Feb 02, 2022 · Use the "View Cart" button to review your choices. Use the "Check Out" form to complete your registration. After submitting your registration, you will receive a confirmation email. ... Self Paced Online Course : Bay Area Driving: Open: COLLEGE FOR KIDS & TEENS: 10938: ONLINE DRIVER'S EDUCATION(AGES 15+) ... Santa Ana College - N105: Gorman ...
Santa Ana College. APPLY. CLASS SCHEDULE. COVID-19 UPDATES. SAC Notification. 2022 Accelerated Classes and Cash for Credit : See our list of 8-week spring accelerated classes and take advantage of our Cash for Credit program with additional courses! Register for accelerated classes and fulfill your degree or certificate requirements in less ...
Please choose a session and program to search. Any Modality ON CAMPUS REMOTE LIVE ONLINE HYBRID 1: REMOTE LIVE AND ON CAMPUS HYBRID 2: REMOTE LIVE AND ONLINE. Spring 2022. SEE ALL COURSES/CLASSES Adult Basic Education Adult High School Diploma Career Education Citizenship College Preparation English as a Second Language GED/HiSET …
Jun 24, 2014 · 1530 West 17th Street. Santa Ana, CA 92706. (714) 564-6042. Fax: (714) 564-6455. [email protected]. Contact: Mark Liang. Interim Director, Admissions and Records. Main Address. 1530 West 17th Street.
Santa Anna College is a community college located in Orange County, California. The school offers Associate’s degrees in Arts and Sciences and technical training in various vocations. One of the college’s specialized programs is media production, providing training in film production and television and radio broadcasting.
Application Fee. College has an application fee: No. Admissions Policies/Requirements. A note about the college’s admission requirements: All students 18 years and older who can benefit from instruction are admitted.
School Notes. Santa Ana College founded in 1915, is a comprehensive community college preparing students for the workplace as well as to transfer to four-year higher learning institutions. Students may earn an associate degree certificate.
It is located at the corner of West 17th Street and Bristol in Santa Ana on about 58 acres. Santa Ana College is a public institution committed to the growth and development of its community.
Community colleges are quickly becoming a key competitor against four year universities – and for many good reasons! Learn about why more students are opting to enroll in their local community college, rather than going straight to four year institutions. June 16, 2021.
The mission of Santa Ana College is to be a leader and partner in meeting the academic, cultural and workforce economic developments needs of our diverse community.