of course the earth is flat how else does it stay on the turtle

by Donny Casper 10 min read

Is the Earth flat or flat?

The flat Earth model places our planet at the center of the universe, but doesn’t suggest that the sun orbits the Earth. Rather, the sun circles over the top side of the world like a carousel, broadcasting light and warmth downward like a desk lamp.

What would happen if the Earth was flat?

If Earth were flat, you’d know it, because a lot of things would work differently. Photo: Pexels Welcome to the new year, 2018. The Earth has yet again made a revolution about the sun. But not so fast. If you subscribe to the idea of a flat Earth, then you’d believe that no such thing happened, because the sun rotates in a circle around the sky.

Do educated people believe the Earth is flat?

“With extraordinary few exceptions, no educated person in the history of Western Civilization from the third century B.C. onward believed that the Earth was flat,” historian Jeffrey Burton Russell noted in 1997.

Can you have tall buildings and mountains if the Earth is flat?

For example, the Earth really is flat. As in totally flat, like a sheet of glass. The definition of flat is “having a level surface; without raised areas or indentations”. So how can you have tall buildings and mountains if the Earth is flat? You can’t.

Why does the planet hang on nothing?

In the gravitational field of the sun it is actually falling towards the sun but because of its speed it moves in a stable orbit. But nothing holds it up, because there is no up or down in space.

Who is the god that holds the Earth on his back?

And then there is in the ancient Greek mythology, Atlas, a giant Titan god, who held the earth on his back. But the Bible does not describe a fanciful myth but describes what we know to be true. Hindu mythology of the earth supported by 4 elephants riding on the back of a giant turtle.

What does the word "stretches" mean in Isaiah 40:22?

The words translated ‘stretches’ and ‘spreads’ imply nothing more than God setting the stars up in the sky like one puts up a tent. Isaiah 40:22 is an accurate description of our spherical globe.

What is the Lord stretched over an empty place?

We are told two things. One is that the Lord stretched the north over an empty place and the second is that He hung the earth upon nothing. Earth suspended in space, a picture taken from space. Credit: NASA. From astronomy we know that the planet is hung on nothing. It is freely orbiting around the sun.

Where in the Bible does it say thick clouds are a covering to Him?

The last one makes a reference to the heavens above the earth. Job 22:14, “Thick clouds are a covering to Him, that He sees not; and He walks in the circuit [ khûg] of heaven.” (KJVER) Here the Hebrew word khûg is translated ‘ circuit’.

Is flat earth science?

The flat earth is a myth as much as the elephants and the turtle are. It is isn’t science. Science involves really knowing by direct investigation or by eye-witness account.

Is there a mythology of the flat earth?

It is travelling in space amidst the stars, which God created all around. There is no mythology there. When you understand the meaning of the Hebrew word חוּג khûg, which describes a spherical globe, these modern-day claims that the Bible describes a flat earth make absolutely no sense.

How deep is the ocean?

The deepest part of the ocean we know about is the Mariana trench, a full 7 miles down. This means the Earth is at least 7 miles thick, and probably a lot more so, because that’s a lot of water on top of it and it would need to be solid enough to keep it all in, lest all of the seas leak out of the bottom of the world.

Why did Nasa fake the moon landing?

This is why Nasa had to fake the moon landing with astronauts, because it was already full of mountaineers and they couldn’t risk exposing that conspiracy.

Is a hedgehog flat?

It would be like saying a hedgehog is flat, which , barring an unfortunate encounter with a heavy goods vehicle, it clearly isn’t. Some might take issue with this, based on the flimsy evidence that they can see buildings, hills, trees, mountains and things like that everywhere, and may even be in or on them right now.

Is the Earth flat?

For example, the Earth really is flat. As in totally flat, like a sheet of glass. The definition of flat is “having a level surface; without raised areas or indentations”.

Does the brain look for patterns?

Either that, or the human brain has a habit of looking for patterns in innocuous or coincidental occurrences, ascribing great significance to any connection it can find and trying to make sense of them despite the absence of any concrete evidence.

Who believed the Earth was flat?

