papyrus of course i know who i know

by Julio Stark 7 min read

What is the history of the papyrus?

History of Papyrus. The papyrus plant was very important to the ancient Egyptians. As Janice Kamrin of the Department of Egyption Art at the Metropolitan Museum of art once wrote, "In ancient Egyptian cosmology, the world was created when the first god stood on a mound that emerged from limitless and undifferentiated darkness and water,...

How difficult is it to write on papyrus?

I found the process of writing on the papyrus to be at times quite difficult. The nib of the fountain pen often got caught on the fibers and the ink would run and smudge. Also, the pen would sometimes break through the papyrus, slightly ripping the sheet and leaving a blemish.

Why is papyrus so important?

When compared to the other alternatives at the time (leather and clay), the relative quality of the papyrus is obviously far superior. It is difficult to overstate the importance of papyrus in the history and development of writing. In a way, the invention of papyrus marked the beginning of the globalization of documentation and the literary form.

Did You Know you can get a quarter from papyrus?

Although Papyrus is his most famous creation, some of his lesser known designs touch millions of people daily too: as an AIP Artist with the United States Mint, there’s a good chance you’ve got a quarter he designed jangling around in your pocket.

What does Papyrus say?


What does Sans mean when he says Papyrus Do you want anything?

what "Hey, papyrus, what do you want?" means. Maybe it's because he know he is about to die, and so is making one last bad joke about his state, saying "what do you want?" knowing he is going to where papyrus is.

Who does Papyrus have a crush on?

He also has a huge crush on the protagonist and can be seen playing with his dolls of himself, Frisk, and Sans, who apparently was getting married to Frisk and, even after saying he wasn't invited to the wedding, said that Papyrus is his best man.

Can you date Papyrus in Undertale?

Well, Undertale gives you a chance to romance this weird skeleton creature. Him being a skeleton aside, romancing Papyrus was actually a ton of fun. You go to his house and eventually initiate a date, which brings up a battle-like screen where you fight Papyrus with your 'dating abilities'. You heard me right.

Who did Sans make a promise to?

He reveals that he made a promise not to kill any humans who come to the Underground, and states that if he had not made that promise, the player would be "dead where [they] stand".

Is Sans time traveler?

His awareness of time travel makes him scrupulous, and he recognizes when the protagonist is behaving unusually. Sans reads the protagonist's expression and determines if they have experienced events before and are repeating them.

Is Papyrus a kid?

Papyrus is about 17 to 20. He has a job, he takes care of his brother, but he's also a bit of a child.

What kind of fish is Undyne?

Meet the fish that Undyne is based on, the piranha, or more specifically, Serrasalmus rhombeus, the blue diamond piranha. It matches Undynes appearance, with a sharp toothy grin, reddish large finned gills, sleek small dark blue scales, and eyes that look like they have vertical slit pupils.

How did Underfell Papyrus get his scar?

Papyrus accepted the offer and became a member of the Royal Guard. Asgore declared that an act of defiance would not go unpunished and scraped his fingers across Papyrus's right eye socket, giving him his scar.

Is frisk a child?

Frisk is a teen! Yes, Frisk is actually a teenager. After comparing the height of ingame Frisk to that of Asgore, and then measuring them to that intro video when we see an adult human pointing Asgore with a sword, Frisk is almost the same height as that adult. Sure, Frisk gets called a child/kid throughout the game.

Does Papyrus wear a scarf or a cape?

It is confirmed and canon it's a cape; the sprite proves it's a cape, besides, a scarf has an end, a cape doesn't, and it has no visible end. It's short, but that's probably because he used it as a full sized cape when he was smaller (a child) and wears it still because he likes it.

Who can I date in Undertale?


How was papyrus used?

How it was Used. The papyrus produced in Egypt was used for many purposes, but none more important than its function as a writing material. Occasionally, individual sheets were sold for the purpose of record keeping and lists, but the majority of these sheets were fashioned and sold as scrolls.

What was the significance of the papyrus scroll?

With the papyrus scroll, the Western world gained a standard surface on which it could create and document. The scroll fostered the creation and survival of some of the world’s most influential documents, ranging from some of the first fixed law codes to the important literary works of Rome’s brightest minds.

What would you do with papyrus sheets after they were hammered flat?

After being hammered flat, the sheets would be dried in the sun and polished with a piece of ivory or a shell. (4) According to Pliny and other sources, papyrus sheets varied by grade and price depending on the relative location of the fibers and the condition of the completed sheets. (6)

What did the Greeks and Romans prefer?

According to Pliny, the Greeks and Romans favored the papyrus sheets produced from the middle section of the stalk. Then, the inside of the triangular stalk of the plant would be cut or peeled into long strips. These strips would be laid down in two layers, one vertical and one horizontal in a grid pattern.

Where was the papyrus scroll shipped?

This form of papyrus dominated not only Egypt, but was shipped in mass quantities to Europe. In Rome and Greece, the papyrus scroll became a culturally engrained standard.

What is the most complete description of the preparation that remains?

The most complete description of the preparation that remains is from Pliny’s Natural History. (6) Although his description is detailed, there are a few aspects that do not align with what we have observed in remnants of ancient documents.

Where was the first material used in writing?

The first documented material, clay, was used heavily the river plains of of Mesopotamia, where many believe writing was born. (4) These clay fragments were also used by many in Egypt and across Europe.


History of Papyrus

How Papyrus Was Made

  • To this day, we are not entirely positive how the ancient Egyptians produced their papyrus sheets. There are very few remaining documentations from Egypt about the process. The most complete description of the preparation that remains is from Pliny’s Natural History. (6) Although his description is detailed, there are a few aspects that do not alig...
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How It Was Used

  • The papyrus produced in Egypt was used for many purposes, but none more important than its function as a writing material. Occasionally, individual sheets were sold for the purpose of record keeping and lists, but the majority of these sheets were fashioned and sold as scrolls. Ten to twenty sheets would be glued together to form a long sheet and rolled into a scroll, often aroun…
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My Experience

  • After learning about the material at length in our Ancient Book class, we got our hands dirty with papyrus in our first transcription project. We were given ten individual sheets, approximately the size of a standard sheet of printer paper. We then pasted the sheets together, with the horizontal fibers facing up and the vertical fibers facing the table. We overlapped the sheets, placing the lef…
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  • 1) Bagnall, Roger S. The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. I used the first chapter, titled "Writing Materials In the Ancient World." This chapter provides information about the history and construction methods of papyrus, as well as Pliny's excerpt about the production process. 2) "Papyrus in Ancient Egypt | Essay | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art Hi…
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