purdue what does a after course number mean

by Emilio Reynolds 4 min read

How do I Find my available courses in mypurdue?

A: Log into myPurdue and look in the My Course channel from the Faculty tab. If you have access to course lists, you will see your course offerings. If all do not appear, select the more link under your visible courses.

Why do Purdue courses have start and stop times?

Born out of necessity, the use of standard start and stop times provide the framework for Purdue to assist its students to make progress towards degree, unimpeded by poor schedule construction based on personal preferences or a shot-in the-dark approach to actual student course needs.

How do I contact Purdue University Office of the Registrar?

2015 Purdue University| An equal access/equal opportunity university| Copyright Complaints| Maintained by Office of Registrar Need accessibility help? For help with this page, contact Office of the Registrar at [email protected].

What days of the week do classes start at Purdue?

Academic Class Schedule at Purdue. Purdue operates with a 55-hour academic week. Classes are offered Monday through Friday, between the hours of 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (5:45 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday), plus Saturday, 7:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m.

What do the numbers after courses mean?

There are standard formats that many colleges use to signify dates, levels and titles. Most college courses are identified by three to four numbers. For example, the first digit may indicate the class year, the middle two digits may identify the subject and the last digit may indicate the number of credit hours.

What is a course numbering?

The first number refers to the department or area of the course; the second number refers to the specific course. For example, in the course designated 600:111 the "600" refers to the Department of Art and the "111" refers to the course. Courses numbered 0-99 are primarily designed for freshman and sophomore students.

Is a D+ passing Purdue?

Pass: a “C- or better“ is a pass. C- as determined by your instructor in the course syllabus. Not Pass (NP) would be D+, D, D- or F.

Are 500 level courses graduate Purdue?

For graduate students, it includes all grades earned in 500- and 600-level courses plus grades earned in undergraduate courses being included in the graduate Plan of Study.

What does course code mean?

A Course Code is a 5-digit alphanumeric code that is generated and assigned to the courses created by your institutions.

What is a course section number in college?

The five-digit section number denotes the day, time, location and instructor teaching the course. This five digit number and all pertinent information attached to a section number is set by the department of the course.

Is a 93 an A at Purdue?

(2) Students who get at least 97% of the total points in this course are guaranteed an A+, 93% guarantees an A, 90% an A-, 87% a B+, 83% a B,80% a B-, 77% a C+, 73% a C, 70% a C-, 67% a D+, 63% a D, and 60% a D-; for each of these grades, it's possible that at the end of the semester a somewhat lower percentage will be ...

What is a failing grade at Purdue?

A: A grade of F (Failing) is awarded to students who complete the course and participate in activities through the end of the term but fail to achieve the course objectives.

What is a C at Purdue?

Grading SystemsGradeWeightC+2.3xsem hrs=index ptsC2xsem hrs=index ptsC-1.7xsem hrs=index ptsD+1.3xsem hrs=index pts9 more rows

What is a good GPA at Purdue?

With a GPA of 3.69, Purdue requires you to be above average in your high school class. You'll need a mix of A's and B's, with a leaning toward A's. If you took some AP or IB classes, this will help boost your weighted GPA and show your ability to take college classes.

What is dean's list at Purdue?

The Dean's List and Semester Honors recognizes students that have achieved high scholastic standing cumulatively and/or for the semester. Students are listed in alphabetical order. Downloadable/printable certificates of your academic honors are available by selecting “View” in the Certificate column.

How many classes can you fail at Purdue?

If you fail the same course or its equivalent three times within an undergraduate program (excluding prelicensure nursing programs), you will be academically dismissed from the University.

Can you use more than one course?

In most cases, yes. It is programmed to recognize that some courses may be used to fulfill more than one requirement. If you have questions, you should consult with your advisor.

Is the planner for a course?

No. The planner is for planning purposes only. Final course schedules are available to students online shortly before registration. If a student discovers that a course option planned is not being offered, we recommend finding a substitute course to take and move the original course, if still needed, to a future term.

How many hours of credit do you get at Purdue?

Those with at least one year will receive eight hours of undistributed credit.

Where are domestic transcripts reviewed?

Domestic transcripts are reviewed by the Credit Evaluation department in the Office of the Registrar. International transcripts are reviewed by the International Students and Scholars office. If you present both domestic and international transcripts you will receive two different credit evaluation reports. If you believe there is an error in this ...

Does Purdue have a transfer credit report?

Purdue will provide a Transfer Credit Report to Transfer Applicants when they are admitted. It will be published as a Decision in the Application Portal. You can use this information before you accept your offer of admission.

Does graduate level coursework transfer to undergraduate?

