obesity is defined as a body mass index (bmi) greater than what measurement course hero

by Caden Wolff 5 min read


Body mass index

Body mass index is a value derived from the mass and height of a person. The BMI is defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height, and is universally expressed in units of kg/m², resulting from mass in kilograms and height in metres.

is reported as weight in kilograms (kg) divided by height in meters squared (m 2). BMI is useful in classification of obesity, overweight, and healthy weight. Obesity is generally defined as a BMI of 30 or greater, while healthy weight for adults refers to a BMI of at least 19 and less than 25.

Full Answer

What is the difference between BMI and obese?

Jan 16, 2019 · 14. Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) greater than what measurement? a. 22 b. 28 c. 25 d. 30 Obesity is an energy imbalance, with caloric intake exceeding energy expenditure, and is defined as a BMI greater than 30. 4

What does BMI stand for in medical terms?

Obesity. Obesity is defined as a Body Mass Index of 30 or more, is having more body fat than is optimally healthy. Body Mass Index, or BMI, is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to identify and classify overweight and obesity in adults. Being obese is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative …

What is the difference between weight and body mass index?

May 08, 2007 · Obesity is generally defined as a BMI of 30 or greater, while healthy weight for adults refers to a BMI of at least 19 and less than 25. A BMI of 40 or more is often used to identify people who are extremely obese and at risk for serious health complications of obesity.

What is the difference between healthy weight and obesity?

May 21, 2019 · The actual medical definition of morbid obesity is: “A serious health condition that results from an abnormally high body mass that is diagnosed by having a body mass index (BMI) greater than 40 kg/m², a BMI of greater than 35 kg/m² with at least one serious obesity-related condition, or being more than 100 pounds over ideal body weight (IBW).”

What is body mass index and how does it define obesity?

Overview. Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is obese.

What is body mass index BMI and what does it measure explain with example?

The body mass index (BMI) is a measure that uses your height and weight to work out if your weight is healthy. The BMI calculation divides an adult's weight in kilograms by their height in metres squared. For example, A BMI of 25 means 25kg/m2.

How is body mass index defined?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. A high BMI can indicate high body fatness. BMI screens for weight categories that may lead to health problems, but it does not diagnose the body fatness or health of an individual.

Why is knowing what your BMI body mass index is important?

Your BMI is a measurement that is a ratio of your weight and height. It's a good way to gauge whether your weight is in healthy proportion to your height. In fact, knowing your BMI can help you – and your GP – determine any health risks you may face if it's outside of the healthy range.

What is the body mass index classification of overweight?

Adult Body Mass Index If your BMI is less than 18.5, it falls within the underweight range. If your BMI is 18.5 to <25, it falls within the healthy weight range. If your BMI is 25.0 to <30, it falls within the overweight range. If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, it falls within the obesity range.Jun 7, 2021

What is body mass index and what is it used for quizlet?

Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. Enter your weight and height using standard or metric measures.

What is the weight of obese person?

Adult BMI CalculatorBMIWeight StatusBelow 18.5Underweight18.5—24.9Healthy25.0—29.9Overweight30.0 and AboveObese

What is obesity Wikipedia?

Obesity is the condition of being much too heavy for one's height so that one's health is affected. In other words, it means to be too overweight. Also known as being fat. It is considered a disease and has been described as an epidemic.

What is obesity problem?

Obesity is a complex disease involving an excessive amount of body fat. Obesity isn't just a cosmetic concern. It's a medical problem that increases the risk of other diseases and health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain cancers.Sep 2, 2021

Is BMI The best measure of obesity?

Estimations of body fat beyond BMI include measurements with calipers and waist-to-hip ratio measurements. However inaccurate, BMI is the most convenient way to classify body fat mass and obesity. There are, on the other hand, better methods to measure whole body fat levels.Apr 6, 2018

What factors cause obesity?

9 most common causes of obesityGenetics. ... Physical inactivity. ... Diet high in simple carbohydrates. ... Overeating. ... Frequency of eating. ... Medications. ... Psychological factors. ... Diseases: Diseases such as hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome, and Cushing's syndrome are also contributors to obesity.More items...

Why is it important to know your body mass index and waist circumference status?

A high amount of body fat can lead to weight-related diseases and other health issues. Being underweight is also a health risk. Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist circumference are screening tools to estimate weight status in relation to potential disease risk.

What is the BMI of a person with obesity?

If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, it falls within the obesity range. Obesity is frequently subdivided into categories: Class 1: BMI of 30 to < 35. Class 2: BMI of 35 to < 40. Class 3: BMI of 40 or higher. Class 3 obesity is sometimes categorized as “severe” obesity.

What are the different types of obesity?

Obesity is frequently subdivided into categories: 1 Class 1: BMI of 30 to &lt; 35 2 Class 2: BMI of 35 to &lt; 40 3 Class 3: BMI of 40 or higher. Class 3 obesity is sometimes categorized as “severe” obesity.

What is the definition of weight that is higher than what is considered a healthy weight for a given height?

Weight that is higher than what is considered as a healthy weight for a given height is described as overweight or obesity. Body Mass Index, or BMI, is used as a screening tool for overweight or obesity.

Is BMI underweight?

If your BMI is less than 18.5, it falls within the underweight range. If your BMI is 18.5 to <25, it falls within the healthy weight range. If your BMI is 25.0 to <30, it falls within the overweight range. If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, it falls within the obesity range. Obesity is frequently subdivided into categories: Class 1: BMI of 30 to < 35.

