principal initial course of action to address the problem should be which of the following?

by Antone Rogahn 4 min read

How do you decide which course of action logically follows?

You have to assume everything in the statement to be true and on the basis of the information given in the statement, decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follows for pursuing. (E) If both I and II follow. Generally, questions can be asked on these two types.

What is the correct course of action?

Based on appropriate logic you have to identify a correct course of action that will be practically viable and will help in solving the problem. 1. Without any second thought choose actions which are Practical in Nature (should be related to the statement) 2. Action should not give birth to another problem

Is the right course of action so obvious?

Looked at in another way, the right course of action may be so obvious that the problem no longer exists.” The ‘Which’ question relates to selection. There are generally many roads we can choose to get to our destination.

How do we select our preferred strategy and best course of action?

How do we select our preferred strategy and best course of action? 1 Brainstorming potential courses of action. We will be looking some more at the ‘cons’ in the next section on risk. ... 2 Divergent thinking. There are many ways to help your creativity in thinking through a problem. ... 3 Contingency planning. ... 4 Making your choice. ...

What are the 4 stages of action research?

The cyclical and iterative action research process comprises four stages: planning, acting, develop- ing, and reflecting.

What are the 5 duties of a principal?

Shaping a vision of academic success for all students.Creating a climate hospitable to education.Cultivating leadership in others.Improving instruction.Managing people, data and processes.

What is the first step in doing action research?

Selecting a focus. The first step in conducting action research is to identify and define the focus of your investigation. You'll want to develop some questions about the area of your focus. Finally, you'll need to identify a plan to effectively study and answer the questions you've developed.

What is the responsibility of a principal?

The role of the Principal is to provide leadership, direction and co-ordination within the school. The Principal's main focus should be to develop and maintain effective educational programs within his/her school and to promote the improvement of teaching and learning with his/her school.

What is the principal's role in the IEP process?

Principals must always take care to thoroughly understand and properly follow the requirements of state policies. This is important not only to protect the principal from disciplinary action, but to ensure every special needs child receives appropriate services.

What is the role of principal in school management?

As managers, principals were responsible for financial operations, building maintenance, student scheduling, personnel, public relations, school policy regarding discipline, coordination of the instructional program, and other overall school matters.

What are the five phases of an action research?

Following the spirit of action research, this study adopts an iterative process involving five phases to gain understanding of how to enhance e-learning success: diagnosing, action-planning, action-taking, evaluating, and learning (Susman & Evered, 1978).

What are the 3 phases of the action research cycle?

There are three types of action research: (a) the scientific-technical view of problem solving, (b) practical-deliberative action research and (c) critical-emancipatory action research.

What is the usual sequence of steps in doing action research?

Action research includes following phases: observe, reflect, plan, act.

What is a managing principal?

Managing principals are top-rank executives at the highest level of a company. Depending on the company structure, they may also be a shareholder or part owner of the business. Their role tends to be heavily focused on client relations.

What is the purpose of statement action?

Based on appropriate logic you have to identify a correct course of action that will be practically viable and will help in solving the problem. Tips: 1.

Why is the second option to be avoided?

Second option is to be avoided because it is a negative and harsh approach. As listed in tips and tricks section also Options which are negative in nature and provide harsh solutions should be avoided. 2.

What does "solve or minimize" mean?

Solve or Minimize the given problem. 2. Action should not give birth to another problem. Like there will be a case in which-- among the two given actions, if you select a particular action, it might happen that it would help you in solving the problem but indirectly it will give birth to many other problems.
