on canvas where do you go in the course to find the what if tool

by Kennith Barrows 5 min read

Part of a video titled Checking "What-if" Grades In Canvas - YouTube
You click on the grades. Tab. In your course and it'll bring up your grade.MoreYou click on the grades. Tab. In your course and it'll bring up your grade.

How do I view my courses in canvas?

The "What-If" tool allows students to calculate their total grade by entering hypothetical grades for all assignments. To test a different score for an assignment, students can click an assignment grade and enter a score in the score column. Tags (6) canvas. canvas basics.

How do I view what-if grades in canvas student?

Imagine you have an assignment coming up that’s marked out of 100 and is part of a group of three assignments that are overall worth 30% of your final grade. Before, you’d need pen, paper, and calculator just to try to figure out what grade you’d need to get on that assignment in order to be getting an A in the course. But no more. Now, the “What-If?” grades tool in Canvas will do …

What is the course syllabus tool in canvas?

Enter What-If Score. Enter the What-If Score in the text area [1]. For instance, if your assignment is worth 25 points, and you want to see how your grade appears if you earn 20 points, enter 20 in the text area. Tap the Done link [2].

What happens when I manually copy a canvas course?

To open a course, click the name of the course. Courses that are within the current term dates but are not yet available are listed in black text [2]. These courses have not been published. You can also view any nicknames you have created for courses [3]. If a course includes a term date [4], the term date displays next to the course name.

How do I use the what-if feature on canvas?

Click the Apply button [2].
  1. Test Assignment Score. Locate the assignment and click the score cell.
  2. Enter What-If Score. Enter a hypothetical score for the assignment.
  3. View What-If Grades. The Grades page updates the total score with the What-If grade.
  4. Revert to Actual Score.

What is the tool on canvas?

The "What-If" tool allows students to calculate their total grade by entering hypothetical grades for all assignments. To test a different score for an assignment, students can click an assignment grade and enter a score in the score column.

What all is in the course navigation menu?

The Course Navigation Menu is a series of links on the left side of your course that help you and your students access different course areas.

What is if score in Canvas app?

What is if score in canvas? You can simulate what your grade would have been if you had updated your score. If you receive a grade as a percentage or a point value, your grades will be displayed accordingly in your course. You may not be able to view your current or final grades depending on your instructor.

What are What-if grades?

What-If Grades allow students to calculate their total grade by entering hypothetical grades for assignments. Students can view their grades based on What-If scores so that they can predict how their grades will be affected by upcoming or resubmitted assignments.Jun 26, 2020

How does student get class average on canvas?

From you Canvas Dashboard click the View Grades button on the right side of the screen. This will bring up a list of the courses that you enrolled in as both a Teacher and Student. The percentage shown here (1) is the course average and it is the Current Grade that is being displayed.Feb 22, 2017

How do I navigate a canvas course?

Part of a video titled How to Navigate Canvas as a Student - YouTube
Click the courses link a menu will expand and shows you any current courses where you are enrolled.MoreClick the courses link a menu will expand and shows you any current courses where you are enrolled. This menu also displays any courses that you've marked as a favorite.

How do I add a navigation button in canvas?

Canvas - Add a Custom Link to the Course Navigation Bar
  1. Login in to canvas, and navigate to your Canvas course Settings.
  2. Open the Apps tab and select the Redirect Tool.
  3. Select the +Add App button.
  4. In the Name field, enter the title you would like to appear on the Navbar. ...
  5. Select the Navigation tab.

Where is global navigation in canvas?

The Global Navigation Menu is located on the left of every page in Canvas. The links in the Global Navigation area provide quick access to all of your courses.Oct 16, 2020

How do I check my score on canvas?

Additionally, what-if scores are not saved in the Canvas Student app.
  1. Open Course. Tap the name of the course you want to open.
  2. Open Grades. Tap the Grades link.
  3. Show What-If Score. Tap the Show What-If Score checkbox.
  4. Edit Score. ...
  5. Enter What-If Score. ...
  6. View What-If Score. ...
  7. Hide What-If Score.

How do you see your scores on canvas?

How do I check my What-If Grades?
  1. Open Grades. In Course Navigation, click the Grades link to view your grades. ...
  2. View Grades. Zoom. ...
  3. Test a Different Score. Click the score cell for an assignment and type in a number to test a different score.
  4. View What-If Grades. View your new What-If grade. ...
  5. Revert to Actual Score.

Are Canvas grades accurate?

Any grades that have not been posted will not be factored into the final grade in Canvas, so if you have used a manual posting policy and have not posted all grades for all students, then your students' final grades will not be accurate. Find out more about using of the "hide grades" for an assignment feature.

How to use What-If Grades

To start figuring out your What-If grades, you need to go to the Grades section in your course. From there you’ll see your marks for each assignment, your percentage for each assignment group (if your instructor uses assignment groups), and your total score in the course so far.

Final tips

Keep in mind that What-If Grade calculation isn’t foolproof, so your total What-If grade may not include everything that could impact your final mark. It’s worth checking your instructor’s grading scheme for a more complete idea of how final grades are calculated.

