of course who wouldn't that kill transylvania

by Davonte Runolfsson 7 min read

Can you turn a human into a vampire in Hotel Transylvania?

It is therefore likely that there is no way to turn a human to a vampire in this story. Originally Answered: In "Hotel Transylvania", why don't Dracula or Mavis just turn Johnny into a vampire?

Why doesn't Dracula turn Johnny into a vampire in Hotel Transylvania?

Originally Answered: In "Hotel Transylvania", why don't Dracula or Mavis just turn Johnny into a vampire? Wouldn't that just solve most of the problems that the series throws at them? The main reason is…. it’s just not part of the plot. Others say because HT occurs in a universe where vampirism doesn’t work like that.

What year does Hotel Transylvania take place?

This is the transcript for "Hotel Transylvania". (The film starts with the year 1895 and with Dracula about to wake up his daughter, Mavis, as a baby.) Dracula: Peek-a-boo!

Who tries to kill Dracula?

Abraham began to spend the remainder of the 19th century hunting Dracula. However, each of his attempts were met with failure, with Van Helsing causing more vandalism and endangering more bystanders as he hunts Dracula.

Why does Erica kill Dracula?

Despite being very goal-oriented and loyal to her family bloodline, Ericka is shown to be impatient, narcissistic and hot-headed enough that she would jeopardize her great-grandfather's 120-year-long plan to kill Dracula, just so that she could have the chance to do him in herself.

What did Harry the human do to the monsters in Hotel Transylvania?

But Harry the Human found them and jumped out from under their bed." Mavis: I'm scared! Dracula: "And burned their clothes, and ate their toes! And took their candy!"

Who is the villain in Transylvania?

Professor Abraham Van Helsing, simply known as Abraham Van Helsing, is the main antagonist of the Hotel Transylvania franchise.

Does Dennis get fangs?

Through Mavis, Dennis is also the great-grandson of Vlad Dracula (his mother's paternal grandfather). While born showing no vampire traits, by his fifth birthday, he finally grew his fangs and likewise manifested his vampire abilities.

Is Erica a reincarnation of Martha?

Ericka is the Reincarnation of Martha. Which is actually a bit of Fridge Brilliance. A Zing only happens once in your life, and multiple people could go without ever meeting their Zing.

Is Mavis mom a human?

Martha was the wife of Dracula and the mother of Mavis. She was killed by a mob of humans while trying to hide. She died when there was a fire....MarthaBackground informationDislikesHumans, persecution of vampiresPowers and abilitiesVampire PowersParaphernalia33 more rows

Does Mavis turn human?

They are immune to most illnesses. However, Mavis suffered a large cyst on her hand at one point in the Series. It is unknown whether vampires can turn human into vampires or not. However, based on the event of the Hotel Translyvania Transformania, it is apparently they cannot.

Is Blobby a boy or girl?

Mr BlobbyPortrayed byBarry Killerby (1992–2015) Paul Denson (2015-present)In-universe informationGenderMaleSpouseMrs. Blobby5 more rows

Who will be the villain in Hotel Transylvania 4?

Quasimodo Wilson | Villains Wiki | Fandom.

How old is Mavis Dracula in human years?

Mavis Dracula-Loughran is Dracula's 118-year-old "teenage" daughter in the 2012 computer-animated comedy film Hotel Transylvania. Mavis is totally pampered by her father; however, she is headstrong and smart, and in many ways, a typical 18-year-old teenage girl....Mavis Dracula.MavisBackground informationHomeHotel Transylvania35 more rows

Is Quasimodo Wilson a human?

Strangely in the original Victor Hugo novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, Quasimodo is not a monster, rather a deformed human. Despite his apparance, Quasimodo Wilson is likely not a human; he exhibited speed, agility ,and strength far beyond those of humans, as well as extremely keen sense of smell.


Anjo and his family live on a chicken farm in the post apocalyptic desert. While his father constantly tries to teach him that killing is a necessity to survive, Anjo dreams of finding the last remains of civilization. After a desert pirate attack, a motorcycle is left behind.

Did you know

The story takes place in an post apocalyptic desert. Since there is no area like that in whole central Europe, basically the entire film was shot in an old surface mining area 70 miles from Berlin.

Who were the three people that were tried for murder?

Frank Pasqua, Tony Marino, Daniel Kriesberg and Joseph Murphy were tried and convicted of first-degree murder. “Perhaps,” one reporter mused, “the grinning ghost of Mike Malloy was present in the Bronx County Courthouse.”.

Who were the murder trusts?

The “Murder Trust,” as the press would call them, now included a few other Marino’s regulars, including petty criminals John McNally and Edward “Tin Ear” Smith (so-called even though his artificial ear was made of wax), “Tough Tony” Bastone and his slavish sidekick, Joseph Maglione. One night in December 1932 they all gathered at ...

What was the plot to kill Michael Malloy?

The plot to kill Michael Malloy was becoming cost-prohibitive; the open bar tab, the cans of wood alcohol and the monthly insurance premiums all added up. Marino fretted that his speakeasy would go bankrupt. Tough Tony once again advocated brute force, but Pasqua had another idea. Malloy had a well-known taste for seafood.

What did Pasqua feel when he knelt by Malloy's body?

The gang fell silent, staring at the jumbled heap by their feet. Pasqua knelt by Malloy’s body, feeling the neck for a pulse , lowering his ear to the mouth. The man’s breath was slow and labored. They decided to wait, watching the sluggish rise and fall of his chest. Any minute now.

Who tossed Malloy into the back seat of Pasqua's roadster?

That evening Marino and Pasqua tossed Malloy into the back seat of Pasqua’s roadster, drove in silence to Crotona Park and lugged the unconscious man through heaps of snow. After depositing him on a park bench, they stripped off his shirt and dumped bottles of water on his chest and head. Malloy never stirred.

Where were the art stolen during the Nazi occupation?

During the Nazi occupation of France, many valuable works of art were stolen from the Jeu de Paume museum and relocated to Germany. One brave French woman kept detailed notes of the thefts

Who was the undertaker that saw Malloy's sloping figure?

Pasqua, 24, an undertaker by trade, eyed Malloy’s sloping figure, the glass of whiskey hoisted to his slack mouth. No one knew much about him—not even, it seemed, Malloy himself—other than that he had come from Ireland.

Why did Dracula become a vampire?

Anyway, Dracula became a vampire because he wanted to be one in order to dominate human weaknesses, frailties, ignorance.

Is vampire spread through bite?

We get no hint that Vampirism is spread through bite. You are assuming here that Vampirism is a spreadable condition. During the first two movies, the only vampires we see appear to be born that way. Mavis is born to vampire parents and Dennis is born to one vampire and one human.

Did Bram Stoker believe in Vlad Tsepes?

In the due course of time, those false claims became a legend, and Bram Stoker believed the false legend rather than do real research to find out the truth. He then created a work of fiction that has no resemblance to actual history.

In A Nutshell

Adolf Hitler, one of the most heinous and ruthless dictators to have ever lived, caused a preposterous amount of pain and suffering through his career. As the story goes, a man named Henry Tandey could have prevented Hitler’s crimes against humanity with a single bullet in 1918. Regrettably, he did not take the shot.

The Whole Bushel

On September 28, 1918, in an event that would go down in World War I history, Private Henry Tandey, a British soldier who served near the French village of Marcoing says he came face to face with a wounded 29-year-old Adolf Hitler.

Show Me The Proof

British soldier allegedly spares the life of an injured Adolf Hitler The Birmingham soldier who had Hitler in his sights in WW1…and then let him go