As the scientist and writer Stephen Jay Gould once wrote, the idea that many people—including the Spaniards and Christopher Columbus— believed the Earth to be flat was largely concocted by 19th century writers such as Washington Irving, Jean Letronne and others.

What would happen if you got far from the center of the Earth?

As you got increasingly far from the center, gravity would tug more and more horizontally. This would have some strange impacts, like sucking all the water toward the center of the world, and making trees and plants grow diagonally, since they develop in the opposite direction of gravity’s pull.

What is the difference between Antarctica and the Arctic?

It places the Arctic at the center while Antarctica forms an “ice wall” around the edges. In such a world, travel would look very different. Flying from Australia to certain parts of Antarctica would, for example, take forever —you’d have to travel over the Arctic and both Americas to get there.

What is the ice wall around the edges?

The Arctic is at the center, and an “ice wall” around the edges supposedly prevents people from falling off. Image: Wiki Commons. Perhaps one of the most glaring oddities is that the proposed map of the flat Earth is totally different.

What areas of the Earth create crust?

The areas of the Earth that create crust, like the mid-Atlantic ridge, are counterbalanced by places that consume crust, like subduction zones. On a flat Earth, none of this could be adequately explained. There’d also have to be an explanation for what happens to plates at the edge of the world.

What would happen if the Sun and Moon were to be smaller than Earth?

The sun would also presumably have to be smaller than Earth so as to not burn up or bump into our planet or the moon.

What causes the moon to orbit the Earth?

The same measurable force that causes an apple to fall from a tree also causes the moon to orbit the Earth and all the planets to orbit the sun. People who believe in a flat Earth assume that gravity would pull straight down, but there’s no evidence to suggest it would work that way. What we know about gravity suggests it would pull toward ...

What would happen if the Earth was flat?

If the Earth were flat, it would be daytime everywhere at once, followed by nighttime everywhere at once. You also experience the Earth's roundness every time you take a long-distance flight. Jetliners fly along the shortest path between any two cities.

How did the Greeks determine that the Earth was a sphere?

The ancient Greeks figured out that Earth was a sphere 2300 years ago by observing the planet's curved shadow during a lunar eclipse, when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon. Some flat-Earth believers claim the world is shaped like a disk, perhaps with a wall of ice along the outer rim. (Why no one has ever seen this supposed wall, let alone crashed into it, remains unexplained.) Wouldn't a disk-shaped Earth also cast a round shadow? Well, it would depend on the orientation of the disk. If sunlight just happened to hit the disk face-on, it would have a round shadow. But if light hit the disk edge-on, the shadow would be a thin, straight line. And if the light fell at an oblique angle, the shadow would be a football–shaped ellipse. We know the Earth is spinning, so it can't present one side toward the Sun time after time. What we observe during lunar eclipses is that the planet's shadow is always round, so its shape has to be spherical.

How big is the Earth's diameter?

You can see evidence for this at the equator, where the Earth's diameter is 7926 miles—27 miles larger than at the poles (7899 miles). The difference is tiny—just one-third of 1 percent.

What would happen if the light fell at an oblique angle?

And if the light fell at an oblique angle, the shadow would be a football–shaped ellipse. We know the Earth is spinning, so it can't present one side toward the Sun time after time. What we observe during lunar eclipses is that the planet's shadow is always round, so its shape has to be spherical.

Why do all celestial bodies have the same shape?

These objects, and billions of others, have the same shape because of gravity, which pulls everything toward everything else.

When did Apollo 8 leave Earth?

In December 1968 , the crew of Apollo 8 left Earth for the Moon. When they looked out of the Command Module windows, they saw a blue-and-white marble suspended against the blackness of space. On Christmas Eve, lunar module pilot William Anders snapped the famous " Earthrise " photograph.

Where did Magellan set off from?

Like Columbus, Magellan also set off from Spain, in 1519, heading west—and kept generally going west for the next three years. The expedition wound up back at the starting point (though without Magellan, who was killed during a battle in the Philippines).

Why is the Earth flat?

10 reasons the Earth is actually flat. A lot of people thought the age of satellites would put paid to Flat Earth theory – the idea that our planet isn’t a sphere, but instead a sort of pancake thing. Those people reckoned without the sheer insanity of the World Wide Web. The original Flat Earth society fizzled out after ...