What are the causes of obesity?

Obesity usually results from a combination of causes and contributing factors, for example: 1 Inactivity: You can easily take in more calories than you use through exercise. 2 Unhealthy diet: You gain weight having a diet that’s high in calories. 3 Pregnancy: Weight gain during the pregnancy can contribute to the development of obesity in women. 4 Genetics: Obesity is the result of an interplay between genetic and environmental factors. 5 Lack of sleep: Too little sleep can increase your appetite. 6 Medical problems: Some medical problems such as arthritis can lead to decreases activity. 7 Medication: Some antidepressants, anti-seizure, diabetes medications, corticosteroids or beta blockers can lead to weight gain if you don’t compensate through diet or activity.

Why does weight gain cause obesity?

Genetics: Obesity is the result of an interplay between genetic and environmental factors. Lack of sleep: Too little sleep can increase your appetite.

Is BMI higher than 40?

If your BMI is higher than 40 - Class III obesity (Super obesity) The Body Mass Index is a reasonable estimate of body fat. However, BMI doesn’t directly measure body fat, so some people (muscular athletes) may have a BMI in the obese category even though they don’t have excess body fat. You need to ask your doctor.

Does obesity affect life expectancy?

Obesity reduces life expectancy. With a BMI 30-35 your lifespan may be reduced by 3 years. A BMI of 40-50 reduces life expectancy by about 10 years. Being obese, you are more likely to develop a number of potentially serious health problems, including: High cholesterol levels. Type 2 diabetes.

What causes weight gain?

Medication: Some antidepressants, anti-seizure, diabetes medications, corticosteroids or beta blockers can lead to weight gain if you don’t compensate through diet or activity.

Is weight loss surgery good?

Lifestyle changes to improve diet and exercise are still important. Weight-loss surgery Surgery is usually only offered if you have already tried other ways to lose weight which have not worked. Surgery usually has very good results and most people do lose a lot of weight.

Is obesity a health problem?

Being obese is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health. Obesity isn’t just an appearance issue. It increases your risk of diseases and health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.

What is the BMI of a person who is obese?

Obesity is generally defined as a BMI of 30 or greater, while healthy weight for adults refers to a BMI of at least 19 and less than 25. A BMI of 40 or more is often used to identify people who are extremely obese and at risk for serious health complications of obesity.

What does BMI stand for?

BMI stands for body mass index. BMI is calculated by a formula that takes into account both a person's height and weight. BMI is reported as weight in kilograms (kg) divided by height in meters squared (m 2 ). BMI is useful in classification of obesity, overweight, and healthy weight. Obesity is generally defined as a BMI of 30 or greater, ...

How to determine BMI?

How Can People Use Their BMI to Evaluate Their Bodies? 1 Some may have lots of fat and little muscle. 2 A BMI above the healthy range is less healthy for most people; but it may be fine if someone has lots of muscle, a large body frame, and little fat. 3 The further one's BMI is above the healthy range, the higher one's weight-related risk. If a person's BMI is above the healthy range, he or she may benefit from weight loss, especially if there are other health risk factors. 4 BMIs slightly below the healthy range may still be healthy unless they result from illness.

What is BMI in medical terms?

What is BMI? Body mass index , or BMI, is a new term to most people. However, it is the measurement of choice for many physicians and researchers studying obesity. BMI uses a mathematical formula that takes into account both a person's height and weight.

What is considered healthy weight?

Healthy weight is defined as a body mass index (BMI) equal to or greater than 19 and less than 25 among all people aged 20 or over. Generally, obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) equal to or greater than 30, which approximates 30 pounds of excess weight.

What is the Obesity Medicine Association?

The Obesity Medicine Association is a society of medical providers (physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other healthcare providers) who treat obesity. Use the “ Find a Clinician ” search tool to find someone in your area who can help you manage your weight and regain your health.

What are the health problems associated with obesity?

Some obesity-related problems come from the strain on the body while carrying extra weight such as: High blood pressure, congestive heart failure, sleep apnea, shortness of breath, nerve pain, arthritis, back pain, heartburn, leg swelling, varicose veins, and physical disability.

How to treat morbid obesity?

Comprehensive morbid obesity treatment includes: 1 Dietary modification: based on medical evidence 2 Physical activity: adjusted to the person’s needs and abilities 3 Behavioral modification: to help overcome unhealthy habits 4 Medication: if appropriate, as a tool to help with the urge to eat 5 Weight loss surgery: if appropriate, for those with severe or morbid obesity (Only a few obesity specialists perform surgery, but most can help people successfully prepare for weight loss surgery and help people to have the best results and lasting success afterwards) 6 Prevention of weight regain: help with maintaining healthy habits 7 Understanding, compassion, and respect

What is an obesity specialist?

An obesity medicine specialist is a medical provider who has studied the causes, prevention, and treatment of overweight, obesity, and severe or morbid obesity. These specialists have the time, training and tools for comprehensive treatment. They help to provide education, support and a plan to help people overcome the disease of obesity.

What is the treatment for obesity?

They help to provide education, support and a plan to help people overcome the disease of obesity. Comprehensive morbid obesity treatment includes: Dietary modification: based on medical evidence. Physical activity: adjusted to the person’s needs and abilities. Behavioral modification: to help overcome unhealthy habits.

Does obesity cause discrimination?

Morbid or severe obesity is much more than a problem with physical appearance. Yes, there are definite problems with discrimination, social bias, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem, but the problem is more extensive.