psy-p 216 iusb bgs and which other course

by Mr. Joey Boehm I 7 min read

PSY 216 - Social Psychology at Virginia Western Community College

Examines individuals in social contexts, their social roles, group processes and intergroup relations. Acquaints students with a scientific understanding of how the presence of other people, interactions with other people, and other situational factors influence human thoughts and behaviors.


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What is psychology in science?

Psychology is the scientific study of how humans and animals adapt their behavior to the physical and social environments in which they live. Professionals within the discipline are active in a wide variety of interesting and useful roles. Some are engaged in human service occupations and work in hospitals, ...

What is a psychologist?

Psychologists also teach and conduct basic research in colleges and universities. Others are concerned with areas such as testing, motivation, and performance, and work in various educational or industrial settings.