nclex what you need to know course hero

by Leone Reilly 5 min read

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Are there any free study guides for the NCLEX-RN® exam?

Well, check out our free study guides for the NCLEX-RN® exam and you’ll have a good idea. We’ve analyzed resources from the test producers to give you a reliable breakdown of concepts covered on the test.

What is the best NCLEX prep course?

UWorld NCLEX Prep UWorld is one of the highest-rated prep courses by both experts and student users. It is designed to offer an extensive bank of sample questions that mirror the style and difficulty of questions that will be on the exam.

How many NCLEX exams can I take?

Four review exams: You can take four different exams that follow the pattern of the NCLEX. Support: You'll receive support from nursing coaches who will help you through the course. Various learning options: Choose between a live class, online class or streaming webinar.

What do I need to memorize for the NCLEX?

There are a ton of terms that need to be read and memorized before you take the NCLEX-RN Exam....Here are some of the most helpful mnemonics for the NCLEX-RN exam that you should include in your study sessions.MONA. ... ZZLSD. ... MADD DOG. ... FAME. ... SPAMS. ... FAST. ... PRICE. ... STING.More items...•

What should I study most for NCLEX?

The NCLEX Exam: 7 Best Study StrategiesDon't wait too long after nursing school to take the test. ... Get in the minds of the test makers. ... Work through practice questions and tests. ... Use your study guides, tests, and other materials from nursing school. ... Take a prep course if you can. ... Focus on tough question types.More items...•

What are the 8 topics on the NCLEX?

What are the 8 main content areas on the NCLEX-RNSafe and Effective Care Environment. ... Health Promotion and Maintenance. ... Psychosocial Integrity. ... Physiological Integrity.

How many hours a day should you study for NCLEX?

between three to four hoursWhile students differ in the amount that they can comfortably achieve in one day, previous success stories show that between three to four hours of studying each day is ideal.

Is UWorld harder than NCLEX-RN?

Yes, UWorld is more difficult than the NCLEX.

Is UWorld good for NCLEX?

If you're a nursing student preparing to take the NCLEX® exam, UWorld is the gold standard for NCLEX prep. We can help guide your success from classroom to clinical with thousands of questions that mimic the exam, detailed rationales, vivid illustrations, and precise performance tracking.

How long should you study for NCLEX?

1-2 monthsHow Long Should You Study for the NCLEX? To pass the NCLEX, students should plan to spend a minimum of 1-2 months studying.

What are hard level questions on NCLEX?

Each category of questions requires an increasing level of critical thinking skills. Analysis, synthesis and evaluation questions would be considered higher-level NCLEX questions. Synthesis questions are based on creating or proposing solutions, such as a plan of care.

What is the NCLEX pass rate?

First Time NCLEX Pass Rates and Schools According to the NCSBN, the national first time NCLEX-RN pass rate for US educated nurses in 2020 was 86.5% and the PN pass rate for the same period of time was 83%. The pass rate for repeat RN test-takers was only 42.9% and for PN 35.6%.

Is 2 weeks enough time to study for NCLEX?

Set and stick to a detailed plan. Each day of the last 2 weeks should be intentionally planned out in detail. Devote 4 hours to test taking practice and 2 hours to review of the test results, including content remediation.

What are good signs you passed NCLEX?

WHAT ARE THE GOOD SIGNS YOU PASSED NCLEX IN 2022?You feel confident about the exam. ... You answered questions during NCLEX prep that were very similar to questions on the NCLEX. ... You took an NCLEX-prep class and did well in the class. ... You scored well on the NCLEX Predictor Test.More items...

What percentage do you need to pass NCLEX 2021?

The NCLEX is scored using dichotomous scoring, so you can either pass or fail the exam. Currently, to pass the NCLEX-RN, the standard is 0.00 logits–or answer questions correctly at least 50% of the time. The NCLEX-PN standard is -0.18 logits.

Basic Care and Comfort

Attending to basic client care and comfort is an important role of an effective nurse. There are many facets of this type of care and this study guide provides an outline of things to consider. Be sure to access further information about topics with which you are unfamiliar.

Health Promotion and Maintenance

Part of your job as a nurse will be to help clients toward better health. This involves not only recovering from a current illness or condition, but also helping them to be less likely to need similar medical services in the future.

Management of Care

A big part of a nurse’s job is managing the care of clients and this is quite a large responsibility. There are many concepts you’ll need to know to address this type of question on the NCLEX-RN® Exam, which make up about 17 to 23% of the entire test. This study guide will help you know what types of things to review before test day.

Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies

A large portion of nursing activities relate to the administration of pharmaceutical and parenteral therapies. There are many things to remember while engaging in these activities to both ensure proper client progress and to guard client safety. This study guide outlines the important content in this area of nursing.

Physiological Adaptation

Most clients require care for physiological conditions and illnesses. These conditions and illnesses can vary greatly in severity and type. It is vital that a nurse be able to meet each client’s needs and this may involve a great number of varied tasks and procedures.

Psychosocial Integrity

Psychosocial aspects client conditions impact all parts of the healthcare process. It is important for a nurse to consider mental health factors when interacting with clients, so this test includes questions of this nature at the rate of about 6 to 12%.

Reduction of Risk Potential

It is a major goal of healthcare to reduce and/or eliminate any risk to its clients. As a nurse, there is a lot you can do in this regard. This study guide outlines the areas in which the nurse’s role is vital in reducing the potential for risk.

What are the best NCLEX prep courses?

To help you narrow down your choices and prepare for the exam, here are the top 5 NCLEX prep courses worth looking into. 1. UWorld NCLEX Prep. UWorld is one of the highest-rated prep courses by both experts and student users.

How many questions are asked on the NCLEX?

The NCLEX is a comprehensive exam designed to measure your competency as you work through the test. After a minimum of 75-85 questions, you may be prompted to answer additional questions in order to better gauge your knowledge.

What is Kaplan training?

Question analysis training: Kaplan doesn’t just help you memorize answers, it teaches you how to break down and understand questions so that you can reason through problems and develop a strategy when it comes to choosing the right answer.

Is NCLEX prep all created equal?

There are a lot of choices out there when it comes to NCLEX prep courses and they are not all created equal. You want to make sure that you find the best combination of resources and support for a price that fits your budget.

Is Uworld the same as NCLEX?

Easy to use interface: UWorld has an intuitive design so you can easily navigate the dashboard. It also helps that it is almost identical to the NCLEX design, so everything will look and feel familiar when you take the test.
