on dexter's return to the golf course after college, what do his actions suggest about his feelings

by Llewellyn VonRueden 5 min read

winter Dreams review
On Dexter's return to the golf course as a golfer, what do his actions suggest about his feelings?He is uncomfortable with his new, privileged position.
What is Dexter's motivation for pursuing Judy?He thinks she represents the best.
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What is the plot of the golf course by Dexter Green?

The story opens in winter, and the main character of the story, Dexter Green skis across the golf course where he cartons in spring and summer to earn some money. His father is the owner of the second-best grocery store in Black-Bear, Minnesota. In April, the spring begins, and the first course of golfers begins.

Why does Dexter seek to possess the glittering things?

University in the East and because it is an Ivy League school Why does Dexter seek to possess the "glittering things"? He wants to be thought of as someone that he is not

How does Dexter Green differ from other caddies at the golf course?

The Great Gatsby how does Dexter Green differ from many of the caddies at the golf course? he caddies only for pocket money and he is extremely good at what he does what does Dexter's father do? owns the 2nd best grocery store in Black Bear briefly describe some of Dexter's fantasies- 1-he wins golfing match against T.A. Hedrick

What kind of school does Dexter decide to go to?

What kind of school does Dexter decide to attend and why? University in the East and because it is an Ivy League school Why does Dexter seek to possess the "glittering things"? He wants to be thought of as someone that he is not After college, what kind of business does Dexter go into?

What does Dexter do after college?

what does dexter do to make money when he finished college ? he opens up a laundry mat with a partner . she hit a guy in the stomach with a ball.

What does Dexter do after college Winter Dreams?

Dexter 2.0 He sells the laundry chain at a profit and takes his money to New York, where he becomes a great investor. By the end of "Winter Dreams," Dexter is living the high life as a Wall Street businessman.

How does Dexter feel about Judy's return?

Dexter feels the loss of her beauty and spark personally, because his illusions of Judy are finally and irreparably shattered. He cries, mourning the past and his lost youth, which he will never be able to reclaim.

What internal motivation influences Dexter's path after college?

Discuss the significance of this line: "... Dexter was unconsciously dictated to by his winter dreams." All of Dexter's life decisions are based on his goals and ambitions of becoming wealthy and respected. Although Dexter is a dreamer, he is also practical.

Why is Dexter upset at the end of the story to learn what has happened to Judy?

Why is Dexter upset at the end of the story to learn what has happened to Judy? He thinks he could have made her happy now that he is wealthy. Judy had promised to marry him, but now she never can.

Who does Dexter end up marrying?

In the third-season finale, "Do You Take Dexter Morgan?", Rita and Dexter get married. In the fourth season opener, Rita and Dexter are living happily together in a suburban neighborhood with Astor, Cody, and new baby Harrison.

What emotions does Dexter feel during the different seasons of the year?

What emotions does Dexter feel during the different seasons of the year? During fall Dexter has hope for approaching winter, where in winter his dreams are cold and elusive. During winter how, does Dexter reflect upon his summer activities? Dexter muses over the lives of the wealthy members of the country club.

What effect does Judy's changing personality have on Dexter in Winter Dreams?

What effect does Judy's changing personality have on Dexter in "Winter Dreams"? It makes him fascinated with her.

What happens to Dexter and Judy's engagement?

Dexter feels ecstasy in Judy's presence, but he also feels restless and unhappy knowing that he can't satisfy her. At the end of the summer, rumor has it that Judy has gotten engaged to a visiting New Yorker. Dexter is heart-broken, but after a month, Judy gets bored with her New York man and she returns to Dexter.

Why does Dexter choose an older and more famous university in the east over the state university?

Several years later, Dexter's winter dreams convince him to “pass up a business course at the State university” to “[attend] an older and more famous university in the East.” Though he is bothered by his lack of wealth compared to the other students, his winter dreams convince him that he cannot merely have an “ ...

When he visits the University Club who does Dexter meet what do they do and what does his companion propose?

When he visits the University Club, who does Dexter meet, what do they do, and what does his companion propose? He doesn't care. Even if he is only with Judy for a short time, he still wants to be with her.

What major decision did Dexter make at the end of Section IV?

The decision leads him to break his engagement with Irene and to become engaged to Judy, whose “flare for him endured just one month.” After their final break-up, Dexter accepts that he will go on loving her, but he tells himself again that “he could not have her.”

Why does Dexter skip college?

