sdsu what course fufill wpa

by Dr. Crystel Welch 8 min read

What are the requirements for the SDSU written communication assessment?

• Students who achieve a score of 10 on the WPA satisfy the CSU GWAR and do not have to take a writing course unless an upper division writing course is required by the major. • Students who achieve a score of 8 are required to satisfy the GWAR by completing an approved upper division writing course with a grade of C or higher.

What happens if I am disqualified from San Diego State University?

If the student elects to take the WPA, they will be required to complete the necessary writing courses required based on the WPA score. Continuing students who will have 60 units earned by the end of fall 2021 will be required to take the WPA in fall 2021 or spring 2022 and must do so before fall 2022 registration in April 2022.

Are all courses available at the San Diego campus?

The Writing Placement Assessment (WPA) is a timed test used by San Diego State University to determine if a student’s writing skills fulfill the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR). Based on the test results, some students will require an additional writing course or courses in order to fulfill this requirement.

What is the difference between SDSU GPA and cumulative GPA?

Jul 18, 2016 · The test score from the WPA may clear the requirement or place students in the appropriate writing course(s) to fulfill the requirement. Transfer students admitted for fall 2020 who do not take the WPA by the last test date in the fall 2020 semester (usually mid-October) will not be able to register for spring 2021 .

Is WPA required SDSU?

Fall 2021 transfer students The WPA test has been waived but all students are required to fulfull the WPA requirement by completing am approved upper division writing course. List of approved upper division writing courses.Feb 11, 2022

What is the SDSU WPA?

Writing Placement Assessment (WPA) @ SDSU.

How do I prepare for WPA?

Attend the free workshops or presentation. Watch the videos available on this site. Set a two-hour time limit to read each article and to write an analysis using the prompt located at the end of the reading samples. Read and evaluate your own essay using the scoring criteria found on this site.

How long is the WPA SDSU?

two-hourThe Writing Placement Assessment (WPA) is a two-hour examination used by SDSU to evaluate writing competency.

How long is the WPA test?

The Writing Placement Assessment (WPA) is a one-hour timed essay designed to assess your English reading and writing proficiency.

What is WPA essay?

The Writing Placement Assessment (WPA) is a writing task that should be familiar to all college students.

How many times can you take the WPA SDSU?

How many times can I take the WPA? Students are allowed to attempt the WPA twice within the time frames and restrictions described in the question above.

What does WPA stand for?

Works Progress AdministrationWorks Progress Administration. On April 8, 1935, Congress approved the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, the work relief bill that funded the Works Progress Administration (WPA).Apr 8, 2021

How many credits do you need to graduate from SDSU?

To qualify for a bachelor's degree, each of the following minimum unit requirements must be completed at this university: Complete a minimum of 30 total units at SDSU. Twenty four of those units must be upper division units (numbered 300-599).

Will SDSU grade point averages be affected in 2020?

Student academic standing will not be negatively impacted by spring 2020 grade point averages. Earned grades will be included and calculated in SDSU and cumulative grade point averages. However, the processes to place students on academic probation or disqualification are suspended for spring 2020.

Is study abroad suspended?

Due to COVID-19, study abroad programs have been suspended temporarily. If you are impacted by the study abroad suspensions, then the University will offer flexibility to you. If you have an international experience or study abroad requirement in your major or minor, please speak to the advisor in your academic department to determine options.

Is the WPA suspended?

The Writing Placement Assessment (WPA) has been temporarily suspended and waived for upper division students. Upper division students can register directly for approved upper division writing courses. Completing the approved upper division writing course with a C or better will satisfy the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement.

Admissions Requirements

In order to be admitted to the Online Degree Completion program you must first qualify for transfer admission to San Diego State University.

How to Apply

Applications for Spring 2022 admission to the BSBA online program will be accepted from June 1 to November 1, 2021. Applications for Fall 2022 admission will be accepted from October 1, 2021 to May 15 2022. Information about applying for admission to the program can be found at Cal State Apply.

Admissions FAQs

The estimated cost of tuition for Online Degree Completion (BSBA) is $26,950 to $30,250.


You must provide a separate final official transcript showing spring 2020 term grades. This final transcript is in addition to the preliminary transcript (s) you have previously submitted.

Writing Placement Assessment

All undergraduate students must demonstrate competency in writing skills at the upper division level as a requirement for the baccalaureate degree within the California State University (CSU) system (known as the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement – GWAR). At SDSU, the Writing Placement Assessment (WPA) is used to assess that competency.

Transcripts (SPRING 2020)

You must provide official copies of transcript (s) from all colleges you have attended showing fall 2019 grades, at least one week prior to your Orientation date.

Writing Placement Assessment

All undergraduate students must demonstrate competency in writing skills at the upper division level as a requirement for the baccalaureate degree within the California State University (CSU) system (known as the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement, or GWAR).

How does general education impact undergraduates?

General Education profoundly influences undergraduates by providing the breadth of knowledge necessary for meaningful work, lifelong learning, socially responsible citizenship, and intellectual development. This 49-unit program, which comprises over one third of an undergraduate’s course of study, places specialized disciplines into a wider world, ...

What are the goals of ethnic studies?

Goals for courses meeting the ethnic studies requirement: Goal 1: Define core concepts that are foundational to the field of ethnic studies to include colonialism, equity, ethnicity and culture, Eurocentrism, indigeneity, race, racialization, racism, and white supremacy.

What do students need to know about science?

Thus students require a general understanding of fundamental concepts and knowledge accumulated by the natural sciences.

What are the factors of cultural diversity?

Cultural diversity courses focus on the theoretical and practical factors of age, class, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, immigration, nation, race, religion, sexuality, socioeconomic status, and other significant markers of social identity.

What is the foundation of learning?

Foundations of Learning courses introduce students to the basic concepts, theories, and approaches offered by disciplinary and interdisciplinary areas of study. They provide the foundation to understand and approach problems in the academy, and in local and global real-world environments.


I. Freshmen Competency Requirements: Mathematics and Writing

II. Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

III. Major and Minor Requirements

IV. American Institutions Requirement

v. Language Requirement

  • Students whose majors lead to the Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Bachelor of Music degree, Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Dance, or a Bachelor of Arts degree in Applied Art...
See more on

VI. Unit Requirements

VII. Residence Requirements

VIII. Grade Point Average Requirements

Application For Graduation