nmsu walking in graduation when you failed a course

by Shaina Christiansen 4 min read

Where can I find specific graduation requirements for NMSU programs?

Example 1: if a Nursing program requires a “B” or better in Biology, then that class may be repeated if a “B” or better was not earned. That requirement must be in the school catalog. Example 2: If a course is required for graduation, a student may repeat the course and be certified for it until it is successfully completed. No further ...

Does participation in commencement mean I am an NMSU graduate?

Apr 10, 2022 · All candidates need to be prepared to present their GradPass to the Commencement Scanner for personal recognition before walking on staging. During the ceremony, professional photos will be taken by Grad Images. Graduates can view their Commencement photos online www.gradimages.com or by calling 1-800-424-3686.

Can I take courses at NMSU If I am under suspension?

9:00 a.m. Saturday, May 7, 2022. Class of 2022 – Undergraduate Commencement Ceremonies. Bachelor Candidates from. College of Arts and Science and College of Engineering. 2:00 p.m. The Commencement Ceremonies will be held indoors at the NMSU Pan American Center. The NMSU Ceremonies will be streamed on NMSU YouTube. NMSU follows all public ...

Does New Mexico State University (NMU) require a final exam?

Minimum Credit Hours: a minimum of 60 credits (excluding “N” suffix courses). Some programs of study require coursework in excess of the 60 credit-hour minimum. New Mexico General Education-state mandated general education courses (as specified in General Education section); such courses are designed with a “G”

How many times can you retake a class NMSU?

Repeating Courses for Change in Grade: Single courses may be attempted for a total of three times. Students who do not pass a course within three attempts must obtain permission from their Academic Associate Dean to enroll in the course.

What is considered a passing grade at NMSU?

Undergraduate and Graduate students are required to pass and complete 70% of all hours attempted. Students will be ineligible for financial aid until completion rate is 70% or greater, or an appeal for financial aid has been approved. Grades of A's, B's, C's, and D's will count as passed credits.

How do you graduate with honors NMSU?

Graduation with Honors To be eligible for a four-year degree with honors, a student must have earned at least 60 semester credits in computable grades while in residence at New Mexico State. The number of students at graduation receiving degrees with honors in any one year shall not exceed 15 percent.

Is it too late to apply at NMSU?

IT'S NOT TOO LATE FOR SENIORS! Your current Juniors can get a jump start on college applications this summer as our application for the Class of 2022 is scheduled to open in early July! Students who apply prior to December 1 are eligible for top merit scholarships.

How does NMSU calculate GPA?

Within the NMSU system, total GPA hours consist of the total credits in which grades of A+ through F have been earned. To determine the GPA, divide the total GPA hours into the total grade points.

What will my GPA be if I fail a class?

The failing grade will NOT calculate in your GPA, but it will still show on your transcript. On your transcript, an "E" will show to the right of your failing grade to mark the course as "Excluded". On your transcript, an "I" will show to the right of the second time you took the class, marking it as "Included".

How many credits do you need to graduate at NMSU?

60 creditsMinimum Credit Hours: a minimum of 60 credits (excluding “N” suffix courses). Some programs of study require coursework in excess of the 60 credit-hour minimum. GPA requirement: Students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better in all courses taken at NMSU or one of its community colleges.

Does NMSU have an honors college?

The mission of the New Mexico State University Honors College is to serve the citizens and state of New Mexico by providing an enriching environment for diverse, academically talented, and motivated students.

What is a Crimson Scholar at NMSU?

The Crimson Scholars Program at NMSU is a recognition and enrichment program for students of exceptional academic achievement. Designation as a Crimson Scholar places you among NMSU's top students and entitles you to a number of valuable privileges.

What is NMSU acceptance rate?

62.7% (2020)New Mexico State University / Acceptance rate

Is NMSU rolling admissions?

The application deadline is rolling and the application fee at New Mexico State University is $25.

What are the admission requirements for NMSU?

Freshman admission requirementsA cumulative high school GPA of 2.75, or.ACT composite score of 21 or SAT score of 1060, or.Ranked in the top 20 percent of their graduating class.

Where do you enter the Aggie Memorial Stadium graduation ceremony?

Ceremony Entrance. Graduates will enter through the North end of the Aggie Memorial Stadium, the side facing the Pan American Center. Graduates should arrive one hour prior to the ceremony for check in. There is not a rehearsal. The GradPass is a graduate’s ticket across the stage.

How to view graduation photos?

Graduates can view their Commencement photos online www.gradimages.com or by calling 1-800-424-3686. GradImages will email these photos to each graduate’s email. Graduates will be allowed to remove their facial covering prior to taking a photograph and then will put their facial covering back on after the photograph.

Can you bring a bag to NMSU?

Bring no bags or personal items, N MSU has a clear bag policy should graduates need to bring anything. With construction on I-25/University, plan your route to campus, the ceremony starts exactly at 7:00 p.m., graduates need to be there one hour early.

Do you have to wear a doctoral hood on your arm?

Graduates will be socially distanced and seated by college on the field of the stadium. Doctoral Graduates should have their Doctoral hood draped on their arm and not around their neck yet. To comply with social distancing guidelines, faculty members will not hood graduates.

Apply for Degree

If graduating, a current application for degree is required to receive the degree and participate in the ceremony.


Purchase the cap, gown and tassel necessary to participate in the ceremony.

Diploma Status

Order a duplicate diploma, electronic diploma and find the diploma status.

Certificate of Completion

The Certificate of Completion requires a minimum of 16 credits (other Title IV requirements must be met to be eligible for financial aid) and has been approved through the academic review process. These courses can be a subset of those required for a corresponding Applied Associates Degree.

