mr. antonio average is walking down a street when he suddenly hears course hero

by Hailie Kulas 4 min read


In simple words, the given case relates to the practice that one should follow in case of emergencies. In the given case, it is obvious that Mr. Antonio will hear the cry for help only when he is nearby, that means, in the neighborhood.

New questions in Social Studies

Match the terms to their correct definitions. 1 independence a person who demonstrates self- sufficiency to survive on his or her own without the cons …

Who blocked the Giants line-backer?

The Raider tackle blocked the Giants line-backer.

What is the reference to people as individuals?

Ambiguous. If the claim means that people are living longer than they used to, the reference is to people as individuals. If the claim means that the human race is getting older, then the reference is to people as a group. If the claim expresses the truism that to live is to age, then the reference is to people as individuals.

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A student should choose his major with considerable care.

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Piotr loves to tell a good story, and his friends have noticed that, over time, some of his stories have changed slightly. Every time he accesses a memory, it can be affected by new circumstances. This can be explained by the theory of