n science, what is the relationship among explanations, associations, and theories? course hero

by Waldo Friesen 8 min read

What is the relationship among explanations associations and theories in science?

In science, what is the relationship among explanations, associations, and theories? An explanation must show how and why the thing to be understood is associated with or related to something else. Associations require covariation: when one thing (a variable) changes, the other one varies as well. Theories provide explanations for associations.

What is the difference between an explanation and a theory?

An explanation must show how and why the thing to be understood is associated with or related to something else. Associations require covariation: when one thing (a variable) changes, the other one varies as well. Theories provide explanations for associations. how investigators carefully must chose between a qualitative or quantitative data model.

What is Marcus and Fisher's theory of four field anthropology?

According to Marcus and Fisher (1986), "the cultures of world peoples need to be constantly rediscovered as these people reinvent them in changing historical circumstances. is an important historical reason for the development of American four-field anthropology. Each subfield studies human variation through time and space.

What characterizes anthropology among disciplines that study humans?

most characterizes anthropology among disciplines that study humans. rest on certain features of human biology that make culture, which is not itself biological, possible. Culture is passed on genetically to future generations. human capacities for cultural and biological adaptation, the latter involving both genetic and physiological adaptations.

Which phenomena do theories apply to?

Theories apply only to linguistic and biological phenomena.

What are human abilities?

Human abilities to learn, to think symbolically, to use language, and employ tools and other products in organizing our lives and adapting to our environments

What is the link between the global economy and communications?

Today's global economy and communications link all contemporary people, directly or indirectly, in the modern world system. People must now cope with forces generated by progressively larger systems—the region, nation, and world. For anthropologists studying contemporary forms of adaptation, why might this be a challenge?

What is the process of adaptation?

Adaptation refers to the processes by which organisms cope with environmental forces and stresses, such as those posed by climate and topography.

What is ethnography used for?

Ethnography involves the collection of data that is used to create an account of a particular community, society, or culture.

Is anthropology a public service?

The American Anthropological Association has formally acknowledged a public service role by recognizing that anthropology has two dimensions

Do theories have to be proved correct?

Theories must be proved correct before they can be accepted.

What is the purpose of explanation?

An explanation must show how and why the thing to be understood is associated with or related to something else. Associations require covariation: when one thing (a variable) changes, the other one varies as well. Theories provide explanations for associations

Who said cultures of the world need to be constantly rediscovered as these people reinvent them in changing historical circumstances?

According to Marcus and Fischer (1986), "The cultures of world peoples need to be constantly rediscovered as these people reinvent them in changing historical circumstances."

What is the meaning of "true or false"?

True or False: The idea of universal, inalienable human rights that are superior to the laws and customs of particular cultures challenges the notion of cultural relativism. True. True or False: The internet has hindered the process of Globalization. False.

Is anthropology a science?

Anthropology is a science, yet it has been suggested that anthropology is among the most humanistic of all academic fields. This is because

Which phenomena do theories apply to?

Theories apply only to linguistic and biological phenomena.

Who defined culture as ideas based on cultural learning and pedagogy?

Anthropologist Clifford Geertz defined culture as ideas based on cultural learning and