rate of nurses who finish prep course

by Obie Klocko 7 min read

What is the best NCLEX test prep for nurses?

ATI is another test prep service that solely serves nursing students. Some users prefer this level of specialization from their test prep provider because can mean less of a focus on testing in general and more on the specific challenges of the NCLEX. Pros to ATI NCLEX Test Prep

Do You Know Your nursing school’s graduation rate?

Most state Boards of Nursing will put education programs on probation if their pass rates fall below 80%, but unless schools provide the information, prospective students may have no way to know the graduation rate of their program.

Is it true that LPNs make the smallest percentage of nurses?

This made my night after getting off shift. My significant other is an LPN. In reviewing your statistics, the real issue is evident. Nurses who are actually involved in true patient care (LPNs and Nurses Aides) amount to the smallest percentage of nurses overall.

Will nurses become practitioners again?

In a 2020 American Nurse Today (ANT) survey, 85% of nurses said they would become a nurse again, even though they have been contending with the pandemic. This level of commitment is consistent with what nurses reported in previous years of the survey. Nurse practitioners also enjoy high levels of job satisfaction.

What Nclex Prep has the highest pass rate?

Hurst Review — Best First-Attempt Pass Rate Dedicated to NCLEX review since 1988, Hurst boasts a 98% first-attempt pass rate and has helped over 400,000 RN and PN candidates nationwide.

What percentage of nurses pass NCLEX on first try?

86.5%According to the NCSBN, the national first time NCLEX-RN pass rate for US educated nurses in 2020 was 86.5% and the PN pass rate for the same period of time was 83%.

What percentage of nurses are successful?

The percentage of RNs with a BSN or higher degree is now at an all-time high with a national average of approximately 56%, up from 49% in 2010 when the Institute of Medicine's report on the Future of Nursing was released. The BSN maps are based on data compiled in the American Community Survey.

How hard is it to pass nursing boards?

According to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, in 2017, the first-attempt NCLEX pass rate for U.S.-educated nursing students was 87%. The second-attempt pass rate for domestically-educated students taking the test was 45.56%. These results demonstrate that it is a pretty difficult test.

How many nurses fail NCLEX?

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) reports 13.43% of NCLEX-RN candidates fail the exam on their first attempt. The number of unsuccessful test-takers is low compared to the more than 86% who pass the exam on their first try.

What are good signs you passed NCLEX?

WHAT ARE THE GOOD SIGNS YOU PASSED NCLEX IN 2022?You feel confident about the exam. ... You answered questions during NCLEX prep that were very similar to questions on the NCLEX. ... You took an NCLEX-prep class and did well in the class. ... You scored well on the NCLEX Predictor Test.More items...

What is the dropout rate for nursing students?

20%According to the National League for Nursing, the national dropout rate for nursing programs in the United States is 20%, and this high attrition rate is considered problematic. The National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission set the desirable retention rate at 80%.

Is a nursing degree difficult?

You're headed for a great career, one that's rewarding, challenging, and always exciting. But nursing school is notoriously difficult. Most nursing programs require high GPAs and impressive scores in math, chemistry, biology, psychology, and other demanding subjects. It's also extremely fulfilling.

Why is it so hard to become a nurse?

“Nursing is not an easy profession—it requires both physical and mental stamina to make it through those 14-hour shifts.” If you love the work you are doing and believe in the impact it makes on every patient's life, you might find yourself thriving even in a whirlwind of activity.

What happens if you fail the nursing boards 3 times?

Yes. After three failures of the same level of examination (RN or LPN), regardless of jurisdiction, the applicant must successfully complete a Florida Board of Nursing approved remedial course.

Is the NCLEX easy to pass?

It's for good reason that the NCLEX might be the hardest test you'll ever take. Nurses save the lives of patients every day. They're so good at saving lives that nursing has been considered the most trusted profession in the United States for decades.

Can you pass NCLEX without studying?

Studying without a plan is a waste of your time and won't ultimately help you pass the NCLEX. It's not about the hours you put in, it's about how you use them. This is one exam you can absolutely not cram for – the NCLEX is a holistic test model that aims to test knowledge gained over the course of years, not days.

Can I study for NCLEX in 2 weeks?

You can study for the NCLEX in two weeks after finishing an accredited nursing program. All accredited nursing programs must meet the requirements...

How do I review for the NCLEX?

You can prepare for your NCLEX by enrolling in a test prep program that will give you study materials, practice questions, and practice exams.

What is the NCLEX pass rate?

In 2022, the pass rate for the NCLEX from BSN programs was 86% and 79% from ADN programs. Overall, the total average pass rate for BSN, ADN, and di...

How much will the nursing profession increase in 2029?

They project an overall employment increase of 45% between the years 2019 and 2029, which is much faster than average for other occupations. Salary. Nursing statistics for salary are also a great sign of health and longevity for the profession.

