old golf course where van dusen is now

by Vesta Reichert 7 min read

Opened in 1975, the VanDusen Botanical Garden was built on the former Shaughnessy Golf Course. The private golf club had opened in 1912 on a 50-year lease from the Canadian Pacific Railway.

What is a Kentucky coffee tree?

Looking to your left as you proceed, on the other side of an expanse of lawn, you will see a 9 – Kentucky coffee tree (Gymnocladus dioica) . A member of the Pea Family (Fabaceae), the seed pods of the Kentucky coffee tree were used by early settlers as a coffee substitute.

What is yucca tea?

Yucca is a succulent of the Asparagus Family (Asparagaceae), used primarily as a medicinal plant. The Navajo brewed a tea from yucca leaves to treat cuts and sunburn, while traditional healers in New Mexico prepared a tea from the roots and leaves to treat colds and asthma.

Where do strawberry trees grow?

6 – strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo), native to southern Europe but grown here on the west coast as a garden plant that can withstand cold down to -10 C. The fruit ripens bright red and contrasts beautifully with dark green foliage. The leaves and fruit are used in pharmaceuticals.

When do salmonberries ripen?

Salmonberry is common in west coast forests, usually growing in disturbed areas. Salmonberries are the first forest berry to ripen, usually in June. They are an important traditional food for northwest coast aboriginal people.

Is butternut a tree?

This is a 10 – butternut (Juglans cinerea) . Also known as white walnut, butternut is the only nut tree native to Canada. Unfortunately, it is a species at risk and rarely found in the wild, mainly due to butternut canker disease. The tree has many uses, including a brown dye extracted from the bark and nut rinds.

What is yucca extract used for?

Today yucca extract is used in root beer, alcoholic beer and cocktail mixers as a foaming agent. Recently researchers have found that the compound resveratrol from yucca, also found in red wine, helps prevent blood clots. Now take the path going right down to the zig zag bridge.

What is apricot fruit?

The apricot-sized fruit resembles a rose hip. The have been eaten in Europe since Greek and Roman times. Shakespeare has numerous references to medlar, none of them favourable, so he may not have been fond of them. Medlar fruits have to be “bletted”, or allowed to rot slightly, before they are soft enough to be eaten.
