3C2C-1.7D+1.38 more rows

Can you remove a grade from your college transcript?

The transcript displays the official record of classes students enroll in during school, so most grades cannot be changed or removed.

Do medical schools accept grade forgiveness?

While your college campus may offer grade forgiveness on transcripts for any classes failed and repeated, AMCAS does not and will calculate all attempts for the course. Even though the failed grade will hurt your GPA, it is worse not to retake the course and earn a passing grade.

Is a 72 AC minus?

Traditionally, the grades are A+, A, A−, B+, B, B−, C+, C, C−, D+, D, D− and F, with A+ being the highest and F being lowest. In some cases, grades can also be numerical....Grade conversion.Letter GradePercentageGPAC+77–79%2.3C73–76%2.0C−70–72%1.7D+67–69%1.39 more rows

What is SDSU best known for?

SDSU is nationally recognized for its study abroad initiatives, veterans' programs and support of LGBTQIA+ students, as well as its powerhouse Division I Athletics Program. Students have access to more than 300 student clubs and organizations, and an inclusive environment with a diverse range of programs and offerings.

Why is San Diego State called the Aztecs?

The decision to choose the Aztec as a moniker was in conjunction with preliminary plans to move to a new campus and was done in unison with changing the name of the school newspaper to 'The Aztec' and featuring a yearbook with prominent Aztec symbols.

What is a 4.0 GPA equal to?

Colleges report GPA (grade point average) on a 4.0 scale. The top grade is an A, which equals 4.0. You calculate your overall GPA by averaging the scores of all your classes. This is the standard scale at most colleges, and many high schools use it.

What does P mean in grades?

passing gradesThe grades of A, B, C, D and P are passing grades. Grades of F and U are failing grades. R and I are interim grades. Grades of W and X are final grades carrying no credit.

Is D passing at USD?

Grade points are assigned as follows: A, superior; B, very good; C, average; D, inferior; F, failure. Grade points are assigned to the above grades as follows: A = 4.0; A- = 3.7; B+ = 3.3; B = 3.00; B- = 2.7; C+ = 2.3; C = 2.00; C- = 1.7; D+ = 1.3; D = 1.00; D- = 0.7; F = 0.00.

Undergraduate Probation and Disqualification Policy Fall 1997 to Summer 2022

While on probation, you must maintain a term grade point average (GPA) of 2.00. If you fall below a 2.00 in any term after going on probation, you will be disqualified. You are allowed to continue on probation (which means maintaining a GPA of at least 2.00 each semester) for a maximum of three semesters .


See your major advisor or Assistant Dean to establish an academic plan to help you get off academic probation. Students who have been disqualified from SDSU can see an advisor to develop an academic plan to prepare for readmission to SDSU.

What happens if you take an incomplete grade?

If you elect to take an incomplete grade for a course, do not re-enroll in the course. You should instead work with your instructor to complete the remaining elements of the course. When the work is completed, the instructor will assign a final grade.

Can you forgive a deficient grade?

No. In order to use course forgiveness to forgive a deficient grade, you must repeat the course with a letter grade. If you have questions about repeating classes and how grade forgiveness will impact your GPA, contact your assistant dean or speak to an adviser in the Office of Evaluations .