Why is the demand for nurses so high?

That’s because the nation has a growing, aging population and greater access to health care. These factors have resulted in a consistent need for new nurses, advanced credentialing, and projected growth in the field.

What is Nurses Month?

Sponsored by the American Nurses Association (ANA), Nurses Month is an annual event recognizing nurses for their tremendous effort and compassion, as they work collectively to improve the health of individuals, families, and communities nationwide.

Why are nurses so trusted?

Nurses are trusted greatly because they serve as both confidantes and liaisons between doctors and family members.

What percentage of nurses are Hispanic?

According to nursing statistics reported in the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses, the nursing population comprises: 10.2% Hispanic or Latino nurses. 7.8% Black or African American (non-Hispanic) nurses.

How old are registered nurses?

According to the most recent National Nursing Workforce Survey performed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), the average age of surveyed registered nurses was 51 years.

When is Nurses Month 2021?

20 April 2021. According to recent nursing statistics, nursing continues to outshine other health care professions in many key areas. Diversity, demand, and salaries keep growing, while trust in nurses remains at an all-time high. These latest figures add to the widespread celebration of Nurses Month underway during May 2021.

Does nursing take a toll on the body?

So, so true-nursing takes a toll on the body-patients are more heavy than farm animals and are in need of more care-no one tells a young nurse the toll that will be required if one stays in nursing-it will be great as well as the satisfaction of doing a job well done.

Is an LPN considered an advanced degree?

With many hospitals losing money, they won’t pay for techs or aides anymore and an LPN is not considered an advanced enough degree to care for these patients on their own. I do ALL of my own patient care.

What percentage of nursing programs are on probation?

Most state Boards of Nursing will put education programs on probation if their pass rates fall below 80%, but unless schools provide the information, prospective students may have no way to know the graduation rate of their program.

Is there a dif between the NCLEX pass rate and the graduation rate?

there's a dif between the NCLEX pass rate and the graduation rate... that graduation rate is the key, because the NCLEX pass rate is something they have to keep up for their accreditation, so it actually works against you.

What to consider when choosing a NCLEX prep course?

When you’re deciding on the right NCLEX prep course, you’ll want to consider specific factors like your personal learning style, how much time you have to prepare, your budget, and the features that are most important to you. We’ve provided more information to help you make the best decision below.

How many hours of live lectures are there in BSN?

The class is taught once a week over five or six weeks, and you get 15 hours of live lectures from a BSN instructor, as well as the opportunity to ask questions and hear other students. You also get free study materials, including exam-style questions, and you may approach instructors for after-class support.

What is ATI in nursing?

Dedicated to nursing education, ATI (Assessment Technologies Institute) focuses on the quality of NCLEX review packages it offers. Its Virtual-ATI + BoardVitals program boasts a 99% pass rate for NCLEX-RN takers and 100% for NCLEX-PN. This 12-week course features personalized coaching by an experienced nurse educator who provides study plans and a post-review “green light” when you’re NCLEX-ready. The BoardVitals component gives you access to over 3,300 RN or 1,500+ PN practice questions with detailed, richly illustrated rationales and adaptive quizzes. You may also opt for the BoardVitals-only package and attend ATI Comprehensive Live NCLEX review sessions in your area.

What is the NCLEX Mastery app?

Built by Higher Learning Technologies, which specializes in mobile learning solutions, the NCLEX RN Mastery and NCLEX PN Mastery apps appeal to on-the-go students and those who are comfortable with self-studying on their gadgets. Aside from having affordable auto-renewing 1-, 3-, and 12-month subscription plan options, NCLEX Mastery promises to double your money back if you don’t pass the exam. It provides 1,800 NCLEX-RN and 1,600+ NCLEX-PN practice questions based on past exams, complete with detailed, illustrated explanations. You also have convenient access to nursing terminologies, mnemonics, and category-specific quizzes, as well as detailed statistics on your review progress.

Does Hurst have a first attempt pass rate?

Dedicated to NCLEX review since 1988, Hurst boasts a 98% first-attempt pass rate and has helped over 400,000 RN and PN candidates nationwide. We’re impressed by its clinical judgment approach to NCLEX review and its range of traditional and online learning options. The online-based Hurst N-Stream package is similar to the Hurst Live physical classroom course in terms of interactive live lectures and provides 9-month access to four unique NCLEX-style exams and over 1,500 Qbank items. Hurst’s Elevate add-on provides a guided study plan consisting of six modules. There is also a guarantee with the option of a full refund or an intensive one-time remediation course for those who don’t pass.

