my sister gossips about me to my friends and they of course tell me. what should i do?

by Ferne Cartwright 7 min read

How do you deal with a gossip sibling?

How to Confront Gossiping Family Members1 Initiate a normal conversation. Initiate a normal conversation. Be friendly and courteous. ... 2 Be steering the conversation. Be direct when steering the conversation towards the gossip. Try to avoid using the name of the person who confided in you about the gossiping family member.

What do you say to someone who gossips about you?

Say something polite yet direct, like: "Hey. I want you to know that I don't appreciate the things you've been saying about me. Please stop." Then, just walk away - this person doesn't deserve your time. Ignore any insults you hear as you're walking away.

How do you deal with a family member talking behind your back?

8 Tips for How to Deal with People Who Talk about You behind Your Back ...Don't Let the Person "win"Consider the Source.Confront Them.Don't Worry about It.Move on.Remember You're Better.Tap into Your Backbone.Think about More Positive Things.

What to do if your friend gossips about you?

7 Ways To Put The "Best Friend" Who Talks Behind Your Back In Her PlaceKeep Your Interactions Short. ... Confront The Gossip Without Accusing Her. ... Stop Sharing Your Secrets. ... Spend Some Time With Your Real Friends. ... Give Her Space. ... Drop A Casual, Tactful Comment. ... Address The Issue In Front Of Friends.

How do I shut down gossip?

The harder, yet more effective way to stop gossip is this: When the person gossiping finishes their negative comments about another person, turn it around by saying something positive about the person. For example: "I know you think Sarah is pretty crazy, but I have to tell you she is an incredible parent.

How do you politely stop gossip?

“Say, 'I don't appreciate it—let's change the subject' or 'that's my friend, and I won't listen to someone badmouthing them,'” she says. Try changing the topic to a safer choice, like travel plans or current events.

How do you deal with a backstabbing sister?

How to Deal with Backstabbing Family Take time to process. Distance yourself from the backstabber. Resist the urge to retaliate. Figure out how you feel. Talk to someone you trust. Speak to the backstabber one-on-one. Stay calm. Choose your words carefully.More items...•

Why do people gossip about me?

people gossip for a variety of reasons: To feel superior. Many people who are insecure about themselves find temporary relief in judging others. Knowing something that others don't can feel empowering, and sometimes, that's all an uncertain gossiper needs.

When your friends talk behind your back?

And what it often says is that they're struggling with their own identity and self-confidence. If these are friends who talk behind your back — or people you thought were your friends — it's time to take a closer look at the possible reasons for this behavior.

Why do girls gossip about their friends?

Gossiping first and foremost becomes a way for girls to connect, even if it's at the expense of others. Sharing stories and information bonds girls, giving them some common interests and knowledge. It's a way to feel part of the group, to be noticed and heard, and to feel important.

How do you tell someone you don't want to gossip?

There are signals that someone's about to open the gossip faucet. Phrases like “I shouldn't say anything, but . . .” or the big one, “I'm going to tell you something, but you can't tell anyone else.” In the first case, you can try stopping them by saying something like, “Well, don't feel like you have to tell me.

How do you deal with haters and gossips?

Here are some ways to deal with the haters, whether the gossip is about you or those around you....If the Rumor is About Other PeopleIdentify the gossip. ... Make your values clear. ... Give a compliment. ... Be direct. ... Cut ties.