These dreams drive him to achieve material success. In order to take admission in a more esteemed eastern university, Dexter skips the state school. He desires for luxury; however, his desires are declined. Dexter, being confident and articulate, borrows $1,000 off the power of his degree after college.

What does Dexter think of Judy Jones?

Dexter also imagines that he beats the most esteemed members of the golf club. During work, Dexter encounters Judy Jones. She is attended by her nurse and asks Dexter to carry her sports.

Why did Fitzgerald use similes in his story?

Fitzgerald employed these similes to set the unhappy tone for the story, which he is going to narrate. These similes are preoccupied with the depressing notion of poverty and misery. With the help of similes, the abstract idea of Dexter’s winter dreams is clarified.

How old is Dexter Green in Winter Dreams?

The genre of the short story “Winter Dreams” is literary fiction and coming-of-age. The story starts when Dexter Green, the protagonist of the novel, is fourteen years old. When the story ends, he is thirty-two years old. However, his coming-of-age experiences are not something positive.

Why is winter important in Dexter?

This suggests the whole journey of Dexter from ambitious youth to a successful businessman is in the form is a natural cycle,

What is the narrator's point of view in the book The Golf Course?

Narrator Point of View. The story opens in winter, and the main character of the story, Dexter Green skis across the golf course where he cartons in spring and summer to earn some money. His father is the owner of the second-best grocery store in Black-Bear, Minnesota. In April, the spring begins, and the first course of golfers begins.

What is the story of Winter Dreams?

Scott Fitzgerald. The story is considered as one of the finest works of Fitzgerald. It deals with the heartbreakingly portraying the loss of the illusions of youth.

Why did Dexter quit his job?

Fitzgerald tells us Dexter quit his job at the golf course to go to college and then started a laundry business that went well. Dexter's motivations are money and Judy. He started the business to impress Judy because he used to work at the golf course she golfed at.

What is the theme of Fitzgerald's work?

A recurring theme of Fitzgerald’s work is the pursuit of the American dream. Based on this story, explain what you think Fitzgerald saw as the American dream. (Be sure to include Dexter’s quest for Judy as part of your answer.)

What is the theme of Fitzgerald's work?

A recurring theme in Fitzgerald’s work is the pursuit of the American dream. How would you define what Fitzgerald saw as the American dream? (Be sure to include Dexter’s quest for Judy as part of your answer.)

Why did Fitzgerald move to Paris?

He and several writers and artists moved to Paris for a time due to their disillusionment with the American dream, traditions and artificiality. These moderns grew to view America as a new Eden – a land of infinite possibility ending in disappointment.

Does Judy's husband treat her well?

Judy’s husband does not treat her well

Did Dexter ever marry Judy?

Dexter reveals that he never intended to marry Judy.

Winter Dreams Summary

Background of The Story

  • “Winter Dreams” is a short story published in December 1922 in Metropolitan magazine by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The story is considered as one of the finest works of Fitzgerald. It deals with the heartbreakingly portraying the loss of the illusions of youth. Many of the themes of the novel are based on the famous novel The Great Gatsby, published in 1925. That is why the story is regarde…
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Characters Analysis

  • Dexter Green
    Dexter Green is the protagonist of the short story “Winter Dreams.” When the story begins, he is a teenager who is very much class-conscious. He lives in Black Bear, Minnesota. The story is an account of his maturation into a successful businessman in New York. Even though Dexter grow…
  • Judy Jones
    Judy Jones is one of the central characters of the story. She is an attractive, charming, and beautiful daughter of one of the wealthy members of the club, Mortimer Jones. She is the obsessive love interest of Dexter Green throughout the story. When she first appears in the story…
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Themes in Winter Dreams by F. Scott Fitzgerald

  • The American Dream: A Nightmare
    The title of the story refers to the winter dreams that Dexter embodies. These “winter dreams” are also known as the American Dream. Even though Dexter attains great success and becomes a successful businessman, he pays a great price for it. The social mobility that Dexter attains as a …
  • Reality versus Idealism
    In the short story “Winter Dreams,” reality and idealism are in constant odds with each other. Judy and Dexter constantly try to search for meaning and happiness in the short story. Dexter becomes the victim of the winter dreams. These dreams are the teenage illusion that he never achieves. I…
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Literary Analysis

  • “Winter Dream” by Fitzgerald is structured and narrated in a way that mirrors Fitzgerald’s critical view of the world that he has tried to depict in his story. Just like the divided nature in the story, the characters of Fitzgerald are shown as incomplete and fractured as they hunt for wealth and pleasure. The short story has six sections that vary in length, suggesting the many betrayals an…
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