The method of instruction is not considered when determining course equivalencies. Graduate-level coursework will not transfer to an undergraduate record. When the transcript key indicates a P or S grade represents C- or higher, credit wil transfer. All other courses without a letter grade will not.

Is Purdue using 1 or 1?

Your report may show a mixture of these two systems. In general, the first number is a level indicator. Purdue is using 1 (first-year course) in these examples. Code.

Is Undistributed Credit equivalent to Purdue?

Undistributed Credit -- This course has been reviewed and is not found to be equivalent to Purdue's course. Course is not equivalent to anything the Purdue department offers or it does not have similar enough content. It may be used at the discretion of your major department through your academic advisor.

Why is it necessary to divide classes into organizational parts?

In order to facilitate the planning for and scheduling of classes to accommodate these multiple types of instruction, it is necessary to divide courses into organizational parts which reflect the unique combinations ...

What is an instructional activity?

Instructional activities in settings providing specialized facilities or equipment for students to master the subject matter either by performing experiments or practicing the skills being learned. The instructor generally supervises, assists, answers questions, etc., rather than making presentations.

What is non directed study?

This major category includes those instructional situations where the student is expected to conduct various activities on a fairly regular basis independent of any contact with an instructor. However, physical resources, usually specialized, are required to conduct these activities.

What does it mean to drop a class?

Dropping a class may mean that a future term's academic load will be heavier or possibly the student's graduation will be delayed. If any courses are a corequisite to the course being dropped, it is necessary to drop the corequisite course as well.

What conflicts should be resolved between the instructor and the student?

Other conflicts should be resolved between the instructor and the student. Reasons for conflicts should be taken under careful consideration by the instructor. These can include, but are not limited to, participating in athletic or theatrical events, employment, and other mandatory responsibilities.

How long before an exam should a conflict be resolved?

In case of examination conflicts with a scheduled evening course the conflict should be resolved by the course instructors, provided that the student informs them of the conflict at least a week before the exam. If the instructors cannot resolve the conflict, the scheduled evening course takes priority.

How many hours should a student study per week?

It is suggested a student plan to spend three hours minimum per week for every credit hour of class. For example: for a 3.0 cr. hr. class, it is suggested that study time be approximately nine hours per week minimum. "Study time" is considered the time spent after initial retrieval of information.

How many credits can an international student use for online classes?

International students may not use more than three credits of online learning toward the minimum required for a full course of study. Flipped courses do not count as online learning since these courses require the student's physical presence.

What are some examples of documentation for a professor?

If the student is gone unexpectedly, some professors require proper documentation of an absence before they will let the student make up assignments; examples of documentation include a doctor's note, court papers, etc. It is the professor's discretion to allow makeup work that is missed.

How many credit hours do you need to drop a class?

Students should be informed of any potential consequences of changing to part-time academic status should dropping a class put the student below 12 credit hours. International students are required to be enrolled full time in order to maintain their visa status.

How many hours does Purdue University have?

Purdue operates with a 55-hour academic week. Classes are offered Monday through Friday, between the hours of 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (5:45 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday), plus Saturday, 7:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. The 10-hour day has been in place since the 1962-63 school year. As good stewards of precious resources, the university long ago recognized ...

What is the primary goal of academic scheduling?

The primary goal of academic scheduling is to develop class times that maximize the chance for students to develop workable schedules in order to make progress towards degree. Academic scheduling encompasses courses, staff, and facilities. Following standard scheduling patterns is the cornerstone to this process.

What is an incomplete grade?

A: Incomplete grades are assigned when a student has attended class, but has not completed work and has been allowed time to do so. As before, a Registrar Form 60 must completed for each student with an Incomplete or (I) grade submitted.. Incompletes are not to be used for students who never attended class and are still on the class roster.

What is a failing grade?

A: A grade of F (Failing) is awarded to students who complete the course and participate in activities through the end of the term but fail to achieve the course objectives. A grade of FN (Failing/Non-authorized Incomplete) is awarded to students who did not officially withdraw from the course, but who failed to participate in course activities ...


How Purdue Awards Transfer Credit

Interpreting Your Transfer Credit

  • Your report shows an initial listing of your transfer courses and how they will be used at Purdue. Courses coming in as undistributed will have an X in the second position in the number. The chart below interprets these course numbers. Note: Purdue is transitioning to a new number system. Originally, any type of undistributed credit was labeled wit...
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Other Information

  • The method of instruction is not considered when determining course equivalencies. Graduate-level coursework will not transfer to an undergraduate record. When the transcript key indicates a P or S grade represents C- or higher, credit wil transfer. All other courses without a letter grade will not. Credit earned at other institutions based on institution-specific placement exams does not t…
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