Edit Score

Locate the assignment grade you want to view as a hypothetical grade. Tap the Edit icon.

Enter What-If Score

Enter the What-If Score in the text area [1]. For instance, if your assignment is worth 25 points, and you want to see how your grade appears if you earn 20 points, enter 20 in the text area.

Hide What-If Score

To hide the What-If Scores, tap the Show What-If Score checkbox again.

Description Field

This is an editable description field that allows instructors to provide additional details about their course such as an introduction to course assignments and activities, video clips, and images.

Assignment List

The assignment list is automatically populated based on the Assignments and Quizzes that have been published to your course. Assignments will be listed in order of due date.

Due Date Calendar

The due date calendar is automatically populated based on Assignments and Quizzes that have been published to your course. Assignment due dates are highlighted.

Weighting Summary

This is a summary of how assignments are weighted for the course. It is automatically populated based on how instructors have weighted their Assignment Groups. If an instructor has not set up weighted Assignment Groups, this field will say “Assignments in this course are not weighted.”

What is an all course?

All Courses are courses that are part of the current semester or term. However, depending on access settings for a course, My Courses can also display courses that have not yet started or are unpublished. Active courses that are available to you are listed in blue text [1]. These courses have been published and include a link to the course.

What is participation in a course?

Participation includes submitting assignments and replying to discussions. If a future course does not include a link [2], the course cannot be viewed until the start date. Note: Some institutions may not allow future enrollments to display in the Courses page.

What is future enrollment?

Future Enrollments are courses that will be made available as part of an upcoming term or specific course start date. Future courses may be published or unpublished. However, some institutions may restrict you from viewing published courses before the start date.

Drag and Drop Navigation Links

You can use the drag and drop option to reorder navigation links. Click the navigation link you would like to move. Drop the navigation link in the desired location by releasing the mouse.

Move Navigation Links

You can also use the Move To option to reorder an navigation link. Click the Options icon [1] and select the Move link [2].

Hide Navigation Links

To hide a navigation link, click the link Options icon [1] and select the Disable option [2].

Enable Navigation Links

To enable a link in the hidden section [1], click the Options icon [2] and click the Enable button [3].

View Course Navigation Links

View the Course Navigation Menu. Navigation links will display in the same order that you have designated in Course Settings.

View Course Navigation Menu

The active link is highlighted with different color text and a line indicator [1]. This highlight helps you quickly identify the feature area you are currently viewing in Canvas.

Open Course Navigation Link

To open a feature area in Canvas, click the name of the Course Navigation link.

View Course Area

The Course Navigation menu will show the feature area as an active link.

When Would I Use the Course Import Tool?

Accessed from the Course Settings sidebar, use the Course Import Tool to:

Import Content

When importing content, the tool allows you to import all content or select specific content. This feature is useful for institutions or instructors who only want to copy specific elements of a course, such as assignments or modules.

Adjust Events and Due Dates

In addition to recreating the structure and content of the course, the Course Import Tool can adjust events and due dates to the new date ranges of the new term.

View Current and Prior Imports

Once you have started an import, the Current Jobs menu displays the job status of any imports in process, as well as any prior import history.

Check Your Audio and Video Input

If you regularly use videoconferencing, you can probably skip this step. If you do not, you should first make sure your audio input and output device (s) are connected, if you use something other than your computer’s built-in camera, speakers, and microphone. Plug them in, or if they are wireless, make sure they are connected via Bluetooth.

Start and Join a Conference

If you are creating a Conference for your class, go to Conferences in Canvas’s left menu. You will be prompted to enter information for your conference session. Note that unless you uncheck the invite box, all participants in your Canvas course will be automatically invited.

Troubleshooting and Tips

Compatible browsers for hosting Conferences are Chrome and Firefox. Big Blue Button does not work properly with Safari.


Description Field

  • This is an editable description field that allows instructors to provide additional details about their course such as an introduction to course assignments and activities, video clips, and images. 1. Click the blue Edit button to begin editing. 2. Use the rich text editor to add content. 3. Click Update to save changes. Note that you may be prompt...
See more on kb.wisc.edu

Assignment List

  • The assignment list is automatically populated based on the Assignments and Quizzes that have been published to your course. Assignments will be listed in order of due date. Instructors are not able to edit this list directly or remove it from the Course Summary.
See more on kb.wisc.edu

Due Date Calendar

  • The due date calendar is automatically populated based on Assignments and Quizzes that have been published to your course. Assignment due dates are highlighted. Instructors are not able to edit the due date calendar directly or remove it from the Course Summary.
See more on kb.wisc.edu

Weighting Summary

  • This is a summary of how assignments are weighted for the course. It is automatically populated based on how instructors have weighted their Assignment Groups. If an instructor has not set up weighted Assignment Groups, this field will say “Assignments in this course are not weighted.” Instructors are not able to edit this field directly or remove it from the Course Summary.
See more on kb.wisc.edu