of course i'm jamaican mon....why else would i wearing dis 'at?

by Dr. Miller Schneider V 8 min read

What do Jamaican men do when it comes to cultural differences?

It becomes the norm. The traditions are really good and, in general, Kiwis, that’s what we call New Zealanders. The long name is New Zealanders, but everybody call themselves Kiwis. They’re really very nice and friendly people. The custom and tradition, they’re nice, they’re friendly, they’re outgoing and adventurous.

What is a Jamaican Patois phrase?

Mar 27, 2018 · Chatterbox is the English translation of the phrase. “Talk and taste your tongue” is a funny Jamaica expression often used to mean “think before you speak.” “Every hoe have dem stik a bush” is the equivalent of “there’s someone out there for every person,” while “de olda de moon, de brighter it shines” is often used to ...

Should you rush a Jamaican man?

Oct 05, 2017 · The Jamaican language is largely a derivative of Spanish, English and African influences on the country through its colonial history. Although the official language of Jamaica is English, many Jamaicans speak Patois in casual everyday conversation. Here are 15 Jamaican Patois phrases to know and use on your next visit to Jamaica.

What does “Ya Mon” mean in Jamaica?

Jamaican men are a lot of fun. They’re known for their joie de vivre and they like to have a good time. They’re also known for being outrageous flirts and some Jamaican men believe that cheating is ok. When navigating the complex world that is dating, it’s important to arm yourself with as much information as possible.

What is Jamaican patois?

The Jamaican language is largely a derivative of Spanish, English and African influences on the country through its colonial history.

What language do Jamaicans speak?

Although the official language of Jamaica is English, many Jamaicans speak Patois in casual everyday conversation. Here are 15 Jamaican Patois phrases to know and use on your next visit to Jamaica.

What does "mash up mi fone" mean?

This phrase means damage or destroy. For example, Mi mash up mi fone means ‘I’ve broken my phone’ . This is a popular expression and even road-signs will advise drivers to mash up yuh brakes. Meaning slow down.

What does "I am here" mean?

While the literal translation is ‘I am here’, the implied meaning is ‘everything is ok’, or ‘I’m doing well’ .

What does "I'll be right there" mean?

This Jamaican expression means literally: I’ll be right there. However if you’re told mi soon come, don’t be fooled. Island time is much slower than the rest of the world and this expression should be interpreted as meaning anything from a few hours to a few days.

What does Guzumba mean?

Guzumba means Obeah, which is similar to Haiti’s Voodoo and is the practise of black magic. Obeah-men can still be found practising this outlawed craft in Jamaica. An Obeah-man can cast or break a spell, go into a shamanic trance or, it is said, even bring someone back from the dead.

What is ragga music?

This is a term used to describe a streetwise, tough guy. It’s also a type of music usually abbreviated as ragga and is a subgenre of dancehall music and reggae.

What is Jamaican masculinity?

Jamaican men are known for being very dominant in the bedroom. They’re very masculine and their raw masculinity dictates that they’re the ones making all the moves when it comes to sex. They like women who allow them this opportunity, because it’s what makes them happiest.

What is Jamaican men?

It’s no secret that Jamaican men are some of the more personable people on the planet. They’re always smiling, always warm and affectionate and they love people. They also love flirting.

Why do Jamaican men cheat?

They cheat, not because they’re unhappy with your relationship but because they want to be with multiple women at the same time.

Do Jamaican men love their families?

They are mama’s boys at heart and Mom’s opinion will always be the most important thing for him. Win his mother over and you will win him over. A Jamaican man might not be looking to settle down right way, but when he does he settles down and wants a family.

Can you date a Jamaican man?

Though dating a Jamaican man comes with certain preconceived notions, it’s important to understand that everyone is different and you can’t make assumptions based on stereotypes.

What do Jamaican men believe?

They believe men should be the providers and they will see to it they provide for you and there is food in the house.

What happens if you find out someone is cheating?

If you do find out they are cheating and want to leave the relationship, they will spin you some tales that will make you feel like the guilty one instead of them.

Is Jamaican a lazy man?

They can be very lazy. There are some Jamaican men who are very lazy. They will find nothing wrong with staying at home and depending on you to support them. It seems nowadays, a lot of men are like this. They will give you excuses for not being able to find a job and a whole lot of bull crap.

Is a Jamaican man dating a sweetheart?

Yep, you’re dating Jamaican man, sweetheart, and they will not look kindly on you having a lot of male friends. He will think the other man is thinking what he thinks when he looks at you and it drives him crazy!