1. Kaplan (Kaptest) NCLEX-RN PREP Review

As a long-established test prep provider, Kaplan offers comprehensive prep options. At Kaplan, each of their NCLEX test prep online options includes the following:

2. Hurst Review Services NCLEX Prep Review

Hurst Review Services offers an NCLEX Prep Course in an online format. They report a first attempt pass rate of 98%. This NCLEX prep course offers online access to Hurst QBank and Hurst Now. These offer more than 1,500 questions, flashcards, and quizzes. This includes content-rich rationales and alternate format questions.

3. ATI NCLEX Prep Review

ATI Nursing Education has a comprehensive NCLEX exam guide online. Included in ATI’s products are:

4. UWorld Nursing NCLEX-RN Prep Review

UWorld Nursing boasts a stunning performance by helping over 70,000 graduate nurses study for the NCLEX exam. They offer online NCLEX prep that will help you to refine your critical thinking skills.

5. CrushNCLEX Review

Are you looking for a user-friendly NCLEX prep course? This might be the one for you. With a variety of testing resources, not only for the NCLEX-RN but also the NCLEX-PN exam, they offer four of the best online products for NCLEX exam prep.

6. NCLEX RN Mastery Review

NCLEX Mastery offers you some of the most affordable NCLEX prep products. With more than 1800 practice questions and detailed explanations for each answer, including correct and incorrect and digital photographs, they promise that the student will pass the NCLEX exam or receive twice their money back.

7. Nursing.com NCLEX Prep Review

Nursing.com boasts an impressive pass rate of 99.86%. This is based on the students passing the NCLEX computer adaptive test simulator. Not to mention they offer a moneyback guarantee of twice their money if the student does not pass the NCLEX.

Why is it important to secure the supply of nurses training in the UK?

And with risks to the inflow of nurses coming from abroad, it is even more essential to secure the supply of nurses training in the UK. ‘Most important will be addressing the financial problems that trainee nurses currently face while studying that also deter people from starting a nursing degree in the first place.

How many nursing students are still leaving their classes?

A quarter of all nursing students are still leaving their courses early or suspending their studies, at a time when new nurses are needed more than ever. A Nursing Standard analysis in collaboration with independent charity the Health Foundation, shows that despite political pledges to tackle the issue, students are still dropping out in worrying ...

How many nursing students left the UK in 2018?

Data obtained by Nursing Standard and the Health Foundation show that of 19,566 UK nursing students who began three-year degrees due to finish in 2018, a total of 4,695 left their courses early or suspended their studies.

When will nursing drop out of school?

4 September 2019. Better financial support is needed to tackle one in four nursing students dropping out of their degrees before graduation. A quarter of all nursing students are still leaving their courses early or suspending their studies, at a time when new nurses are needed more than ever.

Is nursing dropping out?

Nursing students are still dropping out in worrying numbers Analysis by Nursing Standard and the Health Foundation shows a quarter of all nursing students are leaving or suspending their degrees before graduation. Nursing students are still dropping out in worrying numbers. 4 September 2019.





  • Nursing statistics for salary are also a great sign of health and longevity for the profession. Typical salaries vary depending on the geographic location and facility in which a nurse is employed, but the overall national picture is encouraging. The BLSreported a 2020 median annual income for RNs of $75,330. The salaries are markedly higher for nurse practitioners, who earne…
See more on onlinenursing.cn.edu


  • Registered nurses typically enjoy a high level of job satisfaction according to the latest nursing statistics. In a 2021 survey of RNs, 81% of nurses said they were satisfied with their jobs. While the COVID-19 pandemic increased rates of nurses feeling burned out or emotionally drained, 66% said they planned to remain at their current jobs, which is actually an increase from the 2019 sta…
See more on onlinenursing.cn.edu


  • The public deeply and overwhelmingly trusts nurses. As noted in the introduction, the Gallup’s annual Most Honest and Ethical Professions Poll ranked nurses in the number one position for the 20th year in a row. Not only that, but 81% of Americans polled stated that nurses’ honesty and ethical standards are “very high” or “high.” The second-highest profession only reached 67%, hig…
See more on onlinenursing.cn.edu

Nursing Statistics Summarized

  1. The average age of surveyed registered nurses is 52 years (NCSBN).
  2. 9.4% of nurses are male, versus 6.62% in 2013 (NCSBN).
  3. Nurses who are Black, multiracial, or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander are increasing in representation (NCSBN).
  4. Registered nurse jobs are growing at an average pace of 9% by 2030 (BLS).
See more on onlinenursing.cn.edu

Serving Communities and Beyond

  • Nurses serve as both the frontline and backbone of quality patient care. With the arrival of National Nurses Month, the staff and faculty at Carson-Newman University thank everyone who has dedicated their career to nursing and continues to touch lives with compassion. Carson-Newman offers expert clinical preparation and a Christian-centered curriculum for those who as…
See more on onlinenursing.cn.edu