of course i know what you're talking about

by Keyon Dietrich 5 min read

What does it mean when someone tells you of course?

used to say yes or to give someone permission to do something: "Can you help me?" "Of course."May 4, 2022

How do you use phrase of course?

You use of course as a polite way of giving permission. "Can I just say something about the game on Saturday?"—"Yes, of course you can." You use of course in order to emphasize a statement that you are making, especially when you are agreeing or disagreeing with someone. "I guess you're right."—"Of course I'm right!"

What is the meaning of expression in the course of?

In the process or progress of, as in the famous phrase from the Declaration of Independence (1776), “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands ...”

What do you say when someone says of course?

When you respond with “of course,” you are saying that the help that you gave was to be expected. People say “my pleasure” when they want you to know that it made them feel good to help you… almost like it was not work.May 5, 2020

Is it polite to say of course?

'Of course' is polite and friendly here. It's like definitely, certainly. It emphasizes that what we're saying is true or correct.

Is it rude to say of course to thank you?

'Of course' by itself means obvious, expected. So when someone says 'of course' instead of 'you're welcome', the feeling is “it's obvious that I would do that because I want to do that'. It's friendly. It's a friendly way to say it.

What does in the course of the meeting mean?

in the progress or process of; during.

What is another word for course?


1 way, road, track, passage. 13a bearing. 6 method, mode. 7 process, career.

Is it on the course or in the course?

In = during or within "I will tell you what you study in this course." = "I will tell you what you study during or within this course." -If you see any of us in the course, please say hello. -If you see any of us during the course, please say hello. -If you see any of us (who are) on the course, please say hello.Sep 14, 2016

Is it rude to say of course instead of you're welcome?

If you've done something for someone and you say 'you're welcome' after they thank you, the implication is kind of, 'Yeah, I really did you a favor and you should be grateful,” she said. “So 'certainly' or 'of course' means you're kind of belittling what you just did, which is more courteous.”Mar 1, 2018

How do you say yes of course?

Of course there is! In fact, we have several ways to say yes in English for casual and professional situations.
  1. Yes, of course. I will get it to you this afternoon.
  2. I'd be glad/happy to make the reservations for you.
  3. Absolutely. I will finish it this afternoon.
  4. Certainly – I will call him now.
Sep 20, 2017

What kind of phrase is of course?

As detailed above, 'of course' is an adverb. Adverb usage: Of course I'll go with you. Adverb usage: Of course, there will be a few problems along the way.

2. Know your goal

Depending on the context, your goal could be anything from soliciting feedback to persuading someone to your point of view to simply sharing information. Your communication will be more effective, Abrahams says, if you have some sense of what you want the result to be.

3. Radiate calm

Ever suffer through a presentation by a speaker who’s clearly rattled? Notice how it makes you tense, too? “ [That’s] called secondhand anxiety,” Abrahams says, “when a nervous speaker makes their audience nervous.”

4. Get your audience involved

For many people, especially those who are nervous about being in the spotlight, speaking up can make them feel like they’re being scrutinized. A great way to manage this anxiety, Abrahams says, is to get your audience to do something besides stare at you.

5. Let your body do (some of) the talking

Body language matters, and it’s important to remember that when you’re speaking face-to-face, especially if you want to project an air of confidence and authority. Abrahams tells his students to focus on three things: being “big, balanced and still.”

6. Listen up

Communication is a two-way process. Once you know your goal (Charm a dining companion? Inspire colleagues to tackle a new project that will mean extra work for everyone? Get your sister-in-law to reschedule the family BBQ?), your audience’s responses are clues about how effectively you’re communicating. So don’t just talk — listen.

7. Practice makes . . . better

Contrary to popular belief, confident speakers are made, not born. Anyone can become a better speaker. “A lot of people feel that they’re an introvert, or they had a bad experience once and now they’re doomed,” Abrahams says. “But communication skills are like any other skills — you can get better at them.

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Monique Bonner Follow

A couple of years ago, through a series of re-organizations and leadership changes, I inherited a team of 15 people whose work was focused on marketing automation. At the time, I knew little (aka. nothing) about what they did.

Ozge (Saritosun) Kurtoglu

Thank you so much for this post. Great guide to turn reviews from a one way communication to two ways and leadership truly impactful. Love it. Your observation on #2 is spot on.

Roger Pilney

Thank you so much for this post. I was in this org and was the self-appointed "MDF guy" because I loved the projects so much and the amazing team we had. Very refreshing and 100% accurate.

Wilson Raj

Powerful and practical advice! Your tips equally apply even if folks "know" what they're talking about. Thanks for sharing, Monique.