Certificate of Achievement

The Certificate of Achievement is a program of study less than 16 credits and is not eligible for Federal financial aid. This Certificate provides employment related and/or career enhancing skills necessary to succeed in a job or a chosen field of study.

Filing Notice of Candidacy for a Degree or Certificate

Students are required to file Application for Degree for an associate degree or certificate and pay the graduation fee for each degree or certificate sought. This fee ($25 for an associate degree; $10 for a certificate) must be paid by the end of the semester or session in which the candidate anticipates completing degree requirements.


Diplomas will be mailed to graduates approximately eight weeks after final grades have been processed by the Registrar’s office, concluding a final degree audit by the individual Colleges. The diploma will be mailed to the address specified on the degree application, unless an address change has been requested before the end of the semester.

Recognition of Degrees and Certificates

Degrees and certificates earned are recorded on the academic record, as are majors where applicable. Minors are also recorded for students completing all requirements for the bachelor’s or graduate degree as of May 10, 1980.

Transcript of Credits

Recognition of degrees earned is made on the official transcript (academic record) of students completing all requirements for a degree or certificate. The official transcript is available in printed or electronic form.

Attendance at Commencement

DACC certifies eligibility to participate in commencement exercises for students planning to receive an associate degree or a certificate.

How many credits do you need to get into NMSU?

Each student must complete at NMSU at least 30 of the last 36 credits necessary for the baccalaureate degree. Of these 36 credits, 21 credits must be upper division and at least 12 of these upper division credits must be in the major.

How many credits do you need to complete remedial labs at NMSU?

Each student must complete at NMSU at least 30 of the last 36 credits necessary for the baccalaureate degree.

What is commencement ceremony?

Commencement is a symbolic ceremony. Participation in commencement does not, in itself, mean that a student is considered an NMSU graduate. In order to be awarded a degree, a student must fulfill university requirements as determined by academic colleges. The degree will reflect the graduation date from the application for degree in which all ...

How many credits do you need to get an associates degree at NMSU?

In addition, students must earn a C- or better in classes they take to meet the Basic Skills requirement ( ENGL 1110G and one of several math course options), Residency - A minimum of 15 of the 60 credits for the associate’s degree must be completed at NMSU or one of its community colleges.

Can you have multiple degrees at one commencement?

Multiple degrees may be granted at one commencement if all requirements have been met. Graduation fees must be paid for each degree. Both designated and undesignated associate degree residency requirements vary with the college awarding the degree.

Do you have to attend the spring commencement ceremony?

Students who complete degree requirements in the spring must attend the spring ceremony. Bachelor degree candidates wishing to participate in a spring commencement ceremony prior to completing degree requirements in summer school must meet the following conditions: Receive permission from appropriate Dean.

What happens if a student fails a class?

If a student fails a class required for graduation, then depending on school policy he/she may be able to march, but will not receive the degree until the recommendation is submitted and approved. This will require the classes passed with a minimum GPA, and all fees and expenses satisfied. I hope this helps.

What is graduation celebration?

After all, graduation is a celebration, a celebration of accomplishment, of something well done, as well as a (sometimes slightly bittersweet) anticipation of the future. if you were to walk with your class, you wouldn’t share any of these and the whole thing would feel hollow and disappointing.

What is the legal position of a student?

The legal position is that a student must meet the requirements of the school to graduate. Participation in the ceremony, that a missing requirement was not identified, etc. do not change these facts. It may not be fair, and it may not be right, but it is the way that the situation should be handled.

Do you have to take ED for a diploma?

Yes as long as you have the required credits for the graduation. However, since Gen. ED is required for your diploma they might require to take the class again and then hand you the diploma. Professors during these times are very generous in terms of grading for the graduating seniors.

Can you walk at a presidential ceremony?

Continue Reading. A2A. Yes, usually you will be able to walk at the ceremony.

Can you walk with the rest of the class if you don't pass a course?

If you are not going to get a degree (which you won't, if you don't pass a required course), you will not be allowed to walk with the rest of the class. And you shouldn't be allowed. Students parade at commencement to show, symbolically, that they have completed and passed a long list of requirements.

Graduation Requirements

  • For specific graduation requirements for any degree offered at NMSU please see theDegrees, Majors, Minors and Other Academic Programs of Study section, as well as the departmental sections for those requirements. These requirements will include the minimum GPA, total credits and specific course requirements for graduation.
See more on catalogs.nmsu.edu

Applying For A Degree

  • Any students that are in their final semester of classes are considered degree candidates and are required to submit an “Application for Degree” as well as pay graduation fees for each degree being sought. The application for Degree form is available online through the MyNMSU website. It must be completed and submitted by the designated deadline for that semester. The fees for th…
See more on catalogs.nmsu.edu

Attendance at The Commencement Ceremony

  • Commencement is a symbolic ceremony, that students can elect to participate in after they have applied for their degree. Participation in commencement does not, in itself, mean that a student is considered an NMSU graduate. In order to be awarded a degree, a student must fulfill university requirements as determined by academic colleges. The degree...
See more on catalogs.nmsu.edu

Academic Regalia

  • Each college may approve distinctive symbols to be worn by the top 10 percent of its graduates at commencement. Only one symbol may be worn by each graduate. In addition, the student with the highest honors in each college may wear a crimson- colored gown. No other symbolic additions to academic regalia are allowed without the approval of the Academic Deans Council.
See more on catalogs.nmsu.edu


  • All fees and bills owed the university must be paid in full before a student may receive a diploma or official transcripts. The degree title and major(s) will be printed on the diplomas, in accordance to the degree application award, determined by the academic colleges. Academic honors will also be printed on the diplomas below the degree and major(s). The name on the diploma will reflect …
See more on catalogs.nmsu.edu