php page to display student who registerd for particular course

by Mr. Brenden Reichert 7 min read

How can I see user details in PHP?

The register. php page asks for the desired username, email, and password of the user, and then sends the entered data into the database, once the submit button is clicked. After this, the user is redirected to the index. php page where a welcome message and the username of the logged-in user is displayed.Nov 24, 2021

How do I connect my login page to my registration page?

Here are Seven pretty simple steps you have to follow to create a login system.
  1. Create a Database and Database Table.
  2. Connect to the Database.
  3. Session Create for Logged in User.
  4. Create a Registration and Login Form.
  5. Make a Dashboard Page.
  6. Create a Logout (Destroy session)
  7. CSS File Create.
Dec 15, 2019

How can we store login details in database using HTML?

For this you need to follow the following steps:
  1. Step 1: Filter your HTML form requirements for your contact us web page. ...
  2. Step 2: Create a database and a table in MySQL. ...
  3. Step 3: Create HTML form for connecting to database. ...
  4. Step 4: Create a PHP page to save data from HTML form to your MySQL database. ...
  5. Step 5: All done!

How do I create a database registration form?

Basic Registration form in PHP with MySQL database connectivity
  1. STEP 1: Create Database for inserting values. ...
  2. STEP 2: Front end code, Make HTML Structure of your registration form. ...
  3. STEP 3: For Database connectivity using MySQL. ...
  4. STEP 4: Finally create a registration. ...
  5. Conclusion.

How do I create a signup page?

What is a signup page?
  1. Use a benefit-oriented headline. ...
  2. Make all your fields required. ...
  3. If you absolutely need all that information, ask for it in steps. ...
  4. Consider using a modal window. ...
  5. Enable social autofill. ...
  6. Ditch the placeholder text.
Jun 11, 2021

How can I login as administrator in PHP?

How to create admin login page using PHP?
  1. Create Database: Create a database using XAMPP, the database is named “loginpage” here. ...
  2. Create Table: Create a table named “adminlogin”, inside “loginpage” database.
  3. Create Table Structure: The table “adminlogin” should contain three fields.
Jul 31, 2021

How can we store form data in database using PHP?

Complete Steps to Design Project:
  1. Start XAMPP Server.
  2. Open localhost/phpmyadmin in your web browser.
  3. Create database of name staff and table of name college.
  4. Write HTML and PHP code in your Notepad in a particular folder.
  5. Submit data through HTML Form.
  6. Verify the results.
Jul 31, 2021

How do I run a PHP program?

You just follow the steps to run PHP program using command line.
  1. Open terminal or command line window.
  2. Goto the specified folder or directory where php files are present.
  3. Then we can run php code code using the following command: php file_name.php.
Jul 31, 2021

How will you redirect a page using PHP?

Answer: Use the PHP header() Function

You can simply use the PHP header() function to redirect a user to a different page. The PHP code in the following example will redirect the user from the page in which it is placed to the URL . You can also specify relative URLs.

Can HTML connect to database without PHP?

so, can i connect html page without using php in database? How? HTML is specially markup language, usimg html you can present you website via css, and javascript. You can not connect to mysql using HTML.Feb 27, 2017

How do I link my signup form to my database?

First, look at the form code, I have written button type as save and button name as submit.
Then in this code,
  1. // Create connection.
  2. $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
  3. // Check connection.
  4. if ($conn - > connect_error)
  5. {
  6. die("Connection failed: ". $conn - > connect_error);
  7. }
Apr 25, 2018

How do you link a database to a website?

How to Link a Database to a Web Page
  1. Prepare your database user account details. Database systems use accounts, with specific levels of access to each user. ...
  2. Connect to your database. You will need to use one or more server side scripts to connect to your database. ...
  3. Query your data. ...
  4. Output your data. ...
  5. Test your script.

Where does a student store data?

Basically, Student Will Store the Data in the Database , Then User Will Use Personal Detail such as Email, User Name & Password to Login Application. Then Student Will able to See Personal Records.

Can a student see another user's record?

Particular Student doesn't access another users record. I will teach with you can handle it, You will learn everything to build an web application using Php and MySQL database.

What is PHP programming?

PHP is a server-side scripting language designed specifically for web development. You can learn PHP from the ground up by following this PHP Tutorial and PHP Examples.

What is error.php file?

Explanation: The error.php file is responsible for holding the error messages of the system. Suppose the user enters the wrong username and password combination, then in such cases, the error messages will be stored in the $error variable, which will then be displayed to the user using ‘echo; function of PHP.#N#server.php

How to destroy session variables?

This session variable can either be destroyed using unset ($_SESSION [“products”]) or session_destroy (). However, session_destroy () will destroy all the session variables at once. To destroy only the ‘username’ session variable, it will be better to unset the variable using unset ($_SESSION [“products”]).

What is the ID key?

The ‘id’ will be the primary key, it means that it will be unique for every registered user. It will also auto-increment for every new registration. The data type for username, email and password will be varchar. The size can be adjusted as per the requirement however, 100 is sufficient.

What is session variable?

Session variables exist only while the user’s session is active. After the session is complete, the session variables get destroyed. These are unique for each visitor and are generally used to store user-specific information such as the username, profile picture etc, once the user logs in. The session variables are used to display logged in user ...

PHP Form Example

In this program, we are creating a <table> tag (defining a table on a web page), <tr> tag (defining a row for a table), <td>tag (defining a cell/data of a table), <center> tag (here it is defining the HTML element in the middle of the web page) and we are passing 4 values ("John Mathew" for first text box, 90 is for second text field, 80 is for third text field, 70 is for 4th text field) and hereafter clicking on submit button, we are getting the result.

Output (as shown in the featured image of this article)

This program is containing some conditions, based on one condition using an if-else statement we are displaying the grade of the student.

Vinish Kapoor

An Oracle Apex Consultant, Oracle ACE, and founder of and a question and answer forum for developers.