of course stars should weigh in on politics. what else is celebrity good for?

by Winona Nicolas 3 min read

Should celebrities be involved in politics?

Sep 26, 2017 · For lots of us, this probably sounds like a better career challenge than most. It’s also a limited one. Money is an absolutely wonderful thing, but …

What kind of power do celebrities have?

Oct 10, 2018 · Ms. Swift’s political views had previously been left up to interpretation, and at times her silence was viewed as support for Mr. Trump as well as …

Why do celebrities tend to be liberal?

It’s nearly impossible to be apolitical today, and that goes for celebrities in particular. Since the election of Donald Trump in 2016, celebrities have become more outspoken about their political beliefs, and more often they are anti-Trump. Whether it’s through tweets, public demonstrations (like appearing at a protest) or blatantly obvious statements, such as when Robert DeNiro said …

How does Mark Wheeler's book celebrity politics reflect the Frankfurt School?

Celebrity influence in politics, also referred to as "celebrity politics," or "political star power," is the act of a prominent person using their fame as a platform to influence others on political issues or ideology. According to Anthony Elliott, celebrity is a central structuring point in self and social identification, per-forming as it does an increasingly important role in self-framings, self …

How did celebrities influence politics?

The adoption of wide-reaching mediums has made it easier for celebrities to exert influence in politics that began with the creation of television. According to John Street, celebrity influence in politics began with television, as the medium is intimate and focused more on the human side of people, including political candidates, than any other medium. He further states that celebrities were able to use television to reach a wide audience and that their influence affected others' understandings of certain topics. As different mediums emerged, such as social media, where celebrities could voice their opinions on various topics, their influence had a greater effect. Mark Wheeler has opined that this led to one of the main critiques of celebrity involvement in politics in that celebrities could be viewed as a manufactured product, one fabricated through media exposure.

Why do people identify with celebrities?

Individuals go through the process of identification where they start to believe in the values, convictions and behaviors portrayed by the celebrity endorser and eventually adopt them as their own. Because it is easier to identify with people who have a connection or relationship, individuals are more likely to identify with celebrities that are closer to them in age. Scholars consider identification a significant component in the persuasion process through which celebrities influence audience behavior.

What is celebrity influence?

Celebrity influence in politics, also referred to as " celebrity politics ," or " political star power ," is the act of a prominent person using their fame as a platform to influence others on political issues or ideology. According to Anthony Elliott, celebrity is a central structuring point in self and social identification, ...

Who is Kim Kardashian West?

Reality T.V. star, entrepreneur and influencer, Kim Kardashian West has also used her celebrity influence to get the opportunity to talk with President Donald Trump and advocate for him to grant clemency for Alice Marie Johnson, who was sentenced to life in prison for a first time drug offense.

What episode of Broad City was Hillary Clinton?

In the fifth episode (“ 2016 ”) of season three of the Comedy Central show “ Broad City ”, the main characters encounter and openly support and gush over the 2016 presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton. The episode was written by Chris Kelly and directed by Todd Biermann. Although it was publicly specified as an episode that was not meant to be political, the show's characters displayed a clear support for said candidate. The show was originally created and scripted by Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson, two comedians who regularly utilize their social media platforms to speak on political topics. This episode aired on March 16, 2016 in the midst of the presidential campaign .

Is social media a platform?

Social media has risen as a platform for stardom utilized by average individuals. Many teenagers, children, and adults have amassed a public following on platforms such as TikTok and Youtube. The platforms have even given names to such stars who have received a large amount of media attention.

What are the social media celebrities?

Social Media stars also known as "Micro-celebrities" or "Internet Celebrities" are a relatively new form of influencer who has arisen from the various social media content creation platforms: namely YouTube, Vine, TikTok. These individuals spawn from ordinary users who upload their own personal content and gather a following. These followers become fans and eventually a micro-celebrity is born. Although, the origination of the name was given to individuals who share a niche platform and audience, they have grown with the popularity of social media applications and websites. Social Media starts like Lily Singh, Cody Ko, and Philip De Franco have all utilized platforms to star in television and web-series: opening up their fanbase. Additionally, some Social Media stars have even gone on to sign media contracts with television networks such as MTV. MTV has personally produced various shows starring Social Media stars like Tana Mongeau and Jake Paul .

