python crash course exercise 9-6 how to

by Mrs. Marilou Gislason 8 min read

Where can I find resources for Python crash course?

Start with the program you wrote for Exercise 6-1 (page 102). Make two new dictionaries representing different people, and store all three dictionaries in a list called people. Loop through your list of people. As you loop through the list, print everything you know about each person.

What do you do when you’re having trouble learning Python?

9-13: OrderedDict Rewrite. Start with Exercise 6-4 (page 108), where you used a standard dictionary to represent a glossary. Rewrite the program using the OrderedDict class and make sure the order of the output matches the order in which key-value pairs were added to the dictionary. Note: In Python 3.6, dictionaries store keys in order. However, this is not guaranteed …

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I haven’t included solutions for Chapters 12-14 and 18-20, because the exercises for those chapters are really projects in themselves. If you’re having trouble with an exercise from one of those chapters consider posting on Stack Overflow, r/learnpython, or get in touch. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4.

Can I have multiple modules in Python 9 12?

Oct 10, 2020 · Now Lets get started. Pandas Data Visualization Exercise Permalink. This is just a quick exercise for you to review the various plots we showed earlier. Use df3 to replicate the following plots. import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt df3 = pd. read_csv ( 'df3') % matplotlib inline.

What is a dictionary in Python?

However, to avoid confusion, let’s call it a glossary. Think of five programming words you’ve learned about in the previous chapters. Use these words as the keys in your glossary, and store their meanings as values.

How to make a dictionary of cities?

Make a dictionary called cities. Use the names of three cities as keys in your dictionary. Create a dictionary of information about each city and include the country that the city is in, its approximate population, and one fact about that city. The keys for each city’s dictionary should be something like country, population, and fact.

How to store information about a person you know?

Use a dictionary to store information about a person you know. Store their first name, last name, age, and the city in which they live. You should have keys such as first_name, last_name, age, and city. Print each piece of information stored in your dictionary.

9-1: Restaurant

Make a class called Restaurant. The __init__ () method for Restaurant should store two attributes: a restaurant_name and a cuisine_type. Make a method called describe_restaurant () that prints these two pieces of information, and a method called open_restaurant () that prints a message indicating that the restaurant is open.

9-2: Three Restaurants

Start with your class from Exercise 9-1. Create three different instances from the class, and call describe_restaurant () for each instance.

9-3: Users

Make a class called User. Create two attributes called first_name and last_name, and then create several other attributes that are typically stored in a user profile. Make a method called describe_user () that prints a summary of the user’s information. Make another method called greet_user () that prints a personalized greeting to the user.

9-4: Number Served

Start with your program from Exercise 9-1 (page 166). Add an attribute called number_served with a default value of 0. Create an instance called restaurant from this class. Print the number of customers the restaurant has served, and then change this value and print it again.

9-5: Login Attempts

Add an attribute called login_attempts to your User class from Exercise 9-3 (page 166). Write amehtod called increment_login_attempts () that increments the value of login_attempts by 1. Write another method called reset_login_attempts () that resets the value of login_attempts to 0.

9-6: Ice Cream Stand

An ice cream stand is a specific kind of restaurant. Write a class called IceCreamStand that inherits from the Restaurant class you wrote in Exercise 9-1 (page 166) or Exercise 9-4 (page 171). Eitehr version of the class will work; just pick the one you like better. Add an attribute called flavors that stores a list of ice cream flavors.

9-7: Admin

An administrator is a special kind of user. Write a class called Admin that inherits from the User class you wrote in Exercise 9-3 (page 166) or Exercise 9-5 (page 171). Add an attribute, privileges, that stores a list of strings like "can add post", "can delete post", "can ban user", and so on.