Why does the Earth stay together?

It all stays together because there’s a big ice wall round the edge. The oceans don’t spill off because there’s a wall of ice – called Antarctica. The Flat Earth society admit to being ‘curious’ as to what lies beyond this. 7. Gravity doesn’t exist.

What would the Earth's shadow be if it was flat?

If the earth were flat and round, similar to a disk, it could cast a circular shadow, but only for lunar eclipses that occur at midnight. For a lunar eclipse at sunrise or sunset, the earth’s shadow would be an ellipse, a line, or a rectangle, depending upon how thick the disk was compared to its diameter.

Which direction is the Earth curved in?

Communication was such in the ancient world that people were aware of this effect. This shows that the earth is curved in the east-west direction. If the earth is curved in both the north-south and east-west direction, the most likely shape of the earth is a sphere.

What shape has a circular shadow?

The only shape that consistently has a circular shadow, regardless of its orientation, is a sphere.

Why is the sun day everywhere?

However, because the sun clearly is above the horizon for locations in that shadow, it ought to be day there. The origin of this shadow producing night is never explained. Furthermore, since the sun clearly is above the horizon for the entire flat earth, it ought to be day everywhere on the earth.

How high would a mast be on the other end of the Bedford level?

If the earth is curved, then the drop from one end to the other is about 24 feet. That is, if one were to use a telescope at water level to view along the water on one end of Bedford Level, a mast or pole 24 feet high on the other end would not be visible. Diagram of Rowbotham’s experiment on the Bedford Level.

When was the first spherical earth discovered?

The earliest recorded discussion of a spherical earth is from Pythagoras in the sixth century BC. Pythagoras correctly understood that the cause of lunar eclipses is the shadow of the earth falling on the moon. This can happen only when the moon is opposite the sun in our sky, which coincides with full moon.

Who is the filmmaker of Flat Earth?

There isn’t much information about Emmanuel Lokonga. Robbie Davidson apparently is the filmmaker and primarily responsible for the production of the documentary. Both Rob Skiba and Philip Stallings have other videos promoting flat earth, as well as other ideas, on the Internet.

What do flat earthers claim in the Book of Enoch?

For instance, most flat-earthers claim that the sun neither rises nor sets.

How many cardinal directions are there gates at the end of the earth?

The only way that gates at the ends of the earth in the four cardinal directions make sense is if the observer (the writer of this portion of the Book of Enoch) is at the earth’s center, which is not at the North Pole. Only then can there be gates at the edge of the earth in each of the four cardinal directions.

How many gates does the Sun rise from?

Apart from the gates, this description is very similar to the conventional (spherical earth) explanation of the sun’s daily motion in the sky. Enoch 72 says that there are six gates from which the sun rises and six gates in which it sets.

Is the earth flat in the Bible?

In a previous article, I discussed a few of the biblical passages that, according to some people, teach that the earth is flat. There I made the point that the Bible doesn’t endorse any cosmology, but instead gives only bare details regarding cosmology that could be understood several ways. For instance, Genesis 1:1 states that in the beginning God created heaven and earth. The Day Two account (Genesis 1:6–8) tells us that God made the rāqîa (firmament or expanse or sky), and that God called it “heaven.” On Day Four (Genesis 1:16–19), God made the luminaries (astronomical bodies) that he placed in the rāqîa. These statements briefly describe God ’s creative acts during Creation Week, but they hardly teach any particular cosmology, such as geocentrism or heliocentrism, whether the earth is flat or a sphere, or whether the universe is expanding or static. God exemplified his wisdom in not endorsing any of man’s cosmologies in his Word. If God had done otherwise, it would have needlessly exposed the Bible to ridicule in nearly every age, for man’s cosmologies have changed continually over time.

Do flat earthers believe in the Bible?

Flat-earthers have a peculiar relationship with the Book of Enoch. Non- Christian flat-earthers view the Bible and the Book of Enoch as having equal authority. Christian promoters of flat-earth must do careful choreography to accept the Book of Enoch to the extent of using it to interpret Scripture, while simultaneously giving lip service to the fact that the Book of Enoch falls far short of biblical authority.
