sales presentaiondescribe how you would present/ask the questions you listed above?course hero

by Moshe Christiansen 3 min read

What kind of questions should you ask as a salesperson?

Feb 20, 2018 · The trick then is not just understanding which sales questions to ask, but to also listen to their answers to fully comprehend what it is your customer actually wants, or might need, from you – and thereby personalise the information you present. The 5 Key Questions to Drive Sales. There are five key questions to driving any sales ...

What should your salespeople reps be asking your customers?

How to Ask With the Right Tone. Just pretend that the person on the other end of the phone was referred to you by your best friend and it’s their aunt or uncle. This will help you get your tone where it needs to be: In “help” mode. Not “sell” mode. And when you are asking the right sales questions, at the right time, in the right way ...

What should be included in a sales presentation slide?

Jul 20, 2021 · When you're speaking with a prospect for the first or second time, it's crucial you ask the right questions. As a salesperson, your job is to discover their core needs quickly and succinctly. The questions above will uncover needs — while also helping you figure out whether this customer is the right fit for your product.

What are the best questions to ask during a presentation?

Jun 26, 2018 · 1) The two types of questions you should ask as a salesperson. 2) How to think like a salesperson and talk like a journalist. 3) “Validation” questions as a precursor to “Learn Something New”. 4) Common mistakes when asking questions in sales. 5) The key to understanding your prospects better.

Inside The Mind Of Your Prospect: Change Is Hard

Many sales presentations fall flat because they ignore this universal psychological bias: People overvalue the benefits of what they have over what they’re missing.

How To Make A Sales Pitch In 4 Straightforward Steps

Step One: Ask marketing for your company’s style guide (color, logo, and font style).

Over to you

What are the sales presentation strategies that work best for your industry and customers? Tweet us: @Yesware.

Why do sales presentations fall flat?

Many sales presentations fall flat because they ignore this universal psychological bias: people fear the unknown. Harvard Business School professor John T. Gourville calls this the “ 9x Effect. ”. According to Gourville, “It’s not enough for a new product simply to be better. Unless the gains far outweigh the losses, customers will not adopt it.”.

Why do we listen to customers?

In order to stay focused on the customer, it is necessary to discern what the customer really wants. You need to make a conscious attempt to empathise with your buyer in order for them to express what they need from you.

Who is Andy from Inbound Marketing?

Andy is the Founder of a Sydney-based inbound marketing agency. He enjoys helping businesses create meaningful marketing. From content to search, it's all in the detail. Long days, lots of coffee and endless (very passionate) conversations about marketing, sales and business keep this Queenslander lining up for more.

Is happiness contagious?

Studies show that happiness is not just contagious, but more memorable – meaning the impact of your presentation is far more likely to be remembered if you’re speaking in a positive, outgoing way. People may use facts and figures to decide on the right course of action, but they record the world through their feelings and experiences. You will stand out if you use an upbeat, friendly register and relate to them directly.

What does it mean when your eyes light up?

Ask someone what they did on the weekend and you will often see their eyes light up as they attempt to remember where they were or what they might have done. That’s no coincidence – it’s called LEM (Lateral Eye Movement) and is a strong indicator that the person you’re speaking to is thinking and responding to your questions.

Sales Questions to Ask Customers

Here are the most critical questions salespeople should ask their prospects.

Needs Analysis Questions About Goals

This open-ended question will give your customer the opportunity to tell you where they want the business to go in the next year. You can begin to figure out how your product will factor into your customer’s goals and position it as a catalyst or accelerator that will help them achieve their objectives.

Needs Analysis Questions About Weaknesses

You don’t want to ask what their greatest weakness is first, so start by asking about their greatest strength. After, go after their weaknesses. Knowing their weakness will help you understand what the team could be doing better and how your product fits into potential improvement plans.

Needs Analysis Questions About Buying Processes

If you want to sell the product, you need to know how your customer evaluates a product prior to purchasing it. The main benefit of this question is that it’s broad enough that the customer can talk about anything — they’re not being forced to give a certain answer.

Questions to Ask Customers About Your Product

When you're checking in with current clients with the hope of either upselling, cross-selling, or renewing, it's imperative you ask the right questions.

Questions to Ask Customers to Close the Deal

As you near the end of your conversation with a customer, you want to find out, in no uncertain terms, how you can get their business. Use your customer’s background as a guidepost for how you’ll word this question.

Why do we use questions?

You can use questions to validate understanding, validate that something has/has not changed, and to demonstrate the work you have accomplished to date. These questions may lead to “Learn Something New Questions” as demonstrated here:

How to understand your prospects?

The Key to Understanding Your Prospects Better 1 You can gain these perspectives by asking similar questions to multiple people who are part of the ecosystem that your product serves. 2 Consider other public sources when conducting your research. Use resources like company information pages, the About Us section on Career pages, the footer at the end of a press release to identify common language within the organization etc. 3 Use this language to frame the questions you ask. As an example, if the company refers to its employees as “Associates”, ask your questions relative to “Associates” not “Employees”.

Why is it important to ask questions in your own language?

Do use your own language, it’s important to ask questions using your own voice. Questions help you gain perspective, gather information, and learn. This information can be used to create proposals that deliver your solution in the context of what is important to your customer.

What is validation question?

Validation questions can also be used to validate your understanding of the organizational structure, funding sources, and timeline, etc.

What does "to gain knowledge" mean?

1) To gain information or knowledge. Here, I’m interested in learning something new and gaining knowledge about people, places, and things within an organization. This may be specific to operations, policy, approach, or how they are addressing the problem we solve.

What are some good sales questions?

If your sales reps are looking for some specific questions to guide them and get them started on diving into the minds of their customers, here are some great sales questions: 1 What do you dislike about your current vendor? 2 What do you dislike about the product you are currently using? 3 What concern (s) is stopping you from making this purchase? 4 What are you most excited about for your company in the coming year? 5 Who will make the final decision about this purchase? 6 What are the top 3 challenges you face at work right now? 7 What are your top 3 business priorities for the coming year? 8 What is holding you back from reaching your profit goals?

What is the importance of sales reps?

It is crucial that your sales reps know that the customer should not be the only one asking the questions. Your salespeople reps should be focusing a great deal of attention on asking the customer questions, ones that they have prepared ahead of time.