In The Age Of The Celebrity President, Should Celebs Be Political?

It seems like a timeless debate that goes back and forth, with valid points on each side. Should celebrities and public figures be involved in the political sphere or stick to their respective fields of entertainment?

What Does it Mean if someone says PFP?

Whether you are a Baby Boomer or Generation X, it is likely you use abbreviations in your everyday discourse. From texting, emailing or even conversing face to face in real-time, abbreviations consumer our language and the way in which we communicate with one another.


According to Lorraine York, a professor of English and cultural studies at McMaster University, celebrities allow us to “debate ideas using the celebrity as a form of proxy.”

Celebrities as UNICEF ambassadors

UNICEF ambassadorships themselves are the subject of “an intense debate” on the “larger question of celebrity activism,” said York.

Possible to remain silent as a celebrity?

Another question that arises is whether it’s possible to stay silent as a celebrity today.

Not superficial by default

People discussing celebrity advocacy and activism is neither a new phenomenon nor one that will stop “anytime soon,” according to York.

Public pressure

Earlier this month, actor Jameela Jamil had to issue a tweet firmly stating that she is leaving the issue of Kashmir to experts: “I’m sick at home and can’t be bothered to tweet any further.

Should celebrities get involved in politics?

No celebrity should get involved with politics. There is a reason that celebrities should stay to do they are supposed to do eg sing, act and just look pretty. Like MP’s, they handle the politics.

What are celebs concerned about?

Most celebs are in a box and only concerned with environmental and social issues. The economy of average Americans does not enter into the equation for them. Just as the middle class SPOKE regarding the downfall of the Clinton dynasty.....They can also SPEAK to the livelihood of many celebs who overstep their bounds in speaking politics when it is the average American who pays THEIR paycheck at the box office and buying their music. The obviously have no business sense or they would not take the chance of inflaming the hands that feed their mouths. Loose lips sink ships

What are the biases of Hollywood?

THE HOLLYWOOD ESTABLISHMENT ITSELF is bias and always has views controversial to the general public no matter if it's anti liberal or anti conservative. Hollywood always sticks it to the ppl.#N#3. Hollywood actors are in a organized mob mentality due to the fact that unless they join an actors guild they can't get anywhere in the industry. I learned that from a theater proffessor. Therefore instead of promoting the free individual Hollywood has an organized mob mindset bias against free Americans. Collectivism high taxes only the super can afford. Oligarchy#N#4. Actors are reckless and mentally unstable look at most child stars gone wrong. Who knows what weird views they possess.#N#5. Most script writers are disturbed and influence actors in the roles they play. Often in intense dramas actors have to see a quack to get over what they lived on screen. Hint hint drugs.... We need sober minded ppl in dc not recovering addicts.#N#6. The egos the actors have are triple that of out normal politicians corrupt on capital hill that are tough on us. If we thing they are bad to deal with imagine actors with larger fortunes and how egotistical they would be in office.#N#7. It's bad enough some movies are subliminal now we have to see actors views out in the open!#N#8. Actors are fake and don't care about real issues they want to steal your freedom and empower themselves I a crooked double standard.#N#9. If we think bill Clinton did bad with Monica Lewinsky imagine what the actors did to rise to the top and what else they would once they invade capital hill.#N#10. The actors are liars and hypocrites power hungry with endless resources on a mission to self destruct. Far worst then any normal bad politician cuz at least the status quo had education and experience in the real worl. If the actors enter the political arena we would be back in the days of emperor Nero and all he'll would break loose.#N#11. No experience. Under qualified it's like a surgeon that says I'm not a doctor. But I stayed at a holiday Inn last night. And then you die. Don't let this happen to the country as a whole.

Do celebrities have the right to speak their opinion?

Celebrities are Americans FIRST and as such have the RIGHT to voice their opinion and get involved. It's called the CONSTITUTION, which conservatives claim to uphold against all else..Unless someone with a differing opinion steps up. It's that simple, they have fry he right of freedom of speech like